How has your company improved its contact forms and its customer service? Has it strengthened your business? Please share in the comments below.
In addition, to those who have purchased the paid-for version, please make sure not to purchase using the add-on from the free version, since those are exactly the same.Furthermore, only English (English version) will be available through this page. In order to refer to the following characters such as, Simplified Chinese (Chinese version), Traditional Chinese (Chinese-version), Hangeul (Korean version), please purchase through the purchasing page under each character.
How much will it cost if I order 50kg each for the item in 16cm and 20cm?How much stock (in kg) do you have in Japan?Please let me know the stock for each length you have.I agreed that the payment will not occur until next year.
I went to the post office today to claim for the damage.Please file the damage at the post office, also at your side.I packed sturdily and took the picture.You mentioned that the package was small but this is just the size without exceeding $25 refund amount. If I select a larger package it will become heavier, and will cost me more than $25.
Also I am willing to refund the return shipping fees up to the amount that it cost me to ship this plate to you (17,10 euro) which means I will refund up to (but not exceeding) US$25.
さらに、当方でプレートをお送りした際にかかった費用(17,10 euro)までは返送費用を返金いたします。つまり、返金額は$25以内の額になります。
Japan’s Gumi Raises $25 million, Wants to Beat ZyngaA couple of weeks back we had a chance to speak with Hironao Kunimitsu, the founder and president of social game maker Gumi, about the development of his company. As one of the largest game development companies in Japan. Their users consumes $6 million per month on a gross basis and its numbers are still growing. Readers may recall that Gumi recently helped bring EA’s FIFA World Class Soccer to the GREE platform in Japan.
$2500万の資金を調達した日本のGumi、Zyngaに対抗。数週間前だが、ソーシャルゲームメーカーの創設者である社長の國光宏尚氏と会社の発展について話を聞く機会があった。ゲーム開発においては、日本では大手だ。ユーザーによる売上は、トータルで月に$600万に上り、さらに伸びている。Gumiが最近はGREEのプラットフォーム向けに、EAの日本版FIFA World Class Soccerを手掛けたことをご存じの読者もいるかもしれない。
What are Gumi’s future plans? " To beat Zynga! And to become a [top] mobile social gaming company in the world. In particular, we are aiming to release HTML5-based applications on Facebook’s mobile platform. We do not plan to develop PC games or native applications for iOS/Android. We will be strategically focusing on HTML5 based mobile games, which we believe are the future of social games."How big is the team right now? Are you planning to hire more? " There are currently 120 in Tokyo, and 20 in Fukuoka (in western Japan). By the end of next April we will be [more] global with 250 employees."
“将来に向けてのGumiのプランはなんですか?““Zyngaに勝って世界一の携帯用のソシャールゲーム会社になる事です。具体的には、我々はFacebookの携帯プラットフォーム向けにHTML5ベースのアプリケーションをリリースする予定です。PC向けのゲームや iOS/Android向けののネイティブアプリケーションを開発する予定はありません。我々の戦略としては、将来的にソーシャルゲームのベースとなる、HTML5ベースの携帯用ゲームの開発に注力します。”“今、従業員はどれだけいますか? 今後、増やしていきますか?””現在120名東京に、そして福岡(日本の西部)に20名在籍してます。来年の4月末には海外も合わせ250名になります。
株式会社フィードフォースは、テクノロジーを駆使してあらゆる場所で企業とユーザーをつなげるサービスを提供しています。RSS関連ソリューション提供開始メディア、EC、金融系など大手法人中心に導入企業数100社 国内NO1の実績コンテンツフィーダーをリリースRSSを使った統合マーケティングサービスRSSの統合型サービスとして、国内初100社以上に導入(国内導入数1位)
Feed Force Inc. provides services, connecting companies and users by making excellent use of technologies, wherever needed.Start providing RSS related solutions.Implemented mainly by 100 major companies from a different field such as, media, EC and finance. (The No.1 RSS solution provider in Japan.)Released contents feeder.RSS based integrated marketing services.Released the first RSS integrated services in Japan.Implemented by more than 100 companies. (The No.1 introduction result in Japan.)
A solution, easy to create a satellite site.*The first and the No.1 satellite site solution, released and implemented in Japan.*Bring effective result on provision for SEO.*Easy to create the sites used for cellular phone, smart phone, and facebook.A service to actualize social commerce by introducing to the existing sites.Feed Force Inc. will quickly get to the new marketing field and keep on providing new services.
Please add the samples (per each) for the items below, to billing statement.AAABBB
As much as I would like to hold the horn for you until the end of this month, I am going back to Vietnam before Christmas to visit my wife and, therefore, need some cash.Let me know if you can come up with the money sooner.
5. To mark the location (store it in the BackTrack’s memory under your selected Location icon), HOLD the MARK button until the distance indication changesto “0”. It does not matter which direction you face when marking the location (as a stored GPS location is just a point or “dot”). When you move away from that location, an arrow points the way back to the location (general direction relative to your current position), and the display shows your distance from the location. You may now turn the BackTrack’s power off by HOLDing down the MODE/ Power button, or proceed to another location you want to mark.
5.位置を登録(ロケーションアイコンを使ってBackTrackのメモリーに保存する)するには、距離計が”0”に変わるまでMARKボタンを押して下さい。登録の際、向く方向を気にする必要はありません。(保存されるGPS情報は点にすぎません。) 登録地点から離れると、その地点の方向を示す矢印(現在位置をベースに、大まかな方向)と距離が画面に表示されます。この時点でMODE/ Power ボタンを押してBackTrackの電源を切っても構いませんし、登録したい別の地点に向かっても構いません。
Be sure to select a different Location icon before marking this new spot, as HOLDing MARK with a previously used Location icon selected will replace that position with your current location.6. When you’re ready to return to one of your previously marked locations, turn the BackTrack back on (HOLD the MODE/Power button).
