Writer and professional translator in all topics
取得年月 | 免許・資格名 | 点数・級 |
1993/6 | French higher studies | university degree |
期間 | 学校・大学名 |
1989/9 - 1993/6 | Mohamed Premier University |
言語ペア | 分野 | 経験年数 | 詳細(翻訳内容など) | 翻訳例 |
英語 → フランス語 | Webサイト | 15~20年 | I am a writer I consider myself professional in translation on any topic. I have accumulated the necessary experience during years of study and work. I don't do the robot translation or word-for-word that never reflects the common sense of the sentences, but I translate the meaning with a professional style, while respecting the norm as regards the words of a technical nature, so as not to confuse my readers. |