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Now on Kickstarter, a little electric wheel that can motorize your bike or rollerblades

FlexPV, the electric-powered motorized wheel you can slap on anything like a bicycle or a skateboard and which we looked at a few months back, today hits Kickstarter.

The team is seeking to raise US$20,000 for the open source electric “vehicle” – the Kickstarter page is here. US$99 secures buyers one FlexPV motor/wheel along with universal brackets so you can Tesla-ify your bike, buggy, or rollerblades. Or perhaps a shopping cart – imagine that.

We made some GIFs from the startup’s Vines to show you the thing in action:






nobeldrsd 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

What Skystar’s incubator program offers

Geraldine Oetama is the executive director of Skystar’s incubator program and co-working space. She’s also partner at Skystar Capital and a member of Kompas Gramedia’s founding family. The incubator just admitted its second batch of startups, and five of six teams currently under the tutelage of the program also happen to be students of UMN. Oetama says the number of startups coming from within its own house is intentional.
“Though it is not exclusive to UMN students, most startups in the incubator program are or have been students of the university. This close relationship with the university is what makes Skystar’s program unique,” explains Oetama.



Geraldine Oetama氏はSkystarのインキュベータープログラムとコーワーキングスペースを提供する部門の役員を務めている。彼女は、Skystar Capitalとも提携しており、Kompas Gramediaの創業者一族の一員でもある。同インキュベーターでは、ちょうど第二期目のスタートアップグループの参加を認めたばかりだが、現在プログラムで指導を受けている6チームの内の5社も、たまたまUMNの学生だった。Oetama氏によると、同校出身のスタートアップ数は予め決められているそうだ。

nobeldrsd 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

Skystar’s program lasts roughly six months and only one batch of startups is taken in per year. During the rest of the time, the space is used for other purposes, explains Oetama. With Skystar’s model, the startups do not receive investment, and Skystar does not take equity. What the program offers is access to its facilities, workshops, and an intense mentorship program.

In addition, there is a grant from the university awarded to some teams in stages throughout the program, according to Oetama. Three startups received this grant in the first batch, but for the second batch, none have so far. Oetama did not comment on the amount awarded through this grant.




nobeldrsd 英語 → 日本語

So far I don’t see a big difference. The ideas the kids have make sense to them, these are the problems they are facing. Their models may not be validated yet. This is how our venture capital team is different to the incubator. Here, the ideas are much more creative and entertaining.

The second batch is fresh into the incubator, and their ideas are likely to undergo significant changes. One of these early-stage ideas has to do with the do-it-yourself and crafts community, another is targeting Indonesian antiques and art objects. Skystar’s demo day will take place at the end of July.




nobeldrsd 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

Augmented and virtual reality to grow to $150B by 2020, forecaster says

The augmented reality and virtual reality markets have yet to get off the ground. But market advisor Digi-Capital estimates that the combined markets will reach $150 billion by 2020.

Digi-Capital managing director Tim Merel believes that augmented reality — where you can add a virtual overlay to glasses that enable you to see the real world in a new way — will be four times bigger at $120 billion than virtual reality, which immerses you in a virtual world via goggles. Merel estimates that virtual reality will be more of a niche market at $30 billion by 2020. In 2016, Merel believes the market will be “single-digit billions.”



Digi-Capitalの業務執行取締役、Tim Merel氏は、仮想情報をメガネに重ねることで現実世界を新たな方法で見る事ができるARは、GoogleGlassでユーザを仮想世界に熱中させ、VR市場の4倍規模の1200億米ドルに達すると見ている。またMerel氏は、VR分野も特定分野向けに留まらずその市場規模は2020年までに300億米ドルに達すると見ている。また2016年には、その市場規模は数十億米ドルに達すると見ている。

nobeldrsd 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

Elon Musk’s SpaceX buying $90 million of Elon Musk’s Solar City solar bonds

SolarCity, one of the world’s largest installers of solar panels, said today that SpaceX is investing in $90 million worth of its solar bonds.

In a blog post today, SolarCity said that the bonds are “issued — and backed — by SolarCity and powered by monthly solar payments from thousands of solar customers across the country.”

Added SolarCity, “SpaceX is effectively getting paid by the sun.”

Elon Musk, of course, is tied to both companies — as well as the electric car maker Tesla. Musk is the CEO of SpaceX (and Tesla) and the chairman of SolarCity’s board.


Elon Musk氏のSpaceXが、自身のSolar Cityが発行するソーラー債券を9000万米ドルで購入



Elon Musk氏は、電気自動車メーカーのTesla同様、両社にも関係している。Musk氏は、SpaceX(とTesla)のCEO(最高経営責任者)でSolarCityの会長でもある。