ph51303基本的には人型ロボット兵器「モビルスーツ」が活躍する戦争を描いたものであり、モビルスーツは数多く登場する兵器の一つとして扱われた。▼宇宙世紀(U.C.)とは?宇宙世紀(うちゅうせいき、Universal Century:U.C.)とは、アニメ作品群「ガンダムシリーズ」のうち、『機動戦士ガンダム』およびその派生作品の舞台となった架空の紀年法。
Basically, the story depicts a battle which “mobile suit”, a humanーrobot weapon, plays an active role, and the mobile suit is treated as one of the many weapons appearing in the story.What is Universal Century (U. C.)?Universal Century (U. C.) is a way of counting years which takes place in Mobile Suit Gundam and its related stories, in the Gundam series.
New to the opened point from what you can see in the pictures. The plastic seal around buzz has not been broken.Let me know if you have any other questions.
This 6 peace akoya pearls has a creamy white color,and pieces with beautiful luster, with hardly any flaws recognized under the loupe, are selected.The pendant itself has a gorgeous and cute design, with the akoya pearls stated above, together with one piece of ruby and one piece of diamond.It is an akoya pearl with fine luster, and the thin chain makes it easy to wear, so daily use is also recommended. It is very gorgeous.
A3803I received your package today and was very excited to see my puzzle. When I opened up the package, it was a Curious George plush toy. My receipt says it should be a puzzle, my amazon order says it should be a puzzle, but it is not. Please let me know what I need to do with the plush toy and how to get my puzzle. I do not feel that I should have to pay return shipping, however. This was your error, not mine. Please let me know what to do with your Curious George plush toy and how to get my puzzle without it costing me any more money.
al84901日本に来たらチェックしたい!日本ならではの和柄がテーマのファッションブランドを紹介!日本の伝統を取り入れたファッションを紹介!Tシャツやスニーカーなど気軽に使えるアイテムも沢山あるのでお土産に買ってみるのもいいかも! 日本独特の和柄を使った個性的な洋服!gouk人気のヴィジュアル系バンドとのコラボレーションなども展開している。和柄のスニーカーやオリジナル柄の下駄、足袋など個性的なアイテムがいっぱい! さりげなく扇子の柄が入ったシンプルなジャケット。
al84901Check it out when you come to Japan! We will introduce you a fashion brand which features Japanese patterns, which is unique for Japan!Let us introduce you a fashion which brings in the tradition of Japan!There are many items for daily use, such as T-shirts and sneakers, so they might be nice for a souvenir!Unique clothes using distinctive Japanese patterns!goukCollaborates with popular visual band.Many unique items, like Japanese-patterned sneakers, original geta (Japanese sandals), and tabis( (Japanese socks)!A simple jacket with a natural sensu (Japanese fan) pattern.
al77203記念日のディナーや女子会に是非ご利用ください!幽霊に会えるかも?!幽霊に会えそうな入口。 店内もうす暗く不気味な世界。 料理も怪奇現象で燃えている。吉祥寺「遊麗(ユウレイ)」ゆうれい居酒屋気軽なお値段、名物の串揚げ、変なサイドメニュー、スペシャルなドリンクと・・・カワイイゆうれい。更に、お食事やお酒にトドマラズ、土日と祝祭日には、落語にコントにマジック等パフォーマンス満載。
al77203Please use this place for anniversary dinners and girls' party!Maybe you might meet a ghost?An entrance, which looks like you might encounter a ghost.The inside of the place is also dimly lit and spooky.The food is also on fire because it's haunted."Yuurei"at Kichijoji, a ghost pub.Reasonable price settings, its speciality dish kushiage (fried meat and vegetables on a skewer), strange side menus, special drinks, and...cute ghosts. Moreover, not only food and drinks, you can see many performances on weekends and holidays, for example rakugo (Japanese traditional stand-up comedy), stand-up comedy, and a magic show.
al77202料理もヴァンパイアのテーマに合わせている。 ヴァンパイアカフェは赤と黒で統一!コンセプトレストラン,VAMPIRE,吸血鬼,ダーク・シャドウ,DARK SHADOWSアリスの世界まるで夢の国★ トランプの天井などアリスの世界観を再現★メルヘンな料理達★ようこそ♪アリスの不思議の国へ!新宿を中心に東京・大阪6店舗!「不思議の国のアリス」がテーマのファンタジーレストラン♪「白うさぎ」や「チェシャ猫」を始めとしたキャラクターをモチーフにした料理がお楽しみいただけます。
al77202The food also matches the theme, Vampire.It is unified in red and black in the vampire cafe!A Concept restaurant, VAMPIRE, DARK SHADOWSThe world of AliceAs if it is a wonderland★The ceiling decorated with cards mimics the world of Alice★Foods which are fairy tale-like ★Welcome♪ to the Wonderland of Alice! There are 6 stores in Tokyo and Osaka, mainly around Shinjuku! A fantasy restaurant featuring "Alice in Wonderland"♪ You can enjoy dishes which illustrates the characters such as "White rabbit", "Cheshire cat", and more.
