I am very much looking forward receiving the O-GPS1. But German customs is very slow. To make the customs check easier and faster it is very important, that you give a value/price on the parcel. You could include an invoice on the the outside, which the customs officer may see and check. Whether this invoice is to the real price or believeably lower (lets say 35 USD or so), is up to you.
The Cx-25 is a medium sunglass lens, it performs well in most outdoor conditions and is light enough for occasional indoor use Some people just prefer a lighter lens, but another factor is age: over age 50 the light-gathering efficiency of the eye starts to diminish such that a dark lens may impair vision.The Cx-65 works best with computers and colored status/indicator lights on electronic devices, but has only a mild effect on most surface colors (such as printed photos). The lens is very light and has a bluish color, enabling it to be worn indoors and in night-time conditions.The Cx-65 is a Category 1 Lens which is not intended for use outdoors as a sunglass.
Good Morning. I received a letter from the Swiss Post Office and the police and tell me that I need that weapon to have a license that I have. Therefore I can not pick up the. I knew nothing, and it s not a real gun and do not understand why I ask for a license. And I want to charge an extra amount at customs Could you return the money then? Thank You. Best regards.
I hope all is well! I wanted to clarify the discount moving forward is only applicable on orders $3,000 or greater in value. For this most recent order we will apply the discount but moving forward the moq to receive this discounted rate is $3,000. We can fulfill all items except for the Tangier (item #: 2050.) Without this item the orders total value including shipping is $386.63. You can certainly pay by paypal as we did last time, I will ship as soon as payment is received. Please let me know if you would like to add an item to substitute for Tangier'. Once your package ships we will send an email with a link to track your order.
While Amazon.com does request information in the process of investigating a chargeback, the final outcome of a chargeback request will be determined by the customer's financial institution.We discourage buyers from disputing a charge with their credit card company, offering the A-to-z Guarantee as an alternative. If a buyer files a chargeback, they are no longer eligible for the Guarantee. For more information about the A-to-z Guarantee and chargebacks, please visit:I believe that I provided a best help for you because I understand what you are feeling right and again, I do apologize for this.I hope that I was able to help you as a Seller Support Representative your satisfaction is our top priority.
The Reality of Muslim IntegrationReviewing the structural, cultural, and social integration quantified in academic studies of the past six years makes clear that the integration of “Muslims” in Germany is far better than often assumed:・More than 50 percent of Muslims are members of a German association; a mere 4 percent are only members of an association affiliated with their country/culture of origin.・Ninety-five percent of all Muslim boys and girls take part in coed sports and swimming classes at school (even as media reports might lead the public to believe that most Muslim parents are keeping their girls separate).
・Eighty percent of Muslim immigrants make a living from income as employees or being self-employed.・Thirty-four percent receive the Abitur or Fachabitur (the diploma qualifying pupils for university admission), 22.3 percent finish intermediate secondary school (Realschule), and 28.8 percent finish secondary general school (Hauptschule). Collectively, this means that 85.2 percent achieve a school qualification needed to enter Germany’s diversified job market.・Only 1 percent of Muslims in Germany can be considered part of the Islamist milieu.Businesses owned by the foreign born havebecome an important component of the Germaneconomy over the past 15 years.
29th I'm still here and I can get the parcel. then I will not be in Ukraine more than three months. My residential address will change constantly over time.This is quite risky. but if you are sure the hood will be delivered to the 29th, then send. I understand that for you is the best option to resolve the situation, but it is quite risky.I apologize for the situation. I think you make the right choice.The positive feedback I leave in any case.
My freind Can you plase call the EMS office to ask about my shippment it is from 8/7 no any improvementNo need to apologize. Both items arrived in a timely manner. And I love Japanese sweets (Pocky and Ramune and melon pan the best) so I don't mind the wait for the correct item. You worked quickly to correct it and I appreciate that a lot with customer service. hello, that brings language, thanks申し訳ないですが今仕事中なので、仕事が終わり次第、連絡を入れます。この度はご迷惑おかけしました。それはどういう意味ですか?
私の友人EMS事務所に電話して、8月7日から何の進展もない私の配送について尋ねていただけませんか。あなたが謝る必要はありません。商品は両方ともタイミングよく届きました。それに私は日本のお菓子(ポッキーやラムネやメロンパンが一番)がタイ好きですので、ちゃんとした商品が届くのを待つのは苦になりません。あなたは直ちに改善するよう動いてくれて、お客様サービスが行き届いているので感謝しています。こんにちは、言語対応、感謝します。I am sorry, but I am now on my business, so I will contact you as soon as my work is completed.I apologize for your inconvenience this time.What ydo you mean abut that?
According to Least privilege architecture principle a user or a program should access only minimum information and resources that are needed for its legitimate purpose.According to defaults deny principle by default everything not explicitly permitted and should be forbidden.According to fail secure principle information should not be accessible to unauthorized entities in the event of a system failure.--These principles are not followed or there is no idea on these principles in the organization. These principles are followed in ad hoc manner. - These principles are followed always but not formally defined in the policy. - These principles are formally defined in the policy and followed.
--No process for risk monitoring or organization has no idea how to establish process for risk monitoring. Ad hoc awareness of threats or hazards. Risk monitoring is implemented in an ad hoc manner. Basic process is established and documented to monitor potential threats or hazards. Risk monitoring program uses itinerary data to focus effort. Monitoring is integrated into risk disclosure and notification processes. Process improvement procedures utilized to ensure continuous improvement of the monitoring process with emphasis on predictive threat identification metrics and lessons learned, captured and used to enhance process.
