I understand your concern about getting hair transplant. I have covered most of you questions in my previous emails, but I will try to re-explain some of them again to you. Can the portion (white part) of the collected hair be cut into smaller smaller parts? I quite didn’t understand what you mean by that? Which white part are you talking about? Grafts? Is there any effect of Acell+prp injection: that is, whether new hair growth of the portion of the collected hair be thicker than the presently existing thin hair portion?No. PRP & Acell will be in donor and recipient area, so you will have same overall coverage for all hair. Won't there be any hair growth without the effect of the Acell+prp injection?
植毛手術を受けるにあったて、不安があるのは理解できます。前回のメールで、あなたの質問に対して殆どお答えしてると思いますが、再度、説明させていただきます。採取した髪の部分(白い部分)は小さく切り分けていく事ができるのですか?質問の内容が、よく分かりません。白い部分とはどこのことですか?グラフトですか?Acell+prp 注射の影響:髪を採取した部分の発毛が、以前から髪のある薄い部分より、太くなってしまうかどうか?いいえ、PRP&Acellは、髪を採取する部分と移植する部分に注射しますので、全て同じ状態になります。Acell+prp注射なしでは、発毛効果がでないのですか?
There is definitely growth without using PRP & Acell. The reason we highly recommend using PRP &Acell is because it stimulates and generates skin tissue and promotes faster and improved healing following a hair transplant procedure. The regeneration of normal skin in an extraction site will serve to make an already superior aesthetic procedure even better. Anyway you slice it, Acell has great promise for treating the donor area. One aspect we will look for is an elimination of "white spotting" or hypopigmentation that may occur in some patients who undergo FUE. If we can get proliferation of melanocytes into such extraction sites, this alone will be a huge bonus. When I had been for counseling at that clinic,
PRP & Acell.を使用しなくても、確実に発毛はあります。当医院が、PRP&Acellの使用をお奨めするのは、皮膚組織を刺激し、活性させ、植毛手術から早くそして良い状態で回復できるからです。採取した部分の手術は非常にきれいに行っておりますが、さらに良い状態にして、通常の皮膚状態に戻す働きがあります。どんな風にスライスしようが、Acellは採取部分の治療には非常に効果があります。一点FUE を使用すると、患者様によっては“小さな白い領域”や皮膚の色素沈着が減少する箇所がでてくる事がありますので、それを除去します。その採取した部分のメラニン細胞が増えてくれれば、それだけで儲け物です。そのクリニックでカウンセリングを受けた際、
I was told that, for hair growth of about 1cm they will require about 800 graft of about 500 to 1.5 cm front back hair transplant.So I'm a little unsure that I really need 1500 grafts.Considering your goal and expectations as far as restoring all thinning area (s) from lowering your frontal hairline, to filling your mid scalp and crown region and some density on the sides, our Patient consultant feel Dr. Cole would recommend **1500** grafts for initial procedure with possibility adding some more in order to begin to restore your frontal hairline and mid scalp region with the CIT procedure, along with the Acell & PRP treatments (More information in attached files). Rest assured that before we move forward
前頭部を1cmから1,5cm発毛させるには500から800グラフトの植毛が必要だと言われたので、1500グラフトも本当に必要か疑問です。薄前頭部の生え際を下げておでこを狭くしたり、中間部から頭頂部や側頭の薄くなった全ての部分をある程度まで回復させたいという、あなたの希望や期待値を考慮すると、当医院のコンサルタントによれば、Dr. Coleは、まず1500グラフトを提案するでしょう。しかし、前髪の生え際から頭頂にかけての部分用にもう少し必要になるだろうとも見ています。手術はCIT法でAcell &PRPで治療を行います。(詳細は添付ファイルを参照願います。)(~する前に、~ので、ご安心ください。)
and schedule your procedure Dr. Cole will be reviewing your information and photos once more to confirm this concise recommendation. The actual number harvested could vary from this estimate. All of the hair will be harvested and implanted in naturally occurring groups for the best cosmetic result. At the time of the surgery, Dr. Cole may find he can move more hair safely, so if you elect to keep the size of the session open ended, then a higher number of grafts should be budgeted. It is important that we are aware if you have had any previous hair restoration procedures with another physician and the total number of grafts. If you feel you can get **800** grafts with other Physician and that works for you,