al101002メイド服は世界的デザイナー丸山敬太がデザイン!ニュースなどでも話題になる秋葉原でも1番有名なメイドカフェ! 約180名のメイドが在籍ご利用料金はメニュー料金+ご入場料600円です季節ごとに限定メニューもある。アイドルが生まれるかも
al101002The maid uniform was designed by Keita Maruyama, a world-class designer!The most famous maid cafe in Akihabara, a place where it is frequently broadcasted in news programs!Approximately 180 maids are registered.The prices are menu bills+600 yen for entrance fee.There are limit menus served in each season.An idol might be born
al95002女性雑誌では彼女のエイジレスビューティーの特集も組まれている。 現役のモデルとして人気のショーにも出演!平子理沙の公式アメブロ、平子理沙のプライベートやここでしか見られない写真や、最新情報などを本人の生の声で綴ります。肌のお手入れは欠かさない。 肌の為に化粧品はその日のコンディションに合わせて変えている!
al95002In woman magazines, they also ran a feature story of her ageless beauty!She also appears on popular shows as a actively working model!The official Ameblo of Risa Hirako, the private life of Risa Hirako, photos you can see only here, and new hot informations will be given by her own voice.She always take a good care of her skin.She selects the skin care products depending on the condition of her skin on that day.
al95001エイジレスビューティー!40オーバーなんて信じられない!平子理沙の魅力40歳を過ぎてもビキニが似合う女性でいたい。と思うのは当たり前のこと。そんな当たり前のことを実現している彼女をチェック! 平子 理沙(ひらこ りさ、1971年2月14日 - )は、日本の女性ファッションモデル、タレント。ファッションブランドのプロデュースや歌手業も手掛ける。「カリスマモデ」「アラフォーの星」などと称された。42歳とは思えない体は日本女性の憧れ!
al95001Ageless beauty! Can't believe she's over 40! The glamour of Risa Hirako.It's a natural thing you want to look nice in bikinis even you are over 40. Check out Risa Hirako, who is actually doing that!Risa Hirako (Feb 14th, 1971) is a Japanese fashion model, and a TV talent. She produces a fashion brand, and also acts as a singer.She was referred to as “Charismatic model”and “A star aged around 40”.Her body that doesn't look like she's 42 is everyone's dream!
al94703『トマト屋が作るトマト鍋!オープン以来の人気No.1◆一人前からOK!』15328645(料理写真)by お店 : 【閉店】トマトガーデン[食べログ]トマトガーデン/ (渋谷/洋食)のお店から投稿した料理の写真です。中華風鍋 餃子のたっぷり入った中華風のお鍋!『餃子鍋』16186069(料理写真)by Numagon : 【閉店】じゅーく[食べログ]じゅーく/ (六本木/居酒屋)のNumagonさんが投稿した料理の写真です。
al94703Tomato nabe (stew), made by a tomato shop! No.1 dish since its opening◆Can be served from one portion 15328645 (photo of the dish) by store: 【closed】 Tomato Garden [Eat Log]This is a photo of the dish, posted from Tomato Garden (Shibuya/ western)Chinese style nabe (stew)Chinese style nabe with a lot of dumplings in it!『Dumplings nabe』16186069 (photo of the dish) by Numagon : 【closed】 Juuku [Eat Log]This is a photo of the dish, posted by Numagon from Juuku (Roppongi/ bar)
al94701洋食?!中華?!和食?!日本で食べたい変わった鍋!日本に来るなら美味しいものを食べたい!冬の名物、鍋を堪能してみて☆日本の冬といえば。和風のオーソドックスな鍋日本の冬に欠かせない料理と言えば鍋!野菜や海鮮、肉が一度に食べられる。 海鮮がメインの和風鍋はスープの味を楽しんで!日本の相撲部屋が生み出したお鍋。 海外でも人気の相撲!その相撲取りが食べているちゃんこ鍋は栄養満点!洋風の鍋 カレーを出汁にした鍋は最後の雑炊の代わりにリゾット風にチーズをトッピング!
Western? Chinese? Japanese? Strange nabe (stew) you want to eat in Japan.You want to eat delicious food when you come to Japan! Enjoy nabe, a speciality dish in winter☆When it comes to winter in Japan. A classic Japanese nabe.In Japan, nabe is a dish you can't miss in winter!You can eat vegetables, seafood, and meat at once.When eating Japanese nabe with seafood, enjoy the taste of the soup!This is a nabe which has its origin in Sumo stable in Japan.Sumo is popular in foreign countries also!Chanko-nabe eaten by the sumo wrestlers are very nutritious!Western-style nabeWith nabe with curry flavor, it is nice to add cheese as a topping when you make rice pudding at the end, for it becomes like a rissoto!
