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CHAPTER 10-5Try to raise their expectations, but understand that not all employees are equally gifted. Accept mistakes As you move toward giving authority to those who are closest to the customers, closest to the work, you will find that you may feel a little insecure about giving that authority away. That feeling is good. Rec9gnize that your employees will make mistakes, especially in the beginning. Mistakes are OK. As time goes on and their experience deepens, mistakes will become less frequent, and you will have more capable and more productive employees.
CHAPTER 10-4Ensure trainingAs you begin to push authority down to the people who have the responsibility to get the job done, you must make sure that they have had the training they need to make the right decisions. It would not be right to urge new employees to make decisions before they are fully trained in the job and they have had enough time to know how the job should be done. Some employees will never be able to rise above their insecurities. You will need to build their confidence.Choose the right ones Then it is important to find the right people to be in the decision-making positions. Employees will have expectations of what they want from their jobs and what they are capable of doing.
CHAPTER 10-3Grow in trust A good leader will grow in trust of employees and give them the authority to make certain decisions. The longer employees have worked for you and the more they have followed the principles that you have set out, the more authority you should be able to give them in making things happen without you. Giving power to employees doesn't mean that you throw authority out to people who aren't competent to handle it or that you are uninvolved. Your involvement takes a different shape. Your job is to help employees understand their jobs and the values that you hold as guiding principles, and to check with them about the decisions they are making.
CHAPTER 9-4When there are job openings suitable for your employees, go to bat for them. Encourage them to apply if they haven't already. Talk them up to the people who will be making the decisions. Not only will these employees have the chance to move up given time, but they will constantly have you pushing them to accept more challenges because you believe in their abilities to grow and continue to contribute greatly to the success of the company.Show confidence When you begin to champion your employees, they will sense your confidence in them. Confidence is infectious, and as you show employees that you have confidence in them, their confidence will grow.
CHAPTER 9-3Make opportunities It can be a challenge to find ways to champion those who work for you. You have to look for opportunities, and sometimes you have to make opportunities. You have to speak out when it would be easier to say nothing. When you are asked in a meeting to report on what is going on in your area, highlight the accomplishments of your employees, individually and specifically. The general statement "All of my people are doing great things" gives little real information. You want your people to be recognized for their individual accomplishments whenever possible.
CHAPTER 9-2One company felt the need to provide more service to customers. The managers created a new area and put a person in charge of finding ways to improve customer service throughout the company. The president of the company talked about the importance of the new position and its function. His regular endorsement implicitly made clear the expectation of everyone in the company to show respect and give weight to the job this person had been given to do. The president championed the concept and the person, thus making the job much easier to accomplish.
CHAPTER 9-1All too often in companies, there is a clear division between management and labor, bosses and workers. In many cases it is an unhealthy, adversarial relationship that needs to be changed. Employees with this attitude often have a deeply held belief, whether realized or not, that management is out to get them.Be supportive One way that you as a boss can begin to show leadership is to champion your employees. That means voicing your support of them whenever you can. Let everyone in ~our company know how valuable they are, what great contributions they make, and how deeply you believe in their talents and abilities and in them as people.
CHAPTER 8-4Stopping abuse Some employees may take advantage of this policy. The first thing to do is to make your interruptions short and to the point. An impromptu meeting doesn't have to last fifteen minutes, thirty minutes, or an hour. You might be able to deal with the issue in a few minutes. You already have other times for personal chitchat, so get to the issue. The second thing to do is to exert leadership and point out that the employees themselves need to be making decisions. That is, in fact, why you have them in their positions. As they interrupt you for advice or counsel, point out to them the issues that you would rather they handle on their own.
CHAPTER 8-3Planning ahead To have this open-door policy, you must plan for interruptions. As you make out your daily or weekly schedule, build in enough flexibility so that you can deal with interruptions gracefully, without cutting into the time set aside for matters that definitely need your attention. How do you plan for the unplanned interruption? When you schedule your time, don't book yourself minute to minute with meetings and activities. Set aside an hour or so every day (the amount is really based upon your feeling of how much of your time is taken by interruptions), then go ahead and fill in your daily activities.
