and schedule your procedure Dr. Cole will be reviewing your information and photos once more to confirm this concise recommendation. The actual number harvested could vary from this estimate. All of the hair will be harvested and implanted in naturally occurring groups for the best cosmetic result. At the time of the surgery, Dr. Cole may find he can move more hair safely, so if you elect to keep the size of the session open ended, then a higher number of grafts should be budgeted. It is important that we are aware if you have had any previous hair restoration procedures with another physician and the total number of grafts. If you feel you can get **800** grafts with other Physician and that works for you,
手術のスケジュリングに入る前に簡潔な提案を提供できる様に、Dr. Coleは、あなたの情報や写真を考察しますので、ご安心下さい。採取できる実際の数は見積もりとは違ってくる事があります。髪は全て採取し、きれいで自然なまとまりのある仕上がりになる様に移植します。Dr. Coleは、手術中に移植可能な髪を見つけることもあるので、もしあなたが移植範囲を限定しなければ、グラフト数は多めになると考えておくべきです。あなたがもし、以前どこかで育毛手術(治療)等を行ったことがあれば、重要ですのでその内容とその時のグラフト数を必ずお知らせ下さい。もし、他の医院で提案してもらった800グラフトでも十分だと思うのであれば、
by all means it is always patient’s choice at the end. Based on Dr.Cole’s knowledge and his long run experience in this field his recommendations are based on your information, photos , goals and expectations. The top of my head is just a little thin so (and this is a layperson's opinion but) if the Acell + prp is effective after (100~200 grafts?)then I feel like getting the injection would be okay. We have witnessed re-growth of hair in the donor area and calculated the percentage on one patient to generate 53% of regrowing hair in the donor sites. We cannot guarantee anything as this is all very new and we have no seen enough return patients to give any statistics on it. Results of PRP and Acell use
varies from patient to patient, case to case as hair structure, texture and grown speed are all different in each individual. What does seem to be consistent is the healing is expedited, pinkness is going away in a couple of days versus a couple of weeks. PRP and Acell combined produces the best results. So, that’s why we highly recommend these two combined treatments. If July doesn’t work for you, some of our August dates are still available. If you choose to do CIT Non shaven Procedure, Dr. Cole does not perform any Non shaven procedures on Fridays. So, you have to go with another day of the week. If you are ok with shaven procedure, Friday should be fine to pick.
患者様によっても、毛髪の構造や性質、伸びる速さがそれぞれ違うのでその状態によっても変わってきます。ただ、患者様に共通して言えることは、治癒が早いです。ピンク色になった部分の色が戻るのに、通常数週間かかるところ数日で戻ります。PRP&Acellの両方使用することで最大限の効果を得ることができるので、当医院では両方を使っての治療をお奨めしています。もし、7月で都合がつかない様でしたら、まだ8月で予約の入ってない日があります。Dr. Coleは、金曜日には剃髪しないCIT法の手術を行わないので、もしそちらを選択するなら、違う曜日を選ぶ必要があります。もし、剃髪する方でも問題なければ、金曜日を選んでいただいて構いません。
Here are some of our available dates for AugustFor CIT non shaven procedures : August 6th thru 9th , 13th, 14th,15th,,20th , For CIT shaven procedures August 6th thru 9th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 17th, 20th,21st,22nd, 24th Just to remind you again of our discount offer for all CIT Non shaven and Shaven procedures: CIT Shaven Donor area is $6 per graft as opposed to $8 (The whole back of the scalp and the sides will be shaved down with a zero guard, all the way down to the scalp. If you have had a previous Strip procedure, your scar will be visible once the hair has been shaved in the donor region)
8月の予約可能日です。剃髪しないCTI: 6日~9日、13日、14日、15日、20日剃髪CTI: 6日~9日、13日、14日、15日、17日、20日、21日、22日、24日再度、お知らせしますが、割引は剃髪しない/剃髪、両CTI手術に適用されます。剃髪CTI法ですと、通常グラフト毎$8が$6です。(後頭部全体と側頭部の毛髪を全て剃り落します。もし、以前にストリップ法による手術を行っていれば、移植部分の髪を剃り落すと、傷跡が見えてしまいます。)
CIT Non-Shaven is $8 per graft as opposed to $10(This technique requires Dr. Cole to cut one at a time individual follicular units.) Hair must be 2”- 2.5” or longer to do this procedure). Let me know which date works for you, and we can set up something if you wish to move forward with procedure
剃髪しないCTI法ですと、通常グラフト毎$10が$8です。(こちらはDr. Coleが毛母細胞を1つずつ切っていく技法になります。) 手術するには髪の長さは2”- 2.5”(5.08~6.35cm)必要です。もし前向きに手術の事を考えているなら、ご都合の良い日程をお知らせくだされば、調整致します。
I wish I could. List price is 750.00FYI, we just sold 5 to a walk in customer. If you are really considering 3. Let me know as soon as you can.
