iin suhartini (magoochan) 翻訳実績

Jakarta, Indonesia
日本語 インドネシア語 (ネイティブ) 英語
magoochan 英語 → 日本語 ★★☆☆☆ 2.4

At Red Line Superstore, we strive to give you the best customer service and product support around. If you have any questions about this order or any other products you might be interested in, feel free to contact us at sales@redlinesuperstore.com.

Here is a recap of your order, if you notice that you may have forgotten to order something or just plain "goofed" and maybe ordered the wrong size, just give us a call or email us and we can change it for you no problem. We appreciate your business and look forward to serving all your riding needs in the future as well!




magoochan 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

How difficult is the mechanism to withdraw money in other non-English speaking countries?

Willix: In India, we provide express withdrawal by directing it straight to the local banks. They will get the money within two or three days. PayPal, Moneybookers is probably the major third party withdrawal service that we are using – but unfortunately it’s not available for rupiah. You can even withdraw with a Freelancer debit card which we can send to you. You can withdraw from any MasterCard affiliated ATMs as well. If everything goes right, which happens for about 99.7 percent of users, you will be getting the money within seven days.



Willix:インドでは、我々は地元の銀行にまっすぐにそれを向けることによって、特急撤退を提供します。彼らは、2日または3日以内にお金を得るでしょう。ペイパル、マネーブッカーズは、おそらく我々が使用している主要なサードパーティの脱退サービスです - 残念ながらそれはルピアでは使用できません。あなたも、私達があなたに送ることができるフリーランサーのデビットカードを使って引き出すことができます。あなただけでなく、任意のマスターカード提携ATMから引き出すことができます。
 すべてがうまくいけば、これは、利用者の約99.7%に起こります。 あなたは、7日以内にお金を取得されます。

magoochan 英語 → 日本語

How about Identity theft issues? Some of our readers were hesitant to submit their IDs to Freelancer.

Willix: Absolutely not, essentially it will be deleted once we look at it. We make sure that the process is as safe as possible, so definitely no possible identity theft. The whole point is that we want to make sure that the money goes to the right person.

How does the customer service team in Indonesia work to help freelancers address such complaints?

Willix: There’s a live chat support for Indonesia now, in the Indonesian language. You can even email support@freelancer.com. We also have a concierge system that they can contact as well. The concierge is virtual, but they can speak bahasa too.




