nico1021 翻訳実績

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nico1021 英語 → 日本語

Yes, Facebook is still the region-wide king – not counting the massive weight of Chinese socal networks which tend to be used only in China. But Facebook’s throne is far from safe, we reckon, with more group messaging apps – like Whatsapp, KakaoTalk, Line, WeChat – ready to take away much of the activity that Facebook is used for. After all, the Facebook and Facebook Messenger apps are not as good as many of its rivals in terms of facilitating simple and fun chatting with friends. OK, here’s the full slideshow:

For more fun graphics like this one, check out previous entries in our infographic series.


確かに、Facebookはまだこの分野の王者だ。中国での使用に特化している中国のソーシャル ネットワークの巨大な影響力を考慮しなければだが。しかし、Whatsapp、KakaoTalk、Line、WeChaなどのグループ メッセージアプリの増加を考えると、Facebookの王座も安泰ではなくなっただろう。Facebookで行われるアクティビティの多くが奪い去られようとしている。結局のところ、Facebok とFacebook Messengerのアプリは、友人と簡単に楽しくチャットする機能としてはライバルの多くより劣っているのだ。さて、ここからはスライドショーでスライドをすべて見ることにしよう。


nico1021 英語 → 日本語

We need to quarantine the Starstruck Virus before it leads to an epidemic facepalms — or worse. The reason the Starstuck Virus is so deadly is that it ends up severely circumscribing both the economic potential and societal impact of entrepreneurship by suffocating the early-stage startup ecosystem with increased noise, increased distractions, corrupted motivations and misapplied of talent.

Fortunately both strains of the Starstruck Virus have a similar remedy. I advocate the dual pronged approach of sociological and methodological (note that the Starstruck Entrepreneur falls short on both economic impact and long-term societal impact):


