OS : 每年5月至11月防汛期,是主要降雨及颱風侵襲的季節,近年來因為 氣候變遷,瞬時強降雨機率大增,造成各地區常發生淹水災情OS:海岸線長達120餘公里OS:台灣位在歐亞大陸板塊與菲律賓海板塊邊界,新北市境內有一條山腳活 斷層,為地震發生密集地OS:民國88年發生九二一大地震OS:三座核電廠坐落新北市,安全不容忽視OS:新北市災害應變中心於2005年建置完成OS:科技化的災害應變中心,位於新北市政府大樓九樓,可承受七級以上 強度地震
OS: Every year during the flood prevention period, between May to November, is the season mainly rain and having typhoon. Recent years, climatic changes and the rain falling rate skyrockets, making most area flood.OS: The sea line is long as 120km.OS: Taiwan is situated in the edge of Eurasian Plate and Philipenis Sea Plate; there is a hill-foot alive fault in Xinbei City and that cause earthquake happened so often.OS: 921 earthquake happened in the 88th year of the Republic Era.OS: There are 3 nuclear power plants in Xinbei City which can not be ignore.OS: Emergency Operations Center(EOC) was set in 2005.OS: EOC is situated at 9/F of Xinbei City Hall. It can afford 7 or more logarithmic scale.