
Mars16 (mars16) 翻訳実績

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mars16 英語 → 日本語


Compared to Yelp, where users have to go through the stranger’s review to find out quality restaurants, Bestaurant curates the best restaurants by a user’s trusted friends. Bestaurant is a mobile app that lists the best restaurants for people who want to know where to eat in real time. In a beta version released this November, it had seen 11% of users invite five friends or more. The company partnered with Uber Eats, which gives out credits for Bestaurant users. The company monetizes through deals for loyal fans, enterprise accounts, and partnership fees. Founder of Bestaurant, Dominic Penaloza, founded three consumer social startups, including Ushi and WorldFriends.



質の良いレストランを見つけるのに見知らぬ人のレビューを頼りにしなくてはいけないYelpとは異なり、Bestaurantは信頼の置ける友人が勧める最高のレストラン情報を提供する。Bestaurantは、食事をする場所を探している人に最適のレストランのリストをリアルタイムで提示するモバイルアプリだ。11月にベータ版がリリースされており、これまでにユーザの11%が5人以上の友人を招待した。同社はBestaurantユーザにクレジットを提供するUber Eatsと提携している。マネタイズはロイヤリティの高い顧客からの提案、企業アカウント、提携手数料からなされる。Bestaurant設立者であるDominic Penaloza氏はUshiやWorldFriendsなど3社の消費者向けソーシャルスタートアップを設立した。

mars16 英語 → 日本語

“The default position still seems to be that if a woman and man both have a job, it’s the woman who will take a step back and stay home with the child,” Brad Harrington, research professor and executive director of Boston College’s Center for Work and Family, told me when I spoke with him three years ago. “But it never seems to be the knee-jerk reaction to ask why wouldn’t the man make the same choice.”

Of course, how Mayer and her husband choose to make these decisions is none of our business. But, again, what’s amazing to me is less about the personal decision of Mayer and her husband. Instead, I’m amazed that then, as now, nobody even wonders about paternity leave. All the focus is on Mayer.


「夫婦共働きの場合、一歩引き下がって子どもと家にいるのは妻、というのが今でもありがちな姿のようです。でも、どうして夫がその選択をしないのかと問いかけるのはお決まりの反応ではないようです」とボストンカレッジのCenter for Work and Familyでリサーチプロフェッサー兼エグゼクティブディレクターを務めているBrad Harrington氏は3年前に私との会話の中で語っていた。

もちろん、Mayer氏とその夫がそのような決断をした経緯については私たちが関わる話ではない。でも繰り返し言うが、私にとって驚きなのはMayer氏夫妻の個人的な決定とは別のところにある。私は当時、そして今でも、誰も夫の産休について気に掛けないところに驚きを隠せない。 誰も彼もがMayer氏のことばかり気にするのだ。

mars16 英語 → 日本語

As I noted at the start, this is an issue of interest and fascination to me for very personal reasons. After our second child was born, I took three months off from work.

I was fortunate, because the previous year, California had become the first state in the nation (and still only one of 2, I believe) to provide paid maternity and paternity leave. The program allows for six weeks of paid leave at 55 percent of salary, up to a certain level. It’s not taxed, however, so the gap is smaller than it appears.

From a policy perspective, the legislation seemed like it would have caused a seismic shift in the question of leave for parents, and particularly, for dads. But it didn’t.





mars16 英語 → 日本語

In a recent report examining the impact of California’s paid family leave policy from the U.S. National Institutes of Health, the authors wondered about the impact of the policy on paternity leave.

They concluded that so few men were taking advantage of the option in a meaningful way that they couldn’t measure it: “This may have occurred because low rates of paternity leave use imply that we did not have the power to detect statistically significant effects,” the authors wrote. The policy did, however, double the average maternity leave from three weeks to six weeks. So, it was certainly a victory that families felt they could make this choice, economically.


