A jacket - this is slightly shorter than the B and was designed for equestrian use and therefore has rear vents which can be opened when sitting.B jacket - this is slightly longer than the A and also has a full width rear game pocket for when out doing country sports.
A ジャケット・Bよりほんの少し丈が短く馬術用にデザインされており、座ると開く様に後ろにベンツが入っています。Bジャケット・Aよりほんの少し丈が長く、また、狩猟用ジャケットの様に、後ろに幅広のゲームポケットが付いています。
I am not real sure of what your wanting in the email you wrote? Do you want more 346xp's?
I paid quite a bit of money for both pairs of boots at the Chanel store many years ago. I know and so does my bank account when purchased years a go :) without a doubt these are authentic. These boots are again vintage and have been worn on the feet. Therefore they have been cleaned and sent to the shoe repair for obvious up keep over the years. If the shoe repair accidentally reversed one of the clasps over the years truthfully I would have never noticed . I never looked at each clasp individually each time after going to the shoe repair as it would never have been noticed by myself or anyone else during wear.
As you can see, there are very dense patches for Japanese, Korean, and Indonesia. In China, where Twitter remains blocked, there are small patches of activity. Thai is well represented too, as is Malay which is a little tough to see as the color is a little hard to distinguish from Indonesian. On the left India shows a lot of dark grey which is the color chosen for English. Check out the Asia portion of the map below for a closer look. The country labels were added by us here at Penn Olson, and not by the original creator.To learn more about the state of the internet as a whole in Asia, check out our previous posts on internet users and penetration as well as Akamai’s figures on internet speeds.
日本語、韓国語、そしてインドネシア語を示す部分が濃く塗り分けられていることが分かる。中国ではTwitterはまだ規制されているので、塗りられている部分は非常に少ない。タイ語もはっきり塗り分けられており、マレ語はインドネシア語の色と区別しにくいので、分かりづらい。左手のインドは濃いグレーで英語圏の色だ。下にあるアジア圏の地図で詳細を確認下さい。国名は我々Penn Olsonが追記したもので、元々あったものではない。アジア全体のインターネット状況についての詳細は、インターネットユーザーと普及率に関する、我々の以前の投稿、もしくはAkamaiのインターネットの高速化に関する図表をご覧下さい。
It's a 125xxx with the original pads (original resonators, too, which are plastic) and the original case. There is basically no wear at all. The pearls show very little use, as well. They are concave and sharp as they would have been from the Selmer factory. Even though the pads are ~50 years old, it plays very well. It has by far the most and resonant altissimo. Of the several professional players who have been in the shop to pick up horns in the last month, this has been in each player's "Top 3" tenors. The price is $10,500 with the current pads, or $11,500 with our overhaul (brand new pads). We are asking more because it is the only horn above 100xxx that is in such great condition.
Zusaar (Tokyo) – Pitched by Kenji IshiiZusaar is a web-based event organizing assistant that allows organizers to manage attendees as well as collect admission fees via PayPal. The app uses third-party authentication systems so that users are not required to have a unique ID but are allowed to signed up with a Facebook, Twitter, or Mixi user account. In partnership with Nokisaki.com, a venue search portal for event organizers, it helps you find a venue as well as promote and collect fees.The app is developed by Prophet Corporation in Yokohama, and won an award at the “Graph hack Awards”, an annual app development competition presented by Tokyo’s web jaggernaut GMO Internet Group.
