“Because of our large scale, we were able to carefully probe the sensitivity of these models to a variety of changes in model structure and input data,” Google said. “In the paper, we examine not just the performance of the model but why it performs well and what we can expect for similar models in the future.”This feeds into a bigger trend we’ve seen of late, with many of the big tech companies investing resources in deep learning. Last year, Twitter, Google, and Yahoo all acquired deep learning startups, while Facebook and Baidu made significant hires in this realm. Netflix and Spotify carried out work in this area too.
I am strongly interested in some of your Pentax lenses (this 80 200 or the other one, and the 43). I am still not ready but I could buy only if you can declare a very low value and the formula "for parts or repair" on the shipping document. PLease let me know. Kind regards
あなたのペンタックスのレンズのうちいくつか(この80 200のほかもう一つ、それから43も)非常に興味があります。まだ準備が整っていないのですが、より低い価格をご提示いただき、配達時のドキュメントに「部品と修理に関して」の方法を添付してくださるなら購入しようと考えております。これらについて教えていただけないでしょうか。よろしくお願いいたします。
Compared to its peers, Tencent has been relatively slow to make loud and proud announcements revealing smart hardware compatibility. But this week it took a big step, as it unveiled a special API specifically for hardware devices looking to connect to WeChat. As part of the announcement, it showcased five activity tracker wristbands in WeChat’s “shopping” page, each of which lets users check their personal data through a WeChat official account, rather than a native app. Naturally, data can be shared with friends using the WeChat Moments feature – adding in a social element to the experience.
同業者と比べてみると、テンセントはスマート機器との互換性を発表したのは比較的遅かったが、今週に入って重大発表があった。WeChatに対して接続しようとするハード機器向けに特別に構築されたAPIを公開したのだ。発表の中には、WeChatのshoppingページ上で公開された、WeChatのアプリを使わずとも、WeChatの公式アカウントを使ってユーザー自身の個人情報を確認できるようにしたアクティビティ監視用のリストバンドも含まれていた。WeChat Momentsという機能を使うと、データを友人間で共有できる。ソーシャルな要素をユーザーエクスペリエンスにつなげることができるというわけだ。
Jiang says that for Tencent, the move from connecting humans to connecting devices ought to be seamless. Judging from my contact with senior management, their network is their strategy. There’s a saying that they are just building a big water dam. Once all the water gets inside, and it’s up to them what to do with this huge pool of water. It can be hardware, it can be ecommerce, it can be anything. They have an excellent understanding of user experience and a respect for user privacy. Alibaba and Baidu both have their strengths too, of course. Baidu is more about hard technology and search. Alibaba has built a network of buyers and sellers. but Tencent has ALL the people. It’s like Facebook.
For that reason, Welomo currently has no plans to deviate from its current path as a hardware company that leverages the messaging app’s ubiquity in order to attract customers. For us, our company’s vision will continue along the lines of making connected machines for business that help build brands over social networks. We’re exploring more opportunity in mobile commerce with connected devices and also WeChat’s ecosystem. So currently what we’re developing is confidential, but I promise you that we are making interesting models right now. Welomo has bootstrapped its operations and is in the process of raising a series A round of funding.
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