手術のスケジュリングに入る前に簡潔な提案を提供できる様に、Dr. Coleは、あなたの情報や写真を考察しますので、ご安心下さい。採取できる実際の数は見積もりとは違ってくる事があります。髪は全て採取し、きれいで自然なまとまりのある仕上がりになる様に移植します。Dr. Coleは、手術中に移植可能な髪を見つけることもあるので、もしあなたが移植範囲を限定しなければ、グラフト数は多めになると考えておくべきです。あなたがもし、以前どこかで育毛手術(治療)等を行ったことがあれば、重要ですのでその内容とその時のグラフト数を必ずお知らせ下さい。もし、他の医院で提案してもらった800グラフトでも十分だと思うのであれば、
by all means it is always patient’s choice at the end. Based on Dr.Cole’s knowledge and his long run experience in this field his recommendations are based on your information, photos , goals and expectations. The top of my head is just a little thin so (and this is a layperson's opinion but) if the Acell + prp is effective after (100~200 grafts?)then I feel like getting the injection would be okay. We have witnessed re-growth of hair in the donor area and calculated the percentage on one patient to generate 53% of regrowing hair in the donor sites. We cannot guarantee anything as this is all very new and we have no seen enough return patients to give any statistics on it. Results of PRP and Acell use
varies from patient to patient, case to case as hair structure, texture and grown speed are all different in each individual. What does seem to be consistent is the healing is expedited, pinkness is going away in a couple of days versus a couple of weeks. PRP and Acell combined produces the best results. So, that’s why we highly recommend these two combined treatments. If July doesn’t work for you, some of our August dates are still available. If you choose to do CIT Non shaven Procedure, Dr. Cole does not perform any Non shaven procedures on Fridays. So, you have to go with another day of the week. If you are ok with shaven procedure, Friday should be fine to pick.
患者様によっても、毛髪の構造や性質、伸びる速さがそれぞれ違うのでその状態によっても変わってきます。ただ、患者様に共通して言えることは、治癒が早いです。ピンク色になった部分の色が戻るのに、通常数週間かかるところ数日で戻ります。PRP&Acellの両方使用することで最大限の効果を得ることができるので、当医院では両方を使っての治療をお奨めしています。もし、7月で都合がつかない様でしたら、まだ8月で予約の入ってない日があります。Dr. Coleは、金曜日には剃髪しないCIT法の手術を行わないので、もしそちらを選択するなら、違う曜日を選ぶ必要があります。もし、剃髪する方でも問題なければ、金曜日を選んでいただいて構いません。
Here are some of our available dates for AugustFor CIT non shaven procedures : August 6th thru 9th , 13th, 14th,15th,,20th , For CIT shaven procedures August 6th thru 9th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 17th, 20th,21st,22nd, 24th Just to remind you again of our discount offer for all CIT Non shaven and Shaven procedures: CIT Shaven Donor area is $6 per graft as opposed to $8 (The whole back of the scalp and the sides will be shaved down with a zero guard, all the way down to the scalp. If you have had a previous Strip procedure, your scar will be visible once the hair has been shaved in the donor region)
8月の予約可能日です。剃髪しないCTI: 6日~9日、13日、14日、15日、20日剃髪CTI: 6日~9日、13日、14日、15日、17日、20日、21日、22日、24日再度、お知らせしますが、割引は剃髪しない/剃髪、両CTI手術に適用されます。剃髪CTI法ですと、通常グラフト毎$8が$6です。(後頭部全体と側頭部の毛髪を全て剃り落します。もし、以前にストリップ法による手術を行っていれば、移植部分の髪を剃り落すと、傷跡が見えてしまいます。)
CIT Non-Shaven is $8 per graft as opposed to $10(This technique requires Dr. Cole to cut one at a time individual follicular units.) Hair must be 2”- 2.5” or longer to do this procedure). Let me know which date works for you, and we can set up something if you wish to move forward with procedure
剃髪しないCTI法ですと、通常グラフト毎$10が$8です。(こちらはDr. Coleが毛母細胞を1つずつ切っていく技法になります。) 手術するには髪の長さは2”- 2.5”(5.08~6.35cm)必要です。もし前向きに手術の事を考えているなら、ご都合の良い日程をお知らせくだされば、調整致します。
お取引出来て嬉しいです。では、optimate4 とoptimate6を五個ずつ購入したいです。見積もりと納期をお知らせ下さい。配送先の住所は以下でお願いします。--住所--何か不明な点などありましたらお知らせ下さい。
It's nice doing business with you.I would like to purchase 5 pcs each for optimate4 and optimate6.Please give me a quotation and the delivery date.The shipping address is as follows.- Address -Please let me know if you have any questions.