CHAPTER 8-2Prioritizing You can most wisely invest your, time with your employees. The more time you invest, the bigger the dividends. That is especially true when you are just beginning to supervise a specific area or when you have new employees who need to have your insight and your values communicated to them.Being approachable You need to have an open-door policy so that you are approachable. When you are approachable, you will have time to communicate your values, to train, and to teach.
CHAPTER 6-2Better than a trophy There is an old saying that says: ''What goes around comes around." You have to believe that by doing right, you will be treated right. And even if you are not treated properly, you will not be swayed from pursuing personal honor instead of personal honors. Acting with honor for the long term will pay you back abundantly in the long term. Most important, acting with honor develops you as a person. You will be trusted and looked to for an unwavering view of the right thing.
CHAPTER 6-1Reputation Honor can be a guiding principle for you as a manager of people. If you treat those who work for you with respect first, honors will come your way. Why? To know what you believe in your heart to be right or wrong - and to adhere to the principles in every case - is to build a reputation as an honorable person. Being honorable isn't always easy, and it doesn't always get you awards or recognition. But in consistently being an honorable person, you will be rewarded with the peace of mind of doing right and knowing that you have treated others as they deserved to be treated. Peace of mind is a far more valuable commodity than a plaque, a trophy, or a commendation.
CHAPTER 5-2Praise When praising the work someone has done, avoid using general statements: "You always do great work," or "That's the best thing you have ever done." General praise offered too often will lessen the effect of the praise, and the recipient may wonder if you really know or understand what has been done well.Be truthful and specific in your praise. Identify tasks that have been done well, and tell the person exactly what they are. Praise people directly: "You are very good at closing a sale; that's a real art," or "You have done an excellent job at taking this project and laying out plans to accomplish the desired end."
CHAPTER 4-3A sacred trustThe foundation of any good relationship is trust. Trust can be developed only by getting to know another person and being open with the other person. Once you have violated this trust or given any reason to doubt that you are trustworthy, trust has been injured. And while trust can always be rebuilt, it can never be the same as it was before the injury. If you show those who work for you that you are above having to live with the same principles that you require of them, you are violating their trust. Trust is sacred. Treat it as such. Nurture it, develop it, and protect it.
CHAPTER 4-2No excuses However, with all of this talk about consistency, we need to recognize one not-so-insignificant fact. No one can always be consistent. When you have violated your conscience with a breach of principle, you must be able to admit your blunder to those who work for you. Only this kind of honesty will allow others to see you as a leader with integrity. Don't make excuses for your failure to live up to your standard. As soon as you make any violation understandable or acceptable under certain circumstances, you have opened the door to a multitude of excuses, one for everything that goes wrong.
CHAPTER 4-1The biggest challenge that you will face as a leader is ~ living by the principles that you are trying to communicate to your employees. The strength of your convictions and your ability to live consistently with them are directly correlated to how seriously those who work for you will take the principles.Do as I say? Some people actually say to their children, "Do as I say, not as I do." That attitude won't work. Observing these kids makes it obvious that they emulate behavior, not rules. Talk is cheap. Actions will always speak louder than words.
CHAPTER 3-3The heart of the job A fatal mistake is talking about principles once and then letting them fade into obscurity. To truly communicate these principles, you must go over them again and again and talk about their applications in specific situations to keep them at the heart of your job. . As you emphasize these principles, they will soak into those who work for you. As you live them out, they will give strength to employees. And if you have adequately communicated these principles, they will go on long after you. They will become a part of the lives of those who work for you. When that has happened, you have succeeded as a leader in instilling values in others.
CHAPTER 3-2Impact of others Before you can carefully and clearly articulate your principles to your staff, you have to find out what exactly is important to you. One way to do that is to list the characteristics of your previous bosses that made an impact on you for the better. What principles have you seen in others that you want to have exhibited in your workplace?A specific list List principles that you want to function in your area. Your list may include honesty, fairness, the customer IS always right, consistency, and 100 percent effort from employees. Are some of them similar? Try to condense the list to four or five principles.
CHAPTER 3-1As a boss, a person in charge of a group of people, you have the right and responsibility to set the tone for how business will be done in your area. So, dig deep down inside yourself, find out what you really believe about how business should be conducted, and then let everyone know what you expect. Every boss has a different set of principles. One may lead the group with production as the only thing that matters. Another boss may make individual achievement the guiding principle. Yet another may make honesty and fairness the ruling values in the workplace.