al86002ベレー帽にカーディガンでフレッピースタイル! ロックなTシャツにチェックのスカートでロックなガーリーギャル! アイドル風のワンピースにvivienne westwoodのベレー帽をチョイス!原宿系を意識パステルカラーのお洋服をチョイス!原宿系にチャレンジ! クマを付けてPOPなコーディネート。クマはお母さんが改造して付けてくれたもの。Ank Rougeのコートでメルヘンギャル!
al86002Wear a beret with a cardigan and you'll have a preppie look!Wear a rock T-shirt and checkered skirt and you'll become a rockie girl!Wear a one-piece dress like an idol, and choose Viviene Westwood's beret!Be conscious of Harajuku-styleChoose clothes with pastel colors!Challenge becoming a Harajuku-style!Attach a teddy bear and have a POP coordinate.My mom remade the teddy bear and attached it for me .Wear Ank Rouge's coat and become a fairy-like girl!
al85702女の子キャラを担当!曲のイメージなど彼が考えている。王子様担当。イケメンと呼ばれることが多い。人間ではないコンセプトが多く、お城やタコと言った不思議なキャラクターが多い。バンドのムードメーカー!カワイイキャラクターになることが多い。着ぐるみがすごいのでドラムが叩きにくい! 衣装を手作りしてコスプレするファンも多い! グッズもオリジナリティーあふれる物が多い!コンセプトに合わせたPVもこだわりがあり必見!
al85702He is in charge of girly character!He thinks about the image of the songs.He is in charge of prince-like character.He is frequently referred as being handsome (ikemen, in Japanese).The concept mostly consists of non-humans, and mistifed characters like castles and octopus are often seen.Strongly inspires other members!Often becomes a cute character. Hard to beat the drums because of the amazing stuffed-animal suit!There are many fans doing costume-playing with handmade costumes!There are many unique goods also!The music videos which matches their concept are also a must-see, for their fuss over details!
How is my make-up today?I added a certain amount of make-up by myself also, but as I was doing it, I felt that I'm not my normal self, and I think I got totally immersed.But I can't open my eyes a little bit.If I open my eyes, I look like a girl.Moreover, I added a glossy touch to my eyes.To make them glitter.Then, my blinking got so heavyHow was the dance this time as a leader?The dance doesn't coincide if everyone doesn't use their musclesThe mismatch shows upHow is your dance, ◯◯?You have been dancing a girl's dance for a long time
When I'm doing it at △, I'm not that sexyThat's the good part of ■I like dancing, and I liked the way it's sexyThis time, it's a new categoryI have been dancing since I was in fourth gradeIt is a category that I haven't done beforeI have no experience in dancing a boy's danceIt felt like I was challenging on a new categoryI might discover a new side of myselfIs it like hey, ◯◯ was here, this time?I'm happy about what you've told me.You told me that I'm good at moving in a girlish way.I'm not girlish at all normally.
People say that I'm girly when dancingI have been learning jazzJazz is a category which values the movement of your fingertips, or moving smoothlyWhen you play jazz, you tend to move in quite a girly wayHowever, it did not affect my private lifeThere were many times when people told me I look girly when I'm dancingIt looks like it came back to ■'s sourceWas there a feeling that ◯◯ is leading everybody?I think everyone doesn't know how to use their musclesso if everyone can keep on searching how to do it,I think it will be a good opportunity for evreyone to improve themselves.I'll do my best
Fliplingo is translating the world, one tweet at a timeThere are 61 languages being used on Twitter these days. Surprisingly, three out of the top ten countries by tweets are in Asia – Thailand, Japan, and Indonesia. Although English is still the dominant language on Twitter, other tongues like Korean, Malay, and Japanese feature prominently. Aware of how important languages are on Twitter, a Thailand-based startup has launched a service called Fliplingo.
Started by Matthieu Aussaguel, a French who now lives in Chiang Mai, Thailand, Fliplingo is a Twitter translation service. It’s like Linqapp or Gengo in that it uses real people to translate the context. But Fliplingo has a team to do that, and so it doesn’t use the crowdsourcing model of Linqapp and Gengo.
タイのチェンマイに住むフランス人であるMatthieu Aussaguel氏によって起業されたFliplingoは、ツイッター上の翻訳サービスである。実在の人間が文脈を訳すると言う点では、 LinqappやGengoに似ている。しかし、Fliplingoはチームで翻訳するため、LinqappやGengoのようにクラウドソーシングを利用しない。
Aussaguel previously worked at crowdsourcing marketplace Envato. He started working on the Fliplingo prototype in June 2013 and got positive feedback from potential customers. However, since the system is extremely complex, he couldn’t test it before launch. It’s still running on an invitation-only model to selected brands and users as the startup wants to ensure its translations are top-notch and accurate. Of course, the service is quite heavy on resources, so it’s not easy to scale. Fliplingo got over 400 invitation requests on the first day of its launch.Aussaguel’s long-term plan for the company is to have the service support other platforms and tools such as Facebook and Dropbox.