Thanks for reply. As I told you before FUE/CIT is not a STRIP procedure. Dr.Cole does not perform strip procedures anymore. So, you WILL NOT HAVE linear scars in the back of your head. Anyway you look at it, there is now way to perform a hair transplant and have a totally pristine donor area. You can conceal the evidence with FUE in almost all patients. CIT offers you the highest probability of an acceptable esthetic result. CIT scarring is virtually undetectable to naked eye, particularly if you maintain a few centimeters of length in the surrounding hair, and certainly not as noticeable as a linear strip scar. Is CIT the one that leaves the minimal scar?
What happens with CIT is that, with each removed graft, you will have fewer follicles in the donor area. Where you remove the graft, there will be a gap. Sometimes the gaps are a lighter color the surrounding skin, but this is only due to a loss of pigment from the hair and the blood flow to the graft. You can remove up to 25% without any problem in most donor areas. In some donor areas, you can exceed 5000-6000 without any problems. In others, 2000 grafts may cause some white spotting when the donor areas is shaved. We have never seen a problem with 1500 grafts or less. Do you think I need about 1500grafts for my implant?As I mentioned this before although I am not the doctor, myself and our Patient
consultant feel Dr. Cole would recommend about **1500-1800** grafts possibly adding up some more in order to begin to restore your frontal hairline and mid scalp region with the CIT procedure, along with the Acell & PRP treatments (More information in attached file). Rest assured that before we move forward and schedule your procedure Dr. Cole will be reviewing your information and photos to provide you with a concise recommendation. The actual number harvested could vary from this estimate. All of the hair will be harvested and implanted in naturally occurring groups for the best cosmetic result. At the time of the surgery, Dr. Cole may find he can move more hair safely, so if
のコンサルタントによると、Dr. Coleなら、CIT法による手術と一緒に行うAcell & PRP治療で約1500-1800の移植片を薦めると思いますが、前髪の生え際から頭頂にかけての部分用に、おそらくもう少し必要になるのではないかと言っています。(詳細は添付ファイルを参照願います。)手術のスケジュリングに入る前に簡潔な提案を提供できる様に、Dr. Coleは、あなたの情報や写真を考察しますので、ご安心下さい。採取できる実際の数は見積もりとは違ってくる事があります。髪は全て採取し、きれいで自然なまとまりのある仕上がりになる様に移植します。Dr. Coleは、手術中に移植可能な髪を見つけることもあるので、もし
you elect to keep the size of the session open ended, then a higher number of grafts should be budgeted. It is important that we are aware if you have had any previous hair restoration procedures with another physician and the total number of grafts. So, if you are would want to proceed with procedure, we will confirm you grafts amount with Dr. Cole once more and only after his approval we will proceed with scheduling. I would like to go with the the best hair implant method (CIT 7 & Acell+prp). Can you give me an estimate in this case? For 1500 grafts (minimum) procedure with Acell+PRP at the discounted rate you are looking at:
