hello i am from lebanon i want to ask how i can get a lens from your website here in lebanon we dont have pay pal and on amazon the price are different from your website
Vaping Outlaws have been experiencing some quality issues with the final version of the product. As such, they have further postponed the release of the device. This is very unfortunate but we have been assured that the relevant fixes and issues will be solved in the coming weeks; with a release date set at the
Vaping Outlawsは、製品の最終版でいくつかの品質問題を経験してきました。そのため、ディバイスの販売をかなり延期してきました。これは本当に残念なことです。しかし、問題は適切に修復され、数週間後には(販売予定日は●●日を目標に)解決されるだろうと確信しております。
Of course, the most important that makes businesses put their heart into WeChat public accounts or feel an impulse to develop custom features is the huge number of WeChat users: 438 monthly active users as of the second quarter of 2014.Two years after launch, the public accounts have reached 5.8 million. While it’s easy to set up a public account or run the account with the basic features, it’s not that every business has software developers or can afford to hire some to build the mobile-Web-based features for the account or create more ways for promotions on WeChat.
もちろん、ビジネスとしてWeChat のパブリックアカウントに情熱を注いだり、カスタムフィーチャーを開発しようという衝動に駆られたりするうえで最も重要なことは、莫大な数のWeChat ユーザーの存在である。2014年の上半期現在、月間438人のアクティブユーザーがいる。ローンチしてから2年後、パブリックアカウントは580万人に達した。パブリックアカウントをセットアップしたり、基礎的な機能を使ってアカウントを運営することは容易である一方で、すべてのビジネスがソフトウェア開発者を雇用していたり、モバイル・ウェブベースの機能を開発するような人やWeChatで販売促進するような手法を創ったりする人を雇うほど余裕があるわけではない。
Here came the WeChat app development and operation services. The three aforementioned developers have similar offerings. Apart from developing features for public accounts or run accounts for clients, they have developed dashboards which show metrics of subscriber activities and analytic results, or other applications for clients to better interact with their WeChat subscribers online or in offline activities. They also offer training for businesses.
It is said that there are thousands of companies on public WeChat account development or operation in China. And many of them were previously social marketing agencies on Weibo. Like what I mentioned, WeChat means way bigger opportunities for them, for a well-run public account doesn’t only mean better branding but also generates revenues for businesses.
But, thanks to the decline of Weibo, those services are not putting all eggs in one basket. Dodoca offers services for EasyChat, the mobile chatting app jointly owned by NetEase and Chinese telco China Telecom and having a me-too public account system, Alipay and Weibo at the same time. As Alipay Wallet, the mobile app of Alipay for mobile payments and many other mobile services, released a set of APIs recently, those third-party developers must be going to jump on it before long.
しかし、Weiboの衰退のおかげで、それらのサービスは、一つのものに全てを託すことはできなくなった。Dodocaは、NetEaseとChinese telco Chine Telecomが共同で運営しているモバイルチャットアプリ、EasyChatにサービス提供を申し入れ、AlipayとWeiboも同時に似たような公共アカウントシステムを作っている。Alipay WalletというAlipayのモバイルペイメントアプリと他の多くのモバイルサービスは、APIsというセットとして最近リリースされいてるので、そのような第三者開発機関が近いうちに台頭してくるに違いない。
Since the WeChat public account system for content publishing, mobile commerce and, more recently, interacting with smart home or wearable products, is well received in China, more players will join in. Baidu, the Chinese search giant, unveiled today a program similar to it that will be available on the next version of Baidu’s flagship mobile app.
I should've told you to write down a lower price for the camera on the package paper :) I was at the customs today and i've paid the taxes. It's ok, no worries.It's just that they don't ask for taxes if the price indicated is symbolic :) 'cause they don't much understand of cameras.
包装紙にそのカメラのより安い価格をあなたに書いてもらうように言えばよかったです。私は今日顧客のところにいて、その税金を払いました。大丈夫です。心配しないでください。顧客はカメラにあまり詳しくないので、もし示された価格が :) という記号であれば、税金を請求しない、ということです。