Zusaar (東京) – Kenji Ishiiにより運営Zusaarはネット上で、イベントの主催者が参加者を募り、PayPal経由で参加費を集めることを可能にした、イベント企画を支援するサイトだ。また第三者認証システムを利用することで、新たなIDの取得は不要で、Facebook、TwitterやMixiのユーザーアカウントがあれば登録ができる。イベント主催者の会場検索を手掛けるNokisaki.comとの提携により、会場探し、イベントの告知や参加費の決済までが可能になった。アプリは横浜のProphet Corporationが開発し、東京のGMO Internet Group が主催する“Graph hack Awards”で賞を獲得した。
For making arrangments for the startups from Southeast Asia, on behalf of all the organizing staffs, I wish to thank Anne Cheng (Singapore-based startup mentor), Jonathan Buford and his friends (Startup HK) for their assistance. Naoko McCracken (Automattic, Asiajin) and Natsuko Hirano (Alien Eye) also supported in coordinating bilingual slides and pitches.Recorded Ustream video with synchronized-paging slides was made possible by Fusic with their web product Zenpre. Moso, Nulab and hosting service provider AT-LINK jointly presented a video blog site exclusively for covering behind the scenes with staff interviews.
東南アジアのベンチャー起業家の手配等に対する、Anne Cheng (シンガポールのベンチャー支援家)、Jonathan Bufordと彼の友人達(Startup HK)の協力、そしてスライドやペレゼンを二言語で行うための調整業務をサポートしたNaoko McCracken (Automattic, Asiajin) とNatsuko Hirano (Alien Eye)に対し、運営に関わったメンバー全員を代表して、感謝したい、と述べた。Fusicの開発したZenpreにより録画されたUstream動画をスライド画面に同時に表示させることが可能になった。また、スタッフがインタビューした舞台裏の様子にスポットを当てた内容を、Moso,、Nulab、そして主催者側のプロバイダーであるAT-LINKが共同で動画ブログサイトで提供した。
Google itself, I feel, doesn’t do enough to ensure the security of apps – so it’s asking a lot of smaller rivals to beef up their security too. A contrasting approach comes from Apple, which takes days or weeks to more carefully vet all apps that go into its official iTunes App Store.
Smartphones carry more of our personal data than our laptops (in many instances) and yet are more likely to be subject to these kinds of dangerous apps. But that doesn’t mean we need such a ring-fenced approach as Apple takes. If using iOS is like walking around Disneyland, then using Android is like walking the streets of New York – you’re more likely to get mugged or beaten-up, but it’s the real world. We, and our smartphones, live in the real world.
As ridiculous as it may sound, at one point, the moderator even asked Lee how he has dealt with his kids’ education and questioned if they could be the next Steve Jobs. Lee laughed and said that they are not entrepreneurial sort of characters.Exactly.From my interpretation, I believe Lee is essentially communicating that a Steve Jobs can’t be bred, made, or trained. You can’t create or anticipate a genius entrepreneur.No one would have the balls to say, “Okay, we can just throw in some U.S. education, put in some cash for entrepreneurs, and inject entrepreneurship courses to create/train a Steve Jobs.”
滑稽に聞こえるかもしれないが、仲介者がある時点で、Leeに自身の子供の教育について、次世代のSteve Jobs.になれるか質問した。Leeは笑いながら、自分の子供は起業家的な性格ではないと答えた。その通りだ。人は、家系、育ちや訓練でSteve JobsになるのではないとLeeは基本的に伝えているだと、私は解釈している。天才的な起業家を創造したり、そうなる様、仕込むことはできないのだ。“OK、次のSteve Jobs養成のため、起業家にお金をかけ、アメリカ風の教育させ起業精神を植え付けるのだ“、と言える勇気を持った人物はいないのだ。
Everything has to be organic because it is the passion that drives an entrepreneur hard; and passion is developed naturally.Steve Jobs said the following at his 2005 Stanford commencement which pretty much sums up everything: "Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life."So yeah, create your own legacy, folks.
起業家の一生懸命さを引き出すの情熱なので、全てが本質的でなくてはならない。:そして情熱は自然に形成される。Steve Jobsは2005年のStanford大の卒業式で述べたことに全てが集約されている。”時間は限られている。他人のために生きて時間を無駄にするな。“だから・・・みなさん、自分の生きた証を残しましょう。
Lee says that entrepreneurs should focus most of their time building their product. He says that standalone entrepreneurs usually have to handle administration matters, like accounting, legal, recruiting, and permit registration which takes the focus away from the product.But at Innovation Works, entrepreneurs don’t have to worry about these administration issues as they are taken care of. Innovation Works also has its own in-house designers, office spaces, and legal consultants to lighten their burden.
