The camera and lens look good, and I have left you positive feedback. There is some black particles I see, but I should have asked about that.I am also currently looking for a Mamiya A 150mm 2.8 lens if you know of anyone who has that. I have seen them listed on eBay for $180-230.
カメラとレンズは良さそうです。 ポジティブなフィードバックを残しておきました。 いくつか黒い小さな粒がありましたが、それについては尋ねておくべきでした。私は現在、マミヤ A 150mm 2.8のレンズも探しており、もしどなたかお持ちの方をご存知でしょうか? イーベイで180ドルから230ドルで出ているのを見ました。
I understand your concern regarding the $99 charge in your account. Let me help you with this. I looked into your account and see the $99.00 charge you mentioned was processed on November 13, 2014 for your Amazon Prime membership renewal. More information about Amazon Prime benefits is available on our Help pages: However, I understand that you want to cancel the membership and be refunded for the $99. To help you with, I've canceled your Amazon Prime membership You'll receive a refund of $99.00 for the Amazon Prime membership fee. Refunds typically process within 2-3 business days and appear as a credit on your statement.