・バードウォッチングを120%楽しめるアイテム。XXXバードマップが誕生!北米に生息する583種類もの生き生きとした鳥達が、両面印刷された1枚の大きなMAPにぎっしりと載っています。見た瞬間、かわいい鳥達の姿に恋におちてしまうかも。・最高の耐久性:高い耐久性と視認性が求められるHazard Mapにも採用されている、化学合成紙のユポ紙を使用しています。破れにくく完全に水を弾くため、海、山、川、どこにでも持っていくことができます。
This is an item that you can enjoy 120% of bird watching, XXX Bird map!583 kinds of lively birds inhabiting North America are densely mounted on one large MAP printed on both sides.At the moment you saw, you might fall in love with the appearance of cute birds。Best durability: This product uses Yupo chemical synthetic paper which is also adopted for Hazard Map which requires high durability and visibility. It is hard to tear and play water completely, so you can bring it to the ocean, mountain, river anywhere.
下記、お伝え頂きたいことです。290001.290002 IRON WOODEN TABLE下記写真のように、天板に対して、アイアンの脚がクロスになるようにお願い致します。290003 IRON WOODEN COFFEE TABLEアジャスターは、一番目立たないタイプでお願い致します。サンプルが、いつ頃出来上がるか、完成の日程の確認をお願い致します。宜しくお願い致します。
The following is what I want you to tell to.290001.290002 IRON WOODEN TABLEJust like the photo below, place iron legs crossed to the top plate.290003 IRON WOODEN COFFEE TABLEThe adjuster, I hope you to choose the least conspicuous one.And, please confirm the date of completion of the sample.Thank you.
ご購入ありがとうございます。誠に申し訳ございません。こちらの商品は送料無料の為、追跡番号のない発送方法です。ですので到着日を確認できません。こちらの商品は5/21に出荷しております。通常 到着まで2~4週間 日数を必要とします。ご理解と協力をお願いします。
Thank you for your shopping.We are afraid that we are selling this item including shipping fee, delivery tracking number is not available.So we cannot confirm the arrival date.We've already shipped this item on May 21.It generally requires two to four weeks to be arrived.Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
When you import goods from the United States to Japan, you need to pay a tariff. If it is proved as a return products, you don't need to pay. So please state "return products" on a delivery slip. Also, we don't recommend you to ship back by DHL, because it will take you extra charges.