Thank you for your message. I reviewed the content, and I would like to rethink about the sales quota for the first year. You suggested 500 for the first year's quota, but I would like to say 300 if you agree. In fact, I am still working on expanding the business in Taiwan, and I think there will be a little delay to start selling the products there. I am checking with my partner right now, but we see that situation and it is very hard to start selling from this spring. I'd like to work on selling 1000 products for the second year. In addition, would you mind if I ask you to send me the pictures of new package and the tweezers? I would like to start selling the nail clippers first, and see if I can add the tweezers later.
もっと Ruby のスキルを身につければ、さらに良い仕事ができるようになるだろう
If you learn the skill of Ruby more, you will be able to do a better job.