Lee によると起業家は、製品開発に時間を費やすべきだという。個人起業家は通常、会社の運営管理や会計、法務や採用や登録の許可等に時間がとられ、製品開発に集中できないのが実情だ。しかし Innovation Worksでは、起業家はこらの管理業務に介在しないで済む。Innovation Worksが管理してくれるからだ。またInnovation Worksでは起業家の負担が軽くなる様、自前のデザイナーの用意や、仕事場の提供、法務に関する相談も行っている。
And on product development, Innovation Works adopts the lean start-up model. Entrepreneurs backed by Innovation Works are pushed to launch their minimal viable product (MVP) to the market to collect user data. Lee says that the MVP should take around three months to develop and emphasized that it doesn’t matter if the MVP has flaws, as long as it helps solve the problem that was identified by the entrepreneur.
そして製品開発ではInnovation Works はラーンスタートアップモデルを活用する。Innovation Worksにサポートされた起業家は、MVP(実現可能な最低限の製品)をユーザーのデータ収集のため市場にリリースすることになっている。LeeによるとMVPの開発そして強化に約3ヵ月かかる。起業家の抱えている問題点の解決に役立てばMVPに少しくらいに不具合があっても問題ない、とLeeは言う。
The key for this step is to collect user data and iterate the product accordingly. He gave a simple AB testing example: If an entrepreneur can’t decide which colored fonts to use, test it by giving half of the users color A and the other half color B. If the data (time spent on site or bounce rate) reflected that color A is better, then it is obvious that color A should be used for all users. The process of build-measure-learn will continue as a cycle of improving the product.From what I understand, Innovation Works is very particular with two criteria when choosing its investment:
ここで大事なのはユーザーのデータを集め、徐々に適応していく事だ。例えば、単純なABテストがある。もし起業家が、何色のフォントを使えば良いのかを決めかねている場合、半分のユーザーにA色を、残り半分のユザーにB色を使うのだ。データの結果から、もしA色がよければ(閲覧時間の長さや直帰率)、A色を適応するべきである。build-measure-learn(開発する際、データをとり学習する)のプロセスを続けることで、製品はより完成度を高めていくのだ。私が理解するに、Innovation Worksは投資をする際、2つの基準を細かく見る。
1. Explosive growth in an industry 2. Talented entrepreneurs who will be driving the visionOnce these two criteria are met (on top of its other criteria, etc), Innovation Works is happy to provide funds to let the entrepreneurs develop their products, market it at low cost, gather data, and improve the product. If the product proves to be good, Innovation Works may invest in the start-up again.Lee is skeptical that Chinese fresh graduates with little experience can be good entrepreneurs. Of course, his remarks caused quite a big reaction from the moderator and the crowd. The moderator listed a lot of examples of drop-out/fresh from school entrepreneurs, including Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg.
1. 急速に成長している分野であること。2. ビジョンに向かって進んでいける優秀な起業家である事。この2点の基準をクリアすれば、起業家が製品開発に打ち込み、低価格で市場にリリースしデータを集め、製品の質を高めていける様、Innovation Worksは喜んで投資を行う。もし、市場での製品評価が高ければ、会社の設立に向けInnovation Worksは再度を投資することもある。Leeは、経験のほとんどない中国の大卒の新人が良い起業家になれるとはあまり思っていない。もちろん彼の発言は、仲介者や様々な方面から大きな反響を呼んだ。仲介者は、Steve Jobs やMark Zuckerbergを含む、中退者や新卒者の起業家の実例をリストにした。
While Lee said that there might be a slim chance that there are such talents in China, he feels that it is more sensible, for now, to invest in founders who are proven or at least have working experience. He urged aspiring fresh graduate entrepreneurs to gain some experience first before setting up their own business. He says that it is an uphill battle for fresh graduates with little experience to fight against experienced entrepreneurs like Lei Jun.Lee also says that Chinese entrepreneurs need to be aware of giant companies like Tencent, Baidu, and Alibaba who might just see the same opportunity as them and crash their party.
