レゲエ界のNo.1アーティスト「RYO」と豪華コラボした、冬にピッタリな疾走感溢れながらもセツナさ全開の珠玉のR&B POP、マライア・キャリー / 「恋人たちのクリスマス」の今風パーティーアレンジカバー、人気爆発中のAAAからURATA NAOYAとの最新R&Bコラボ、東方神起 /「どうして君を好きになってしまったんだろう?」の英語カバーで一躍有名となったUK R&B界の貴公子「STEVIE HOANG」と豪華コラボした、極上王道グルーヴィーR&Bを収録。
The album includes the painful R&B love song that is the best to listen in the winter,with gorgeous collaboration with 'the No.1 artist on Reggae 'RYO", party- arranged cover of the christmas song by Mariah Carey”All I Want for Christmas Is You”,brand-new R&B collaboration withe URATA NAOYA from AAA, great collaboration R&B song with STEVIE HOANG, the R&B prince in UK, who covered TVXQ's 'dousite kimiwo sukini natte simattandarou'(cover song called"Make It To The End").
「ふたりのまほう」と「Faith」2曲だけを収録し、豪華特典を追加した限定パッケージ “ガンダム Gのレコンギスタ Edition” と “GOD EATER 2 RAGE BURST Edition” は、それぞれ描き下ろしイラストによるスリーヴ・ジャケット仕様。
Only 2 songs, "Futari no Mahou (magic of two)" and "Faith" , are included in the album, and also two editions are released with the specific jacket on the "Gundam Reconguista in G Version"with gorgous privilege and "GOD EATER 2 RAGE BURST Edition".
さらにDVD/Blu-rayには、シングル発売時にはwebのみの公開となっていた「Zutto...」、ファンからの熱いリクエストに応えるかたちで制作がスタートした「Last minute」、JJ Lin自身が撮影に参加し、まさにアジアを代表するトップ・アーティスト同士の共演が実現した「The GIFT」、アップリフティングなロックナンバー「WARNING」の計3曲の撮り下ろしvideo clipとそれらのmaking clipを加えた計8本の映像作品を収録!!
In addition to the DVD/Blu-Ray version, there are additional 8 video clips; "Zutto..."(that was only on the website when the single was released), "Last minute"(made by passive request from her fans), "The GIFT"(wonderful collaboration with JJ Lin herself), "WARNING"(rock number with uplifting grooves), and the makings of these clips.
I'm really happy and proud of joining AYUMI HAMAZAKI's album,because she is one of the delegate singer in Japan,and especially because I am also the big fan of her.It is arranged to the classical vertion so not only arrange but also sound is really really great....... I was sooooo excited during the recording.I've never heard the gourgeous album like her one in J-pop!
I want YOU to enjoy energetic and velvet sound with the imaginative music world.It will be the MUST HAVE album for not only you but also me myself!