プレゼンテーション技術のコツ発表の基本ストーリーは、表紙(タイトル、所属、名前) 背景・目的 取組みの考え方改善(方法、条件、内容)結果(結果のグラフ、表、解析結果等)考察(期待効果との差、残された課題)結論スライド一枚毎にPDCAが回っていること事実把握事実の深堀数式、細かい表や多くのブロックを極力避けることカラーを使い、カラフルにインパクトを与えること大きな声ではっきりとしゃべること聴衆の方を向いてしゃべることこれらは当然のことであり、誰にとっても実行はきわめて簡単です。
Tips for presentation skillThe basic story is as follows;Cover slide (title, your occupation, your name)Background and ObjectivesIdeas for the projectImprovement (method, conditions, contents)Results (graph of the results, charts, analysis result)Consideration (gap with expected effect, remained issues)ConclusionPDCA circle is reflected on each slideTo grasp the factsCareful consideration of factsTo avoid using the numerical formula, too small charts and too many sectionsTo give an impact by using the colorsTo speak clearly and loudlyTo look at the audience while speakingThey are what you should do naturally and it is quite easy for anyone to do them.
To practice beforehand.Only to hold the manuscript (Not to look at)To speak not to readTo think while speakingTo speak a small amount of sentences slowlyTo take a rest between the phrasesTo face the audience when speakingNot to hold hands at backTo put on a neat clothesNot to stand in the back of deskNot to make the room darkNot to make a gesture which has a negative effectNo practice, No good presentationPractice and efforts are required for great presentationsSpeaking a little bit the day before would not workSpeak aloud when you practicePractice would make you less getting nervousThe one who speak well inherently is the one who make effortsPresentation is to act outNot to exceed the time
日本に来られるといいですね!私のお客様でもアメリカ・オーストラリア・フィンランドから観劇に来日しています。私も年に10公演位観に行きますが何度観ても感動します。私は宝塚の全てが好きです。あなたは誰のファンですか? 今後も希望のDVDがありましたら特別価格で提供する事が出来ます。送料無料でパンフレットの在庫がある物は無料でお付けします。連絡お待ちしております。
I hope you can come to Japan!Some of my customers come from US, Australia and Finland to Japan to see their plays.I also see them about 10 times a year, but every play makes me impressed.I love everything about Takarazuka.Who is your favorite actress?I can offer you a special price if you want a DVD from now on, too.I also can include pamphlets in stock for free without delivery charge.I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Thank you very much for the great time the other day. I am also in charge of investment. I hope we can casually exchange information about start-up and so on. Please contact me when you come to Japan next time. I will practice to be able to speak a bit more fluently by then. I will see you again and take care of yourself.