Boyan Boev さん今回も取引依頼を頂きありがとうございます。ご依頼頂いた商品ですが、日本が正月休みで販売者の発送予定が分からないため現在問い合わせをしています。販売者からの返答が有り次第、入札・発送の準備を進めます。進展が有り次第またご連絡しますね。
To Ms. Boy an BoevWe appreciate your request for the deal this time again.As for your order, we're trying to contact the seller. However, it's the New Years holidays now in Japan and we are not sure the schedule for shipping goods you have orders.As soon as we will get a response from the seller, we will start to make progress to ship.Thank you for your cooperation until we call you back later.