I wish I could. List price is 750.00FYI, we just sold 5 to a walk in customer. If you are really considering 3. Let me know as soon as you can.
The Japanese market is a bit unique so, I hope our piece will be created specifically for the Japanese market in order to make this project a success. For this, I need you to keep in touch and work on several songs with us, if possible, I am now collecting all kinds of information at our side to plan how to approach the Japanese market, but if you have useful information, please share with us. I hope we can discuss about the production costs and the contract at the same time. Do you have some sound sources we can listen to? Is there any Japanese musician you have connection with?
I discussed with A about your schedule. Everything is fine except the accommodation fee for the 5th, on your off day. We won’t be able to cover that expense but, would it be all right? We will bear the expense for the day of arrival and the day of the event. I’m sorry but please check again since we have a limited budget.Who are the composer and the lyricist for the song B? Please let me know in advance if there is a touchy subject to be taken into account in case of interviews. I finally reached back home last week after completing all my work. First of all, I am planning to talk directly with A about what kind of piece we should create.
http://yuki232.blog41.fc2.com/blog-date-20111204.html この人のブログサイトでそちら(アトランタ)の医院に行ってあご髭を頭頂部に500グラフト植えてAcell+prp注射をしてこの人の金額が$7,246.25でした。あご髭よりも後頭部からの毛髪採取の方が毛根も3本あり多いと思います。 このサイトの人はAcell+prp注射でドナー部分や薄い部分も復活したようでAcell+prp注射のみでも効果があると言ってます。
http://yuki232.blog41.fc2.com/blog-date-20111204.htmlAccording to this blog, he visited your clinic in Atlanta and had 500 graft of his beard implanted in the mid scalp region along with the Acell & PRP injection, and it cost him $7,246.25.I believe that the grafts removed from the back of the head has 3 follicles which is a larger number than the grafts from the beard.It seems that the donor area and the thin hair area recovered by the Acell & PRP injection and, he wrote that Acell & PRP injection alone would be effective.
Thanks for reply. As I told you before FUE/CIT is not a STRIP procedure. Dr.Cole does not perform strip procedures anymore. So, you WILL NOT HAVE linear scars in the back of your head. Anyway you look at it, there is now way to perform a hair transplant and have a totally pristine donor area. You can conceal the evidence with FUE in almost all patients. CIT offers you the highest probability of an acceptable esthetic result. CIT scarring is virtually undetectable to naked eye, particularly if you maintain a few centimeters of length in the surrounding hair, and certainly not as noticeable as a linear strip scar. Is CIT the one that leaves the minimal scar?
