Of course, the price for individual parts only and the price for the whole equipment is different. For example, it will be sold at **JPY for the part "A" only, but for the whole equipment, quotation will be calculated at lower price. Quotation will be calculated from the total cost itself. Therefore we can prepare you quotation for each parts separately, but we will not be able to show you the breakdown for the quotation for the whole equipment, because it will not equal to the quotation for the separate parts. Price reduction can be considered, so please check how much reduction is needed.
There may have been some misunderstanding in the last email, so please let me explain details. When I received your message about cancellation, I had already shipped the product. It was my mistake, not to inform you at the moment of having completed the shipment procedure. I am really sorry. I had cancellation request from you, so I asked post office to cancel the shipment, but the product had already been shipped out of post office and so it can not be cancelled, and the product was shipped to you. This is what happened.
(1)Please send products to a company in Florida called myus.com. Otherwise please send to Japan directly. I would like to choose which ever shipment fee is cheaper. (2)I have no credit cards, which are issued in US.
I can make a website that only sell your product. Of course, I can show it to you after I complete making it. In addition, your products will be sold through famous platforms, such as Amazon. At first, I am thinking of selling only one or two from your product lineup, as trial. Please tell me details about your products. How much is the actual monthly sales?How many days will products take to arrive in Japan?
彼は、商品が入荷した後に支払っていると言っていました。例えば、今 私たちは、メーカーと少し揉めているので、商品代金を全額 支払ってから、商品を出荷してくれないと言う事は、ありませんか。また、今回も代金を支払ってから、1か月経過して、商品は入荷するのでしょうか。このブランドは、商品が倉庫に入荷した後に代金を支払いました。どのブランドならば、そのような条件で取り扱って頂けますか。今回は、彼らの条件を受けることはできないが、次回は検討して頂けると言う事で宜しいでしょうか。
He said he pays after the arrival of the products. For example, at the moment, we are now having troubles with the manufacturer, is there any possibilities that the manufacturer may not ship the products, even though we have paid all amount? Also, will we receive one month after we pay, like we had before? For this brand, we paid after we received the products. Which brand will have similar condition? We can not accept their condition this time, but are we right in thinking that for the next time, they may re-think about it?