日本の郵便局とダンボーのコラボだよ。全高およそ80ミリ、手足が稼働し目のLEDライトが光る。郵便局のロゴ入り台座もついてくる。シリーズ初の白色ボディと郵便宅配サービス「ゆうパック」のロゴがあしらわれていることが特徴です。今回のDanboard mini YU-PACKは限定ですのでもしかしたら品薄になるかもしれません。もし必要なら早めに購入しといた方がいいかもしれませんね。ちなみに・・・ゆうぱっくは日本の国内で配達される郵便物の事で、日本人ではメジャーな配送サービスです。
It's a colaboration with Japanese post office and Danbo.It has 80 mm in the total height,operates it's hands and feet and flashes by LED on it's eyes.What's more, it comes with a plinth with logo of the post office on it.It is featured with white body which is first one in the series, and being arranged with logo of "YU-PACK" which is delivering service of the post office.This Danboard mini YU-PACK is a limited edition, and might be running short.If you want it, I recommend you to buy it as soon as possible.By the way,YU-PACK is the Japanese domestic mails, and popular delivering service for Japanese.
Among the Romans this was the method of adoption most in accordance with law in the case of orphans; and those who follow it have the same rights as real sons in respect of the relatives and the freedmen of the persons who adopt them. Among the other splendid accessories of Caesar was a large number of freedmen, many of them rich, and this was perhaps the principal reason why Octavian wanted the adoption by a vote of the people in addition to the former adoption which came to him by Caesar's will.Octavian caused a new law to be passed to repeal the one which declared Dolabella a public enemy, and also to punish the murder of Caesar. Indictments were found forthwith, the friends of Caesar bringing accusations