できれば、税関で止まる可能性が高いため、キャンセルされることをお勧めしますが…ダメ元で発送してみますか ? 今回少量の小荷物なので、場合によっては税関の目こぼしで通関できる可能性も僅かながらあるかもしれないので…(ごく稀にあるようです) 禁制品と知らずにアフリカ地域の方にも出品していた当方の責任もありますので、もし税関で没収された場合は、全額返金しますのでご安心ください。
I recommend you to cancel this because it seems most likely to be rejected at the customs. Would you still like to send it? Since the package is small, there is slight possiblity to be passed by the customs overlooking it. (It happens in rare occasions.)If the package is confiscated at the customs, we will give you a refund because we are responsible for selling products to people in Africa without knowing that those were prohibited.
I filled out the documents. Please let me know if you have any problem.I created an account. I am a Japanese and live in Japan. The address which I entered for my account is one I borrowed in the U.S.Even though I prepared s shipping label for from the U.S. to Singapore, my credit card was rejected when I tried to make an payment. Aren't Japanese credit cards acceptable? Is there any way for people who live in foreign countries to make a payment? Thank you.