丸井はメンズ、レディス人気ブランドを取り揃えたファッション館です。ご来店時に春秋航空チケット提示で景品プレゼント。難波丸井、神戸丸井 絵葉書 京都丸井 抹茶味キットカット無くなり次第終了。各店下記場所で春秋航空チケットをご提示下さいなんばマルイ 地下1階、5階EPOSカードセンター京都マルイ 1Fインフォメーション神戸マルイ 1階 EPOSカードセンター"
丸井是有男女受欢迎的品牌时尚博物馆。在到访时若出示春秋航空公司的机票的话,可以得到礼物。难波丸井,神户丸井,明信片,京都丸井,抹茶味绿奇巧。送完即止。每个商店在下面的地点出示春秋航空公司的机票。难波丸地下室 1F 5F EPOS 卡中心京都 丸1 F 信息处神户丸 1F EPOS 卡中心
HelloThank you for your inquiry. Your product has been tracked and delivered to you. As the result of the examination of the delivery status here, it has already arrived in BrazilCould you wait for a while? Because we can not interact with the Brazilian post office, if you want to check the situation, please go to the nearest post office there. Anyway, we will correspond to you by the end.Please don't be worried.
他にも日本の伝えたいことが沢山あるし、「verge girl」さんのこと、お二人が思うファッションのことオーストラリアのことなど聞きたいことが沢山あります。ビジネスのことはすぐに出来ることではないと重々承知ですが、働きたいという気持ちは変わりません。とにかく「verge girl」さんが大好きです!「verge girl」さんと繋がりを持ちたいです。このメールが日本に興味を持ってもらえるきっかけになったら嬉しいです。お忙しいとは思いますが、お返事頂けたら嬉しいです。
There are also a lot of things I want to tell to Japanese, and a lot of things I want to hear from you, such as "verge girl", the fashion both of you think, things about Australian and so on. Although I can do this business immediately, I will not change my wish to work with you. Anyway, I like "verge girl" very much! I wish to connect with the "verge girl". I will be very happy if you become interested in Japan because of this e-mail. I think you are very busy, but I am looking forward to your reply.
It can not be shipped as a gift because the gift shipping is prohibited is probably stopped by the custom.I will certainly ship it to you but not as a gift.
Consultation: About the music license of your artistsIt is the first time for us to contact you. I am a Japanese advertisement agency-Happy Company. My name is Sato.■ request content: The music use in an image movie in the spring and summer in 2015.- As the BGM in an image movie in production, I am thinking of AAAAA's music "HAPPY".· Used in a famous brand image movie in Japan, it will surely advertise the artists which will be good for both of your company and our brand.
初めまして、突然の連絡失礼いたします。instagramやBLOGを拝見し連絡させていただきました。 私は、今日本の大学に通っています。ファッションが大好きで、「verge girl」さんの商品は「あれも欲しい!これも欲しい!」と見ているだけでワクワクします。BLOGもこういうものからインスピレーションを受けているんだと勉強になります。 そんな「verge girl」さんの可愛い商品をオーストラリアだけで留めておくのは勿体無いと思い連絡させて頂きました。
Hello, I am sorry for the suddenly contact. I read your instagram and BLOG, and wish to tell you something about me. I am now an University student in Japan and love fashion very much. Whenever I see "Verge Girl" 's products, I am excited, and "I want! this, I want that!". I am also inspired by your Blog and learn from you. I don't think such "verge girl" 's cute products are only sold in Australia.