新しい地点を登録する際は、必ず違うロケーションアイコンを選択下さい。以前使ったロケーションアイコンでMARKボタンを押し続けると現在位置に置換わってしまいます。6. 登録済みのいずれかの地点に戻る際は、BackTrackの電源を入れて下さい。(MODE/Powerボタンを押して下さい。)
The BackTrack will remember the last mode and location you used, so if the last place you marked was your car in a parking lot, the BackTrack will already be showing you the direction and distance back to your car! If you want to return to a location other than the last one you marked, just PUSH the MODE/Power button to select the Location icon you used when you marked it earlier. To find your way back to the selected location, simply move in the direction the arrow points and watch for the distance to decrease-when you reach your destination, a full circle of arrows will be seen at the outer edge of the display.
Both start-ups have great dreams, but we’re not covering them at length yet since their products aren’t ready. But we will soon if all goes well.Anyways, both start-ups are from Singapore Management University (SMU), and as some might know that’s where I recently graduated from too. The school actually sent out emails to invite start-ups from SMU — with all expenses paid — to participate in the event. Unfortunately, there were only two slots available.Some of my friends asked me why would I want to spend a weekend in Fukuoka for work (I haven’t been back in Singapore for three consecutive weekends). Well for me, meeting entrepreneurs and investors across the world is always a worthwhile experience.
新規ベンチャー両社の企業家は素晴らしい目標を掲げているが、まだ製品が完成してないので詳細には調べてはない。しかしうまくいけばすぐにでも調査対象になる。とにかく、両社の起業家は、ご存じの方もいるかもしれないが、私が最近卒業したSingapore Management University (SMU)の出身である。実際、SMUは同校出身の起業家に、全ての費用持ちでイベント参加の招待状をメールで送っている。残念ながら、空きは2枠しかなかった。何人かの友人は、仕事のため何故週末まで、福岡で過ごさねばならないのかと尋ねてきた。(確かに3週末連続でシンガポールに戻ってないのだ。)まあ、私にとっては、世界中の起業家や投資家に会う事は、それだけの価値がある経験だとは思っている。
私の当初のリクエストはすべてのサブカテゴリーへの対応が条件でした。あなたが指定した3カテゴリーは有効な結果が少ないので契約はできません。将来的にも追加費用無しに利用できるのであれば、以下の15種類に限定しても良いと考えています。以下の費用はいくらになりますか?1.指定のカテゴリーのベストランキング 私た指定する5カテゴリー2.指定カテゴリーで輸入と検索した結果を売れ筋順に並べた10カテゴリーもし、この案件が上手く行けば他のカテゴリーも発注する可能性があります。
My initial request was to meet all the sub-category.Since there are few effective results shown, I can’t sign a contract with the 3 categories you specified.I may agree and apply to the following 15 categories, if these can be used without additional charge also in the future.How much will it cost for the following conditions.1. Top ranking for the 5 categories I specified.2. Best-selling line in order, when you run a search for “import”, for the 10 specified categories.I may place an order for a different category if this project works out fine.
In order for the shipping company to pay for the broken item they need to talk with you about the condition it arrived in. They may have translators. Do you have a phone number they can reach you at. This is the only option. I can't pay you back for an item that worked when I sent it but they can. If you give me a phone number I will talk with them and see if they have translators. Once the matter is resolved you should receive your money. There is nothing else I can do
I SURE HOPE you have insurance for the Amp you sent back to me, I just picked it up from the post office today. The reason why is because I just received a letter from the Post Office DENYING the first insurance claim that I took out on it when I first shipped to you. I just opened the box and the glass front is SMASHED to Smitherines!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please give me the insurance number so I may take it back to the post office IMMEDIATLY and file another claim.
3. OkCupidDubbed “the Google of online dating,” OKCupid hit the scene in 2004. The service slowly carved out an industry presence by offering its network for free. Furthermore, OKCupid also hosts OK Trends, a blog that charts analytics and user habits.In February 2011, the company was acquired by IAC, operator of, for $50 million. In July OKCupid introduced its geo-location app to help users keep watch for local singles.
3. OkCupid2004年に登場したOKCupidは“Googleの出会い系”とも呼ばれた。無料でサービスを提供していたので、徐々に業界で頭角を現した。また、OKCupidは、ユーザーの趣味や分析をチャートにするOK Trendsというブログも手掛けている。OKCupid は2011年の2月に の運営会社であるIAC,に$5000万で吸収された。OKCupid は7月に、ユーザーが地元で独身者を探すのに役立つ、位置情報アプリをリリースした。
4. Sonar.meSonar brings your social network to life in the real world. By connecting to Facebook and Twitter, the app lets you see, in real time, how to connect with those physically around you. Each time you check in to a location, Sonar checks whether other users are nearby. From there, you can make the decision whether to say hello.Although Sonar doesn’t define itself as a geo-location dating service, the company’s goal is to “uncover the hidden connections you miss everyday, in real time, in the palm of your hand.”
4. Sonar.meSonar はソーシャルネットワークを現実の世界に導いてくれる。Facebook やTwitterに繋げることでアプリを通して自分の周りに実在する人達とどのように接点を持てるのか確認できる。声をかけるかどうか・・・そこからは、本人の判断だ。しかし、Sonarは自社のサービスを位置情報による出会い系サービスだとは考えていない。あくまでも会社の目的は、“現実の世界で、毎日の様に見過ごされる、気付き難い接点を、利用者に気付き易くする事”だという。