Nobu in LA (nobula) 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
nobula 英語 → 日本語

I downloaded the Android app and took it for a little spin, although as a male I don’t really have the, ahem, hardware to properly assess it. And, of course, since Vibease’s actual hardware (a bluetooth vibrator) isn’t out yet, for now the app just vibrates your phone. Still, it looks like when the hardware is there, Vibease will be ready to make a big splash. The app includes a variety of ambient sound loops along with photographs and 11 pre-programmed vibration settings from “gentle touch” all the way up to “rock me hard.” Whether or not this does anything for you is probably going to depend on how hard your phone is capable of vibrating, but that’s only a problem until the vibrator attachment comes out.



nobula 英語 → 日本語

But of course, the point of this whole thing is that it allows partners to play remotely, and in the in-app chat, partners can create customized vibration patterns. That isn’t going to be too useful just yet either — I’m guessing it’s hard to masturbate with and chat on a phone at the same time — but once that bluetooth vibrator comes out, this app is going to be something every couple should be interested in.

We’re looking forward to hearing from Vibease when the vibrator hardware is finally ready for launch. It sounds like that should be pretty soon. But until then, enjoy this over-the-top video advertisement for Vibease:




nobula 英語 → 日本語

Founded with Hank Horkoff, OpenLanguage has, Jenny says, a team of “20 people now, 10 of them in tech, the rest in marketing, sales, and publication.” Aside from serving individuals who want language lessons, the Shanghai-based startup also has entire classrooms signed up to its Open Academy service. In addition, OpenLanguage works with schools and other institutions on a SaaS model to produce language learning packages. Jenny adds:

This has proven to be very important to private language schools who want to promote their brand and differentiate from the competition. For a service fee, they’ll have a branded app powered by OpenLanguage to help them promote their brand and own a mobile strategy.


Hank Horkoff氏と共同で設立したOpenLanguageは、Jennyによると、チームの人数は「現在20人です、10人は技術者で、残りはマーケティング、セールス、出版担当です。」言語講座を希望する個々人に対応するだけではなく、この上海を拠点とするスタートアップは、Open Academyサービスに登録した教室を丸ごと何クラスも取り扱っている。加えてOpenLanguageは、学校やその他の機関と共同でSaaS型の言語学習パッケージを製作している。Jennyは次のように述べた。