13 A.6.1.D Does the organization performs security risk assessment? A risk assessment should be conducted to quantify and qualify the potential risks facing the organization.--There is no evidence of this practice in the organization. Organization performs security risk assessment in an ad hoc manner, but couldn't do anything to mitigate risks.
13 A.6.1.D組織はセキュリティリスク査定を行っていますか。リスク査定は企業が直面する潜在的リスクを定量化し制限するために行われるべきである。組織内でこれを実践している証拠はない。組織は、当面の問題についてのみセキュリティリスク査定を行っているが、リスクを軽減するために何もできていない。
The organization performs risk assessment in an ad hoc manner. Risk identification, prioritization and selection of security controls to mitigate risks is done in an ad hoc way. The organization has a consistent overall approach of performing risk assessment but most of risk assessment process is undocumented. The process is fully documented and the risk assessment process is continuously reviewed and used during decision making. "The focus is on continuous process improvement. The risk assessment process is used to identify new opportunities. The organization performs continuous benchmarking and implements best practices."
14 A.6.1.E Does the organization have an endpoint management policy based approach that requires all the endpoint devices (workstations, laptops, smartphones and tablets) to comply with specific criteria before they are granted access to network resources within the organization? --No policy exists. Policy exists, but not completed. Policy exists, but is not implemented actually. Policy exists, and is implemented in part of devices. Policy exists, and is implemented in all of devices, but the policy is not regularly reviewed. Policy exists, is implemented in all of devices, and is regularly reviewed to improve.
14 A.6.1.E 組織は、組織内のネットワークリソースへのアクセスを許可する前に、特定の基準に適合するすべての終点デバイス(ワークステーション、ラップトップ、スマートフォン、タブレット)を必要とするアプローチに基づいて終点管理施策を行っていますか。施策はない。施策はあるが、完了していない。施策はあるが、実際に実行されていない施策はあり、一部のデバイスで実行されている。施策はあり、すべてのデバイスで実行されているが、施策は定期的に見直されていない。施策はあり、すべてのデバイスで実行されており、改善のために定期的に見直されている。
6 A.6.1.2 A.6.1.2. Has isolation of conflicting duties and areas of responsibilities been implemented? Conflicting duties and areas of responsibility should be segregated to reduce opportunities for unauthorized or unintentional modification or misuse of the organization 's assets.--isolation of duties has not been implemented.Some departments have segregated conflicting duties and areas of responsibility related to sensitive information assets. The organization has consistently segregated conflicting duties and areas of responsibility related to sensitive information assets but allocation of responsibilities to organizational roles have not been documented.
6 A.6.1.2 A.6.1.2. 競合する義務の分離と責任の領域は実行されましたか?競合する義務と責任の領域は、組織の財産の未公認または意図しない誤使用の改善の機会を減らすために分離されています。義務の分離は実行されていません。慎重に扱うべき情報資産に関する競合する義務と責任の領域を分離している部署もあります。組織は一貫して慎重に扱うべき情報資産に関する競合する義務と責任の領域を分離してきましたが、組織的役割への責任の再分配は文書化されていません。
Departments across the organization have established contacts with relevant specialist security forums and professional associations though there is no recommended list of special interest groups in place. The organization has established a recommended list of specialist security forums and professional associations that should be consulted for best practices early warnings of advisories information about new technologies etc. Awareness for requirement for contacts with special interest groups is maintained and refreshed and the list of recommended special interest groups is reviewed and kept up to date.
Information sharing agreements are established with special interest groups to improve cooperation and coordination of security issues and identify requirements for the protection of confidential information.9 A.6.1.5 A.6.1.5. Is information security integrated into the organization's project management methods?Information security should be addressed in project management regardless of the type of the project.--Information security is not addressed in the organizations project management methods. Some departments adopt information security best practices while delivering projects.
セキュリティ問題に関する協力と協調を向上し、機密情報の保護の要件を特定するために、特別の利益集団と情報共有の合意がなされています。9A.6.1.5 A.6.1.5. 情報セキュリティは組織のプロジェクト管理方法と統合されていますか。情報セキュリティは、プロジェクトの種類にかかわらず、プロジェクト管理で対応されるべきです。情報セキュリティは組織のプロジェクト管理方法で対応されるべきです。プロジェクトの伝達中に最適なセキュリティ実践を採択している部署もあります。
The organization consistently integrates specific information security measures based on perceived risks into project delivery methods though security requirements have not been standardized and documented. An information security risk assessment is conducted at the early stage of the project to identify required security controls and information security responsibilities are defined and allocated to specified roles defined in the project management methods. Information security implications are prioritized addressed and reviewed regularly in all projects. Implementation of information security objectives is monitored in all projects. Automated tools are used where feasible.
3A.5.1.A Are security performance goals and objectives set in the organization? Capability to set goals and objectives for security performance regarding metrics program management and investment.--No goals or objectives have been set. Some goals or objectives have been set ad hoc. Goals are set ad hoc and but not reviewed in regularly. Goals and objectives have been set and sometime reviewed but not all goals are useful. Performance goals and objectives are set using past data, sometime reviewed for improvement and all goals are useful. Goals and objectives are set and regularly reviewed for improvement by the Security Organization.
3A.5.1.A 組織内にセキュリティ保護の目標と対象物が設定されていますか?指標プログラムの管理と投資に関するセキュリティ保護のための目標と対象物の機能目標あるいは対象物の設定はなされていない。設定または注意している目標や対象物はいくつかある。目標と対象物は設定されていて、時には見直されるが、すべての目標が有益なわけではない。セキュリティ保護の目標と太守汚物は過去のデータを使って設定されており、時には改善のために見直され、すべての目標が有益である。目標と対象物は設定され、セキュリティ組織によって定期的に改善のために見直されている。