あなたが移植範囲を限定しなければ、移植片の値(範囲)は多めになると考えておくべきです。あなたがもし、以前どこかで育毛手術(治療)等を行ったことがあれば、重要ですのでその内容とその時の移植片の数を必ずお知らせください。もし、手術をご希望なら、あなたの移植片の量を再度Dr. Coleに確認してもらい、承認が下りて初めてスケジューリングに入ります。最適な植毛方法(CIT 7 & Acell+prp)の手術を検討したいと思います。この手術法での見積もりをいただけませんか?1,500(最低数)の移植片の施術とAcell+PRPを投与した場合ですと、割引を適用しておおよその料金は、
CIT Non Shaven Donor area $9 per graft X 1500 + PRP&Acell Combo ( 90 mg for 1500 grafts= $ 1425.00) So, your total will be $14,925CIT Shaven Donor area $7 per graft X 1500 + PRP&Acell Combo (90 mg for 1500 grafts= $ 1425.00). So, your total will be $ 11,925 Once again, everything will be confirmed and approved by Dr. Cole before the scheduling and proceeding with procedure and the actual number harvested could vary from this estimate. All of the hair will be harvested and implanted in naturally occurring groups for the best cosmetic result. At the time of the surgery, Dr. Cole may find he can move more hair safely, so if you elect to keep the size of the session open ended,
CIT法;剃髪してない恵皮部に対しては、移植片に付$9X1,500+PRP&Acell両剤投与(1,500の移植片に対し90mg=$1,425) トータルで$14,925CIT法;剃髪した恵皮部に対しては、移植片に付$7X1,500+PRP&Acell両剤投与(1,500の移植片に対し90mg=$1,425) トータルで$11,925再度申し上げますが、Dr.Coleが全ての事項を確認し、承認しないと、スケジュリングや手術の手続きにはいりませんし、採取できる実際の数によっても今回の見積もりとは金額が違ってくる事はあります。髪は全て採取し、きれいで自然なまとまりのある仕上がりになる様に移植します。Dr. Coleは、手術中に移植可能な髪を見つけることもあるので、もし移植範囲を限定しなければ、
then a higher number of grafts should be budgeted. As far as our availability on our schedule we do not work on Saturdays, so July 14 will not work, but we have open dates available for :July 17th, 18th, 19th,24th, 26th Just let you know that our schedule usually fills up month in advance and our discount rate applied to all bookings made in month of July for all procedure in July and August. So, if any of these dates works for you , let me know, so we can set up a procedure for you before it is booked by other patients. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.Thank you,
It appears the 2 boxes of BSL1830 batteries have been received by you successfully. I am sending the 2 boxes of BSL1430 batteries today. I will forward the UPS tracking information as soon as I have it. I have added some additional information when creating these labels and UPS says this should lower the costs at your end.
I will go in and adjust the shipping price to shipping with another item from $2.50ea to $2.00ea and if the shipping has a difference of more then $5 less for the whole price I will refund the difference.Everything seem ok? Let me know if you have any questions/There are some 17"x11" that do run more since they took much longer to create and those I won't go down any more to the $45.00 17"x11" but will go half price. For instance this piece & this one took at least four times as long to create other then the other styles.Make sense?
送料を個別発送の$2.50から、同梱発送の$2に修正しますので、もし総額で$5以上の差額が生じたらその分は返金します。これでよろしいですか? 質問があればお知らせ下さい。17"x11"形状のもので、もう少し値段が高いものも幾つかありますが、制作により時間がかかっているので半額にはできますが、$45.以下にはできません。例えば、に掲載している17x1形状のものと、www.etsy.comに掲載している「static-charged」(静電荷)は、他のものに比べて少なくても4倍もの時間を制作に費やしています。納得でしょ?