What happens with CIT is that, with each removed graft, you will have fewer follicles in the donor area. Where you remove the graft, there will be a gap. Sometimes the gaps are a lighter color the surrounding skin, but this is only due to a loss of pigment from the hair and the blood flow to the graft. You can remove up to 25% without any problem in most donor areas. In some donor areas, you can exceed 5000-6000 without any problems. In others, 2000 grafts may cause some white spotting when the donor areas is shaved. We have never seen a problem with 1500 grafts or less. Do you think I need about 1500grafts for my implant?As I mentioned this before although I am not the doctor, myself and our Patient
consultant feel Dr. Cole would recommend about **1500-1800** grafts possibly adding up some more in order to begin to restore your frontal hairline and mid scalp region with the CIT procedure, along with the Acell & PRP treatments (More information in attached file). Rest assured that before we move forward and schedule your procedure Dr. Cole will be reviewing your information and photos to provide you with a concise recommendation. The actual number harvested could vary from this estimate. All of the hair will be harvested and implanted in naturally occurring groups for the best cosmetic result. At the time of the surgery, Dr. Cole may find he can move more hair safely, so if
のコンサルタントによると、Dr. Coleなら、CIT法による手術と一緒に行うAcell & PRP治療で約1500-1800の移植片を薦めると思いますが、前髪の生え際から頭頂にかけての部分用に、おそらくもう少し必要になるのではないかと言っています。(詳細は添付ファイルを参照願います。)手術のスケジュリングに入る前に簡潔な提案を提供できる様に、Dr. Coleは、あなたの情報や写真を考察しますので、ご安心下さい。採取できる実際の数は見積もりとは違ってくる事があります。髪は全て採取し、きれいで自然なまとまりのある仕上がりになる様に移植します。Dr. Coleは、手術中に移植可能な髪を見つけることもあるので、もし
you elect to keep the size of the session open ended, then a higher number of grafts should be budgeted. It is important that we are aware if you have had any previous hair restoration procedures with another physician and the total number of grafts. So, if you are would want to proceed with procedure, we will confirm you grafts amount with Dr. Cole once more and only after his approval we will proceed with scheduling. I would like to go with the the best hair implant method (CIT 7 & Acell+prp). Can you give me an estimate in this case? For 1500 grafts (minimum) procedure with Acell+PRP at the discounted rate you are looking at:
あなたが移植範囲を限定しなければ、移植片の値(範囲)は多めになると考えておくべきです。あなたがもし、以前どこかで育毛手術(治療)等を行ったことがあれば、重要ですのでその内容とその時の移植片の数を必ずお知らせください。もし、手術をご希望なら、あなたの移植片の量を再度Dr. Coleに確認してもらい、承認が下りて初めてスケジューリングに入ります。最適な植毛方法(CIT 7 & Acell+prp)の手術を検討したいと思います。この手術法での見積もりをいただけませんか?1,500(最低数)の移植片の施術とAcell+PRPを投与した場合ですと、割引を適用しておおよその料金は、
CIT Non Shaven Donor area $9 per graft X 1500 + PRP&Acell Combo ( 90 mg for 1500 grafts= $ 1425.00) So, your total will be $14,925CIT Shaven Donor area $7 per graft X 1500 + PRP&Acell Combo (90 mg for 1500 grafts= $ 1425.00). So, your total will be $ 11,925 Once again, everything will be confirmed and approved by Dr. Cole before the scheduling and proceeding with procedure and the actual number harvested could vary from this estimate. All of the hair will be harvested and implanted in naturally occurring groups for the best cosmetic result. At the time of the surgery, Dr. Cole may find he can move more hair safely, so if you elect to keep the size of the session open ended,
CIT法;剃髪してない恵皮部に対しては、移植片に付$9X1,500+PRP&Acell両剤投与(1,500の移植片に対し90mg=$1,425) トータルで$14,925CIT法;剃髪した恵皮部に対しては、移植片に付$7X1,500+PRP&Acell両剤投与(1,500の移植片に対し90mg=$1,425) トータルで$11,925再度申し上げますが、Dr.Coleが全ての事項を確認し、承認しないと、スケジュリングや手術の手続きにはいりませんし、採取できる実際の数によっても今回の見積もりとは金額が違ってくる事はあります。髪は全て採取し、きれいで自然なまとまりのある仕上がりになる様に移植します。Dr. Coleは、手術中に移植可能な髪を見つけることもあるので、もし移植範囲を限定しなければ、
then a higher number of grafts should be budgeted. As far as our availability on our schedule we do not work on Saturdays, so July 14 will not work, but we have open dates available for :July 17th, 18th, 19th,24th, 26th Just let you know that our schedule usually fills up month in advance and our discount rate applied to all bookings made in month of July for all procedure in July and August. So, if any of these dates works for you , let me know, so we can set up a procedure for you before it is booked by other patients. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.Thank you,
Who's Ai Tanaka, a beauty therapist in Aomori, grabbing attention as a “god of beauty skin”?This woman with a great smile is Ai Tanaka. She is an aesthetician and the owner of a popular aesthetic salon, “binare” in Aomori.She started receiving attention after she appeared on “Majotachi no 22ji” (Enchantress’s 10PM) on a Japanese TV program, and was introduced as a “god of beauty skin”.After then, she often appeared in a popular beauty magazine “Biteki”. She is one of the hottest person in the beauty industry, as her “facial muscles exercise” video, which is an easy beauty care method for anyone was introduced on Yahoo! JAPAN, there were more than 2 million view counts.