Tomohisa (kotobuki88) 翻訳実績

約8年前 男性 30代
日本語 (ネイティブ) 中国語(簡体字) 英語
kotobuki88 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

At this point, if after 3 business days you and the seller haven’t reached an agreement or if the seller has not responded, please go back to your request and click “Ask eBay to step in and help.” We will review the request and make the best decision within 48 to 72 hours.

You can learn more about the eBay Money Back Guarantee program and processes, here:

I am positive that the information I have provided is helpful for you what you need to do since the item has not been shipped by your seller.

Thanks for choosing eBay. We value your business.


この時点で、もし3日経ってもあなたまたはセラーが同意に至らなかった場合、もしくはセラーが回答しなかった場合は、あなたのリクエストに戻り。”Ask Ebay to step in and help (ebayに仲介に入って助けてもらう)"をクリックしてください。私たちがリクエストをレビューして、48から72時間以内に結果を返答します。

eBayの返金保証プログラムとプロセスに関しては、こちら より詳細をご確認いただけます。



kotobuki88 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

2) Now, since you have not received any response from your seller, we suggest that you please open an item not receive request on June 12. Please know that opening an Item Not Received request is one of the steps for you to get you money back and to get in touch with your seller for not shipping your item.

For your convenience, here’s how to open an item not receive request:

1. Go to Resolution Center (this is located at the bottom most part of every eBay page)
2. Click I haven’t receive it yet, Then click Continue
3. Select the item you want help with.
4. On the next page, select I want a refund or I want the item. If you wish, you can also include a message to your seller.
5. Click Send request.


2) セラーからの返答を受け取られていないことから、6月12日に「まだ届いていない商品」を開く事をお願いします。


1. Resolution Center(問題解決センター)にいきます
2. 「I haven’t receive it yet(まだ届いていないよ)」をクリックしいます, そして「Continue(次へ)」をクリックします
3. 対象の商品を選択してください 
4. 次のページで、「I want a refund(返金を要求する 」又は「 I want the item(商品を要求する」を選択してください。必要であればセラーにメッセージを送信することも可能です。
5. 「Send request(リクエスト送信)」をクリックすると送信されます.

kotobuki88 英語 → 日本語

they are due to work on your case this week. We should hear by the end of the week if they require any further information or have agreed an assessment.

In terms of length of time, HMRC work these audits on a case by case basis, once they have all the data it then gets allocated to a case worker. If they are due t look at it this week it could be completed in the next few weeks. Once they have an assessment, they will ask you to agree it, they will then calculate any penalties. If you cannot pay for the full amount you will be requested to set up a payment plan. Once the first instalment of the payment plan has been made your Amazon account will be reopened.


