marifh (marifh) 翻訳実績

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marifh 英語 → 日本語

We've never been in the same studio. If all we were doing was changing where we sat, and apart from that there was an expectation that we would retain the status quo, I would be enormously concerned, but it couldn't be more different. Moving to Apple Park represents the coming together, at last, of these different areas of creative expertise that are incredibly diverse. I'm fairly confident that this has never happened before, to have industrial designers next to font designers, next to prototypers, next to haptic experts. The best haptic experts in the world are sat next to a bunch of guys who have PhDs in material science.



marifh 英語 → 日本語

This McKinley goes for a bit. I a.m.happy to send it for what I put you thru. Also, I will send the others for free. It's not all about the money for me. I am going to my storage tomorrow. I have every title ever, it feels out there. You still get the others, also. If there are any titles you are looking for, I can put them tho the side. I have probably 5,000 boxes of lps that I have not been thru. It's fun to see the crazy records you find. Some have not been open since the 1960s. I found3 Beatles butcher covers in first box. I appreciate your understanding, and feel we still be friends for a long time. I will get the L.P. From my friends house and send out to you.



marifh 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

This L.P. Has a slight storage warp. I have been looking for another copy. I know I have one. I am gonna refund and send you the L.P. for free when I find it. You have made a couple orders with me and I appreciate your support, but would not feel right sending this copy. I am an honest seller. I want people to be happy. I just got a new VPI cleaning machine and that's when I noticed it. My apologizes and promise to send the other copy when I find it. Kindest regards, Full-time also if you see anything else I have you may want, message me. I will cut you a great deal. I have around a million LPs. Thanks Bill. Refund coming.


このLPは保管上の問題で少しだけ歪みがあります。同じLPがないかどうか探し続けていました。私はもう一つ確かに持っています。見つかりましたら、返金をし、無料でLPをお送りします。あなたは、二度私から購入してくれましたので、ありがたく思っています。でもこのLPをお送りするのは良心が咎めます。私は正直な取引をする者です。購入される方に満足していただきたいのです。最近新しいVPIクリーンマシンを購入し、その時に(歪みに)気が付いたのです。申し訳ありません。見つかりましたら、これと同じLPを送ることをお約束します。よろしくお願いします。もし他に何か私の手持ちのものからご希望の品がありましたらご連絡下さい。お買い得をお約束します。私は、100万枚近くのLPを所有しています。ではよろしく。Bill 返金はもうすぐです。

marifh 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

I have added the remainder post to what I already charged you for the last record. So that is combined postage. I will send express post with tracking and delivery signature. Many thanks for your orders, surprised they sold so quickly.

Also, I have 3 other releases that were released through Restless Records which is Penny Davies & Roger Llott label. They also performed, co wrote, arranged and recorded on these albums. I can do you a good deal on these if you are interested, but no problem if not. Or if you wanted to order at another time. Just thought I would let you know. Thanks again...



また、Penny Davies & Roger Llott レーベルで、レストレスレコードから出ているアルバムがまだ3つあります。彼ら自身が作詞作曲、編曲、パーフォーム、そして録音もしたレコードです。もしご興味がおありでしたら、お買い得な値段にできますが、ご興味がなければお気になさらないで下さい。または、いつか別の時にご注文をなさりたければ、それでももちろん大丈夫です。ちょっとお知らせしておきたかったのです。今回は有難うございました。

marifh 英語 → 日本語

(1) Promo copy sent out to old Brisbane Radio 4MBS FM. Also comes with a cover letter SIGNED by PENNY DAVIES and a folk concert flyer they played at. Jacket has some light shelf wear. Overall in very good condition. Record is in near mint condition. This is the second one pictured in the listing on main images. Postage: $10 AUD AUSTRALIA, $28 AUD WORLDWIDE - Both with Tracking!!

(2) Comes with lyric sheet insert. Jacket has some light ringwear. Overall in very good condition. Record is in near mint condition. This is the second one pictured in the listing on main images.


1、プロモーションコピーは、オールドブリスベンラジオ 4MBS FMに送られました。またPENNY DAVIESのサイン付きのカバーで、この曲が披露されたフォークコンサートのチラシ付きです。ジャケットは少し陳列されていた時の傷みがありますが、全体的に非常に良い状態です。レコードはほぼミントのグレードです。これはメインページの2番目の写真のレコードとなります。送料はオーストラリア国内$10(豪ドル)、その他外国は$28(豪ドル)、共に追跡番号が付きます。


marifh 英語 → 日本語

Good evening and thank you for your order! I wanted to touch base and let you know I have two ways to pay for the record. The first way is directly through the Discogs system where I would send you an invoice from Discogs and you would pay with a Debit or Credit Card. The second way is through Propay which is a payment processor that I used with my Ebay account. You don't need to join Propay but would pay with a Debit or Credit Card with the invoice I would send to you from Propay to the email address on the order. I am good with either way so let me know which one will work for you. Thanks again for your order!


こんばんは。ご注文いただきありがとうございます。現在の状況をお知らせしたく、メールを書いています。レコードの支払い方法は二つあります。まずは、 Discogs システムを利用し直接お支払いいただく方法です。この場合、Discogsから請求が送られて、デビットカードがクレジットカードでの支払いとなります。二つ目の方法は、Propayを利用するもので、私のebayのアカウントと関連したあfものです。 Propayに加入する必要はありませんが、PropayからあなたのEメールアドレスに注文の請求が届き、デビットカードがクレジットカードでお支払いとなります。