kayo (kayoandrews) 翻訳実績

9年以上前 女性
英語 日本語 (ネイティブ)
kayoandrews 英語 → 日本語

The Squirrelz
There’s no award for startups with fun names, but there ought to be one to reward The Squirrelz. It’s a sort of Etsy for “upcycled” products – but with a huge, Alibaba-sized twist.

The Squirrelz operates on two levels. To ordinary shoppers, it’s a marketplace for funky products made out of cast-off items (pictured below); to makers, it’s a place to source those materials in bulk. The good news for the startup is that it makes commission on both those stages.

Bunny Yan, the CEO and co-founder, gave the example of a huge batch of medical scrubs that were rejected because they came out in the wrong color. On The Squirrelz, someone turned those into courier bags.


The Squirrelz
面白い名前のスタートアップに賞はありませんが、The Squirrelzは褒賞すべきものです。これは、一種のアップサイクルされた商品を売るEtsyのような感じです。でも大きなAlibabaサイズのひねりが入っています。

The Squirrelzは、2つのレベルで動作します。普通の買い物客はファンキーないらなくなったアイテムで作られた商品(下の写真)を買える場所です。メーカーの方は、大量に材料を仕入れる事が出来る場所です。このスタートアップの良いところは、この両方のステージから手数料が取れる事です。

CEOであり兼共同創設者のBunny Yanは、大量に間違った色で生産された医療ユニフォームを拒否された事を例にあげた。The Squirrelzでは、誰かがこれを使って肩からかけるバッグにつくり変えました。

kayoandrews 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.5

Hi, I understand you are asking if you can send a non - breakable and double sealed item as long as it is under 50 fluid ounces. Yes you can however the item you contacted about is already considered restricted as it is a glass bottle with more than 4 ounces. If you intend to send it in another unbreakable bottle you will need to create a new listing for the new product so the fulfillment center will know it is not breakable. Please do not send in the item as it is listed currently because it will be destroyed by the fulfillment center associates at your expense as it is not allowed to be sent.

