However I am really sorry that she is passed away.F told M that 'It is ok to stay near T's tomb.'I have no idea how to tell in English, but F and J would like to tell your Family their regret.May her soul rest in peace.
お世話になります。sonu handicraft社の件となりますが、Proforma Invoice お待ちしておりますが、その後、いかがでしょうか?サンプル品につきましても、弊社スケジュール上今月までには、完成するようお伝えください。今月、完成していないと、来年発行予定の弊社カタログに掲載出来なくなってしまいます。至急、ご確認いただけます様お願い致します。
Thank you for your patronage.Regarding Sonu Handicraft,I still wait to receive the proforma invoice, can you please let me know the situation?I would like to ask to advise them that we have to receive the sample within this month due to our company schedule.We will miss to put the goods on our catalog to be published next year unless the sample is completed within this month.I would appreciate your prompt reply.
I will pay advance 50%, and then please dispatch the goods once you confirm to receive the money.I will transfer the rest amount immediately once I confirm to receive.I will pay money transfer fee for 2 times.Can you confirm if the currency is US dollars?The total amount is xx dollars.Thank you for your cooperation.