1As there is only one white in stock, and I require three, I would like to request the cancellation of my order this time.Please refund accordingly.Usually after payment, if there is no stock I am contacted, but could you please perform a check of inventory before the sending of the invoice.Also, when I previously ordered ○○, a few items where the wrong color. Please take more care in the future.Thank you for your time.2In the past, I ordered ○○This time, I would like to order three ○○, are there any in stock?If there is stock available, please send an invoice as in the past.Please delver to ○○
Hello,A few days ago, I was told that order number 〇 would be shipped, but as it has not yet been shipped I would like to cancel this order.Please organize a refund.
シリコンシールドクリーム【サラノンEX】●ワキ等に、適時、塗布してください。洗浄後の塗布はなお効果的です。・お肌に合わない場合のために、パッチテストをおすすめします。 適量の【サラノンEX】を腕の内側等に塗り、数時間、様子を観察して ください。刺激など異常が出た場合には、ご使用を中止してください。■傷や湿疹・かぶれなど異常がある場合には使用しないでください。■ご使用後はしっかりとキャップをしめてください。■高温や直射日光をさけて、保管してください。
Please apply to armpit at an appropriate time. Application results are best when done after bathing.-In order to check if suitable for skin, it is recommended that you complete a patch test. Please apply a small amount of Salanon EX to the inside of the forearm, and closely observe for a few hours. In cases of irregularity such as a strong reaction, please discontinue use. In cases of irregular reactions such as a rash, skin irritation or injury, please discontinue use. After use, please firmly seal cap. Please place as to avoid heat or direct sunlight.
What exactly is left of the inventory?Would it be possible to receive a list?
Japan’s delicious chocolate snacks, 11 varieties; Strawberry FestivalRecommended for strawberry lovers.Delicia white, melt in your mouth whipped cream.-A mix of strawberries and raspberries brought together in a rich double-berry sauce and combined with whipped cream and milk chocolate, joined together with a crunchy biscuit. You can enjoy a flavorsome taste and a fluffy, syrupy texture.The True Pie, with strawberry condensed milk.-This chocolate snack is a 64 layer crisp pie prepared with condensed milk, with strawberry milk flavored chocolate enclosed inside.
出張に行っていたのですね。いつ青島に戻りますか?また、最近小さな病院から注文がありました。掛け布団カバー (1枚)枕カバー(1枚)フラットシーツ(1枚)上記を20セット、作ったらいくらになりますか?2週間程でできますか?返事待っています。
You are on a business trip aren't you. When will you return to Tsingtao?Lately, there was another order from a small hospital.Blanket Cover (1)Pillow Case (1)Flat Sheet (1)How much would it cost to make 20 sets of the above list?Could it be done in around two weeks?Thank you, I'll be waiting for your reply.
Kageyama Tobioは天才的な能力を持つキャラクターです。能力が高く、トスのコントロールがとても正確で、先輩やコーチからもその実力が認められています。また、中学の先輩から学んだサーブ強力です。特にSyouyouとのコンビネーションは周囲を驚愕させる程です。中学の時は非常に厳しく独善的で、チームメイトからは「コート上の王様」と呼ばれ、快く思われていませんでした。しかし高校に入学して、Syouyouと関わる中でチームメイトと協力していくようになります。
Kageyama Tobio is a character with genius like abilities. With his strong ability, his toss control is extremely accurate and his true strength is recognized by his coach and seniors.Also, he has the powerful serve he learned from his junior-high school senior.Especially his combination with Syouyou is enough to amaze those around him.While in junior high school he was extremely self-righteous and was named "The Kind of the Court" by his teammates who did not think of him of very well.But after entering high school, he became able to cooperate with his teammates through the influence of Syouyou.
The data you have sent has some differences from that of the data from the server.I think that the server data is correct, but what would you like to do?Please check this, and replace the data at your office with the correct data.I assumed the server data was correct and saved it.If it is incorrect please let me know.Also, on the list you sent me there is a mistake in one part, please check and revise this.Lastly, I will have tomorrow off.Please forgive that the reply will be next week.
Thank you for your reply. I would like to complete the purchase on the 16th. I will contact you again shortly.Thank you.