確かに、中国にもその様な才能をもつ人材がほんの一握りではあるがいるかもしれない。しかし、今は実績があり、少なくても社会人経験のある創設者に絞って投資をする方が賢明だ、とLeeは言う。彼は、意欲的な新卒の起業家達に、事業を始める前に経験を積む事を訴えた。経験のほとんどない新人が、Lei Junの様な経験豊富な起業家に立ち向かうのは、至難の業だ、とも述べた。Leeは、中国の起業家はTencent、Baidu,、そしてAlibabaの様な大手が同じ土俵に上がってくることもあるので、潰されないように気をつけねばならない、とも述べた。
"Bringing the excitement of Weibo microblogging to our Maopao platform means Ski-Mobi’s millions of users will have even more world-class media and entertainment options from which to choose. It will be a win-win partnership as mobile users are excellent microbloggers and we also anticipate having Weibo will further increase the stickiness of our Maopao users."As for Sina Weibo, the tie-up should help improve its reach among mobile users in China. It currently has about 200 million users in total.
Weiboのミニブログの興奮をMaopaoのプラッタフォームに組込むことで、数百万人いるSki-Mobiのユーザーは選択肢が広がり、より多くの世界クラスのメディアやエンターテインメントオプションから選べる様になる。この提携は、両社にとって、ウィン・ウィンの関係だ。モバイル利用者は素晴らしいミニブロガーでもあるので、Weiboとの提携でMaopaoの定着率もさらに増える見通しだ。Sina Weiboにとっても、この提携は、現在2億人程いる中国のモバイル利用者を取込むのに役立つ。
DeNA Partners With Daum To Promote Mobage In South KoreaDeNA (TYO:2432) is moving full steam ahead in recent months. And today we learned from the mobile gaming company that it has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Daum, a popular web portal in South Korea to promote its Mobage platform in South Korea.According to the statement, Daum has 38 million registered users and is visited by 93 percent of all South Korea Internet users, amazingly generating more than 20 billion page views per month.
韓国でMogageを宣伝するためDeNAはDaumと提携DeNA (TYO:2432)のここ数か月の動きは非常に活発だ。そして、本日モバイルゲームの企業が、Mobageのプラットホームの宣伝のためDeNAは、韓国の人気ウェブポータルのDaumと覚書を結んだことが明らかにした。声明によると、Daumは3800万人の登録ユーザーを抱え、韓国のインターネットユーザーの93%が利用しているそうだ。驚くことに、一か月のサイト閲覧回数は200億に達する。
Tencent had its own social networking offerings including extremely profitable QZone and independent SNS Pengyou.com Nonetheless, like other Tencent products, these services were flooded with teenagers, students while lacking of its long-desired white-collar workers group – bunch of Tencent products are facing the same pitfall. By investing in Kaixin001, Tencent will have access to Kaixin001’s high-quality audiences to complete its user pool.
Tencentは収益性の高いQZone や個別の SNS であるPengyou.com を含む自社のソーシャルネットワークを提供していたが、他のTencent商品と同様にこれらのサービスは、ずっと待ち望んだホワイトカラー層ではなく、10代の若者や学生でいっぱいだった。Tencentの多くの商品は同じ状況に直面している。そこでKaixin001に投資することでTencentは、Kaixin001の抱える上流で大人のユーザーを獲得することができ、ユーザー予備群を広い範囲からそろえることができた。
Since you have no stock, are you asking me if I will accept a different but a similar item I‘ve ordered for the same price?If so, please inform me the condition of the movement and the appearance.I will contact you later on.