A cute and big ass over 2000g! Comparing the 2 saddles of completely different raw feel ! You can really contact the new fluffy material like a real body. In addition, the more often you use it, the more its shape changes to fit to you. You can enjoy its new feel whenever you use it!The plump thick large hole of 830 grams is betted by a magic. With a soft touch, a real protruding pleat , exquisite sucking, and not releasing you and until the end. Let's experience this aggressive and mischievous witch girl and a magical♪
「エロいは正義!」をコンセプトにスタートする新ブランド【PxPxP(ピーxピーxピー)】第1段商品 ぷにっと!ふわっと!もっちりの新感覚素材の大型オナホ☆満足度MAXの1000g!!背徳感MAXのリアル仕様!!違いを楽しむ2穴構造!!前と後ろで違いを楽しんでみてね? ※洗いやすいように貫通型になっています。国産素材&国内生産 / パッケージイラスト:岡田コウ"
Please contact the first stage product of the New brand [PxPxP (B x B x B)] is made at the concept "Being sexy is justice!" The large Ona hole of fluffy and new touching materials ! I ☆ satisfaction MAX of 1000g !! The real specification of immoral sense MAX !! Enjoying the structure of 2 difference holes !! Enjoying the different front and back!! ※ Easily washed and penetrating. Domestic material and domestic production / Package Illustration: Okada Kou "
[S1 × KING collaboration] Delusion → Reality!? The realistic large Onahole with the SSS grade Miracle body "Tomorrow, flower Kirara" was birthed! Warts and pleats of different feel with the two holes are closely packed! Please feel the "holding a real body" of large weight 1760g. Of course, the lotion is added.Over 800g ! A hole shaping as an ass has the tension and elasticity. It is likely wrapped by fine projections sucked softly from longitudinal pleats to vertical ones. The perforate hole is easily maintained and is wrapped by Ai Uehara.
AAA末吉秀太 3/6発売 写真集「S」(エス) 発売記念イベント詳細発表!!満を持して、末吉秀太の初ソロ写真集の発売が決定しました!タイトル:SHUTA SUEYOSHI (AAA) FIRST PHOTO BOOK 『 S 』※タイトルはS(エス)です。ページ数:オールカラー96ページ価格:2130円(税抜)撮影:小林ばく
AAA末吉秀太3/6发行照片集“S”(ES)发行纪念活动的细节公布! !已决定发行末吉秀太第一次单独表演的照片集!题目:末吉秀太(AAA)的第一次照片集“S”※标题是S(ES)。页数:全彩96页价格:2130日元(不含税)摄影:小林曝
内容: 末吉秀太、初写真集となる今作は赤、青、黄色、黒をテーマにした写真を展開。いままでずっとやりたかったことに挑戦した1冊です。 今までのイメージを一変する、カラー96ページでカラフルな彼の心のなかを感じてください!発売記念握手会イベントの会場&時間が決定しました! 予約方法等は各書店で異なりますので、 下記特設URLにてご確認ください。特設URLhttp://www.shufu.co.jp/topics/
内容:末吉秀太,第一次的照片集是以红色、 蓝色、 黄色和黑色为主题的照片集。为了对一直想要做事进行挑战而拍的。一改现在的形象,请通过96页彩色照片来感受他丰富多彩的内心世界吧!发行纪念握手会活动的时间及地点已决定了 !预订方法由不同的书店决定,所以请访问以下特设URL来确认。特设 URLhttp://www.shufu.co.jp/topics/
私はDeposit Methodにpayoneerを使用しています。Accountを設定する際に、”Deposit method”の”Bank account number”の欄に”US payment service”で提供されるアカウント番号を入力しなければならないのですが、そこに私は誤って私のカード番号を入力していました。誤った番号なので入金は行われないはずなのですが、お金はどこに入金されたのでしょうか?
I am using payoneer by the Deposit Method. When setting the Account, the account number supplied by the "US payment service" must be inputted in the column of "Bank account number" by the "Deposit Method". However, I inputted my card number by mistake. The payment can not be transferred to a wrong number , where is it transferred?
I got the product several days ago, and listened to it today. However, just now and I could not control it. I listened to it for 5 minutes, its volume suddenly became large. I tried several times, but it did not change.Its output unstably became larger or smaller.It was certainly broken down.I'm sorry.It is being repaired now, could you refund me the repair fee by PAYPAL?I asked the repair shop about the fee, he told me that the repair of volume would cost definitely about $300 .I am looking forward to your answer.