・HardwareCommunication : Wireless Analog 900mHz Radio FrequencyHeadphone Type : Closed, Dynamic・Weights and MeasurementsCord Length (Approx.) : 39 3/8 in. (1.0 m) Stereo connecting cableDimensions (Approx.) : Transmitter: 8 5/8 x 4 1/4 x 3 7/8 in. (216 x 105 x 96 mm)Weight (Approx.) : Headphones: Approximately 10.59 oz. (300 grams) Including supplied battery Transmitter: Approximately 7.7 oz. (220 grams)・GeneralDesign : Over-the-head, Home-music/movie/gamesDiaphragm : PETHeadband : Wide, Self-AdjustingMagnet : FerritePower On/Off : Power turns ON when headphones are worn; Red LED illuminatesType of Use : Home
ハードウェア通信: ワイヤレスタイプで、900 mHzの周波数帯を使用するアナログ方式ヘッドフォンタイプ: クローズト型、ダイナミックタイプ・重量と寸法コードの長さ (約): 39 3/8 インチ(1.0 m)のステレオ接続ケーブル寸法 (約): トランスミッター: 8 5/8 x 4 1/4 x 3 7/8 インチ (216 x 105 x 96 mm)重量(約): ヘッドフォン: 約10.59オンス (300 グラム) 付属バッテリーを含むトランスミッタ: 約 7.7 オンス (220 グラム)・概要デザイン: オーバー ヘッドタイプ、家庭での音楽・映画・ゲーム鑑賞向けダイヤフラム: ペット材ヘッドバンド: ワイドタイプ、自動調節マグネット: フェライト電源オン・オフ: ヘッドフォンを装着すると電源が入り赤のLEDが点灯使用用途: 家庭用
・AudioAudio Modes : Mute: Operates when RF signal is weak or not received Channel Selection : Select by a slide switchDriver Unit : 40mmEffective Range : Approximately 150 feet (46 m)Frequency Response : 10-22,000Hz Sound Enhancer : Broadcast noise reduction processing during playbackTransmitter : Ch1: 915.5MHz, Ch2: 916.0MHz, Ch3: 916.5MHz [selective, FM StereoTuning : Manual tuning via switch on both base and headphonesVolume Control : Yes (Rotary)・Inputs and OutputsAudio In : Analog Phono Input (left/right), Analog Stereo Input mini jack (x1)
・オーディオオーディオ モード: ミュート: RF信号が弱いか、受信できない場合に作動チャンネル選択: スライドスイッチで選択ドライバーユニット: 40 mm有効範囲: 約150 フィート(46 m)周波数応答: 10-22, 000 Hzサウンドエンハンサー: 再生中は送信ノイズの低減処理を実行トランスミッター: Ch1: 915.5 MHz、Ch2: 916.0 MHz、Ch 3:916.5 MHz [FMステレオ 選択可]チューニング: ベース、ヘッドフォンにあるスイッチを使って手動で行うボリューム コントロール: 可 (回転式)・入力と出力オーディオ入力:アナログフォノ入力(左・右)、アナログステレオ入力用ミニジャック(1つ)
・PowerBattery Charging (Approx) : 16H (to fully charge an empty battery); Charged by placing MDR on TMR Battery Life (Approx) : 14H (with fully charged supplied NiMH battery pack); 22H (with AAA type alkaline battery)Battery Type : Rechargeable Ni-MH battery pack (supplied); AAA x2 (not supplied)Internal Power Supply : Transmitter: Supplied AC adapter (12V,200mA) Output Power : 5mW + 5mW Power Requirements : Rechargeable nickel-metal hydride battery (supplied) or commercially available (size AAA) alkaline batteries
・電源バッテリの充電時間 (約): 16時間 (空の状態からフル充電に要する時間); MDシリーズのヘッドフォンをTMR(トランスミッター)シリーズのベースにセットして充電した場合バッテリの動作時間 (約): 14 時間(付属のNi-MHバッテリーがフル充電の時); 22時間(単4 型アルカリバッテリー使用時)バッテリーの種類:充電式Ni-MH電池パック(付属); 単4型バッテリー2つ(別売り)内部電源:トランスミッター:付属のAC アダプター (12V、200mA)出力: 5 mW + 5 mW電源: 充電式Ni-MH電池パック(付属)、または市販の単4型アルカリバッテリーを使用
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サンダルのTストラップと、2重になったヒールカップには、今風の飾り鋲がアクセントとして施されています。ストラップ長は調節可能で、バックル留めが付いています。ヒールの高さは、約1“1/4(3.175cm)のベースを含め5”(12.7cm) (ヒール自体は9.525cm)本体はスウェード/合成繊維の裏地。Vince Camuto製の輸入品。婦人靴。配送通常、出荷から5-15営業日でお届け致します。配送期間は、お届け場所によって変わりますので、Checkout欄を参照下さい。ご存じでしたか?オンラインで購入した商品は、お近くのNordstromで無料で返却、交換できます。
Try this:plug in the dongle in to a PC USB port, use your other mouse to get the dongle pass all the windows prompting to finish its driver installation.put the battery in the mouse, press and hold the F button on mouse while press the Start button to power it up. This will reset the setting back to default. move the mouse to see if it I works as a regular mouse which can move your cursor? If this is correct then that tells the mouse is ok, just that user didn’t use it correctly.Let me know.
Hi, Thanks for your bid on the Benz. I am sorry you did not win my auction. I was contacted by another seller who asked me to let you know he has a similar car listed on eBay currently. This is not a solicitation, just a heads up. Regards, Jim