Lawnsgarden (kohashi) 翻訳実績

9年弱前 男性
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語 オランダ語
kohashi 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0




Your purchased goods is out of stock at this moment. We are sorry for any incovenience caused.
We confirmed with manufacturer that it would be in stock by the end of October. If you could wait, we will lower the price by $100 (as refund) and will get stock from manufacturer.
We will refund the money immediately if you would like to cancel the order.
Once again we are sorry for any inconveniece.
We look forward to hearing from you.

This item is out of stock at this moment. If you could wait, we will get stock from manufacturer as soon we received your payment. We thank you for your payment via paypal. The taxation issue will be solved by the direct payment through paypal. Please let us know your address also in such a case.

kohashi 英語 → 日本語

Meanwhile, Prashant Gokarn, Indosat’s chief of digital, said in a statement that the carrier is the first in Asia-Pacific to ink such a deal with Twitter. But a Twitter spokesperson was unable to confirm whether this was, in fact, the first such partnership.

Update: A Twitter spokesperson offered the following comment:

O2 launched TweetServe that provides features for users to retrieve credit balance or discount deal information (non-transactional base). You can check this video about O2 TweetServe. Another industry that utilised Twitter for their channel is from banking with Hashtag Banking. Another interesting use case of Twitter API is from Jet Airways to get lowest price info through Tweet.


その間、Indosat’sのデジタル担当チーフであるPrashant Gokarn氏は声明文で、アジア太平洋地域でTwitterと契約にサインした初のキャリアーだと述べた。しかしTwitter広報担当は、これが当パートナシップの事実に則しているか否かの確認が出来なかった。


Q2は稼働を始め加入者へ、クレジット残高や値引商談の情報(非伝統的なベースの)を引き出せる機能を持つTweetServeをローンチした。Q2のTweetServeについては下記のビデオをご覧いただきたい。Twitterを自分のチャネルで使用している他の業界としては、銀行業のHashtag Bankingがある。他の興味深いTwitter APIの使用としては、Jet Airwaysから最安値の情報をTwitter経由で得ている例がある。

kohashi 英語 → 日本語

For now, an obvious bottleneck around the whole idea seems to be that users who are out of data and also away from Wi-Fi will need to resort to more traditional methods of topping up (i.e. by running a USSD code from the dial pad). In the end, they may just find the Twitter route more trouble than it’s worth. And we are all creatures of habit.

But if they’re at their desktop or laptop, for example, the convenience of Twitter is something that I could see as actually having more real-world use than a data-dry smartphone. It’s not immediately clear whether the platform will take a cut on packages bought through DMs.




kohashi 英語 → 日本語 ★★★☆☆ 3.5

is it possible to find the correct razor and send it-I can pay you for this wrong razor. would 49(the discounted price) work? also I would like to get some more paulownia boxes-my wife loves them. she does calligraphy with cartridge pens and they are perfect for storing her favorite pens! I will wait and see if you can find the other razor


find the razor I bought-use photos I sent to identify and compare to auction!
the cost to this wrong one back is too expensive.
as it is not as nice-hopefully it will not be too much-charge me for it-use paypal invoice.
send to me the original kawase razor.
all can fine-mistakes happen everyday-it is no big deal.


正しい剃刀を探して、私に送って貰うことは可能でしょうか? 間違った剃刀はお支払致します。価格は49(セール価格)で良いですか? また桐の箱をもう少し入手したく思います。家内が大好きなものですから。家内はカートリッジペンで書道もやっており、桐の箱は家内が気に入っているこのペンの保管にもってこいなのです。では剃刀を見つけて頂けるか、お待ちしています。