#willhot melt is a adhesive placed inside of the head, its very similar to a hot glue. It hardens in place. Its used for feel (more muted), add weight and to crease a bias. #golf xcessI did not order 21 degree, but I will see if I can get some. I am supposed to get them this week or next week.
Anyway, it was perfect.☆ We went to watch it with our 6-year-old daughter loving Disney movies very much. Although the Lion King was one of our favorite movies and we knew it's story well, our whole family was still much impressed by its fresh and surprise. Of course its great voice and song were very amazing, and the set was also elaborate, we were very happy. The performers dressed as animals went through the passage which made us much excited all the time. My husband had imitated Mufasa's voice and sung even after going out of the theater (Mufasa was Simba's father)(laughs).
I have reserved all the tickets of the dramas "Les Miserables," "Mamma Mia", "Phantom of the Opera" from the same company through this site. Because the tickets were reserved just about a week before the dramas, I was worried about the seats, however, I got good seats! Since I had to go to the theater alone at night, I was told that there were several candidate dates for me, so I reserved the dates when I could get the best seats. The company corresponded me very fast. When I watched the first drama "Les Miserables ", I was surprised at the sudden good seat which was close to the stage and in the middle of the theater. This story was really impressed! ! Exactly masterpiece! ! !
AAA ASIA TOUR 2015 -ATTACK ALL AROUND- Supported by KOJIAAAのアジアツアーの詳細を発表!!=======【1/27追記】ジャカルタの現地チケット詳細が決定いたしました!現地チケットは2015年1月30日(金)午前10時~(現地時間)に発売いたします!
AAA 2015年 亚洲巡回演出- ATTACK ALL AROUND【各地出击】-由KOJI赞助宣布AAA亚洲巡演的的细节!=======[1/27后记]雅加达当地售票的细节已经决定了!当地门票将公布2015年1月30日(星期五)上午10:00 - (当地时间)开始售票!
AAA Asia Tour 2015 –ATACK ALL AROUND-Supported by KOJI Date : 8/4/2015 (Wednesday) Time : 06:30 PM Venue : Upper Room (Jakarta) Tickets : VIP : IDR 600.000,- GA : IDR 350.000,- On Sell from 30th January 2015, Friday, 10 AM
AAA2015年亚洲巡演-各地出击,由KOJI赞助 日期:2015年8月4日(星期三) 时间:下午6时30分 地点:楼上(雅加达) 门票: VIP:IDR600.000, - GA:IDR350.000, - 从2015年1月30日,星期五,上午10时开始出售。
◆KioSTix WEBhttp://www.kiostix.com/tuk_kiostixevt/aaa-asia-tour-2015-attack-all-around-2/ Media Inquiries : TG Komunikasi Nusantara Email : live@tokyogets.com=======【12/10追記】2015/04/06(月)の香港公演が現地でのチケット発売1時間でsold out!!
◆KioSTix WEBhttp://www.kiostix.com/tuk_kiostixevt/aaa-asia-tour-2015-attack-all-around-2/ 媒体查询:TG Komunikasi Nusantara 电子邮件:live@tokyogets.com=======【12/10后记】2015年4月6日(星期一)的香港公演的当地售票在一小时以内已售完!
【12/26追記】AAA初台湾公演の現地チケット発売情報決定!!!AAA ASIA TOUR 2015 -ATTACK ALL AROUND- Supported by KOJI 台湾公演<公演日> 2015年4月11日(土) 19:00開場 / 20:00開演<会場> ATT SHOW BOX立方文創 (台北市信義区松壽路12号7階)
【12/26后记】AAA初次台湾公演的当地售票详情已决定了!AAA 2015年亚洲巡演-ATTACK ALL AROUND【各地出击】-由KOJI台湾公演赞助<公演日>2015年4月11日(星期六)19:00开场/20:00开演<会场> ATT SHOW BOX立方文创(台北市信义区松寿路12号7层)