「競りでは声が出しづらい・・・」「買いづらい・・・」という会員様も安心の、らくらく商品購入システム!自分のペースでじっくり商品を見て、本当に欲しい商品だけ仕入れができます!簡単な仕入れの流れ商品にプライスタグがついているので商品を見てお好きな商品をチョイス。掘り出し物があるかも!?受付にてすぐに精算※ 精算は現金・お振込のどちらかをお選びください。商品は翌日発送!※ 現金精算の方は当日持ち帰りも可能・卸売りは通常競伝票とは別伝票となります。
That system to buy something is a super easy for members who thinks "I can't say loud in an auction" and "It's difficult to buy somethings".You can see the item at your own pace and you can stocking which you really want it.Quick overall flow to stocking.You will choice items using a tag.You might get rare items.You can buy soon at a front.※You can choose credit or cash to pay.The item will be delivery following day.※Also you can bring back it with you if you will pay by cash. The wholesale's voucher is different with purchasing slip.