1.雇用契約に違反し、または故意若しくは過失によって、万が一金銭上、業務上損害を被らしめたときは、直ちに本人と連帯して貴社に対して、損害額を賠償するものとします。 2.本契約の存続期間は本契約成立の日から5年間とします。3.入社時に提出する各種書類の記載内容に間違いがないことを保証し、万が一相違が発覚した場合には、貴社に対し本人の退職等の処置に関し問題解決に向けて全面的に協力し、積極的に話し合います。
1. In the violation of the contract of employment, whether purposely or accidentally , if monetary、or work-related damage has been caused, you shall pay to the company for the amount of damage jointly with person concerned.2. The duration of this contract shall be 5 years from the date of the contract agreed.3. You shall guarantee the contents of the documents required to submit at the moment of joining the company are true, and in case there is any error, you shall cooperate and consult actively with the company to settle problems in such case as your resignation.
4. Under the circumstance mentioned below, Out company shall bond the person in the condition of notifying without a delay.1. In case the person has a record of work-related unsuitability or insincerity and when it's brought to our notice that the record has a possibility to cause the responsibility of its personal referee.2. When the person change its duties or its posts, and its conduct harden the responsibilities of its referee or course inconveniences.
Thank you very much for the contract document. I've checked the content and there is no problem on it.Since ○○ have already been almost sold out, I've replaced ○○ with **.Can I order as specified in the attached order sheet?Since you use live tree, I feel like can feel your great energy you poured in it.Even though I communicating with you via translators since I'm not good at English, I can feel your passion beyond the language barrier. I can really resonate with you.
“DJ Hello Kitty”が世界で初めてサウンド・プロデュースした「Feel the love」、“m-flo”が手掛けた「Merry-go-round」という12月に発売されたヒット・シングル2曲に加え、4月からスタートし、毎週高視聴率をキープしている人気のフジテレビ系ドラマ「続・最後から二番目の恋」主題歌の「Hello new me」や、映画「BUDDHA2 手塚治虫のブッダ -終わりなき旅-」主題歌として好評を博している「Pray」も収録した全10曲。
Compilation album with 10 tracks including 「Feel the love」- produced by "DJ Hello Kitty" for the first time in the world, 2 hit single tunes from 「Merry-go-round」 composed by "m-flo", which was released in the last December, and what's more, 「Hello new me」-the opening theme of high-rated Fuji TV drama 「Zoku-Saigo kara nibanme no koi(Second from the last love)」 and 「Pray」- well-reputed opening theme of the movie 「BUDDHA2 Tezuka Osamu no Buddha - Owari naki Tabi-(Tezuka osamu's Buddha - Endless Journey-)」.