SpellDial Wants to Make Phone Numbers HistoryThis post is a part of our coverage of Startups in Asia (Singapore), Penn Olson’s first tech conference. Our full coverage of the event can be found here, for our RSS feed, click here.SpellDial is a startup from the Phillipines that aims to make finding friends and businesses on your phone easier by using names rather than numbers. Founder Nicole Macarasig pitched this new method of calling to the audience and the judges of the Startup Arena competition this afternoon.
SpellDialは電話番号で個人の履歴を作るこの掲載内容はアジア(シンガポール)発のスタートアップ記事の一部で、Penn Olsonが最初にテック系カンファレンスを開催したときのものだ。このイベントに関するすべての記事はここに掲載しており、RSSフィードを購読するにはここをクリックする。SpellDialはフィリピンのスタートアップで、番号よりも名前を使って友人やビジネス相手を電話で簡単に検索できるようにしたものだ。設立者のNicole Macarasig氏がその日の午後、電話をかける新しい方法を参加者に披露し、スタートアップ・アリーナ・コンペティションで意見を聞くようにしている。
The SpellDial team began by addressing a problem: phone numbers are hard to remember. We see ads everywhere but rarely can remember the numbers when we’re looking to purchase services, for example. Names, on the other hand, are easy to remember.SpellDial (spelldial.com) is an app that allows users to search for the names of friends and businesses using text. In-app, you enter a name – for example, Albert Padin (SpellDial’s CEO) – and assuming they’ve registered with the service, you can them call them directly. You can also set up contacts lists within the app itself to keep track of friends.
SpellDialの開発チームは、電話番号は覚えるのが難しいといった問題点を説明した。例えば、広告はどこでも見られるが、そのサービスを利用しようとするときに電話番号はなかなか覚えられない。名前だと覚えるのも簡単だ。SpellDial(spelldial.com)ではユーザーがこのアプリを使って、友人の名前やビジネス相手を文字入力で検索できる。アプリにAlbert Padin (SpellDialのCEO)などと入力すると、このサービスに登録されているなら、直接電話することができるのだ。このアプリを使って友人の登録履歴を検索して連絡リストも作ることが可能である。
Regular users can use the app for free, but businesses pay a fee to access a range of specialized services. These services include back-end analytics, smart maps, and “action” buttons that allow users to easily interact with a business. For example, a cab company might set up a button that says “Get a Cab”; users could then click this button, enter their location and what clothes they’re wearing, and then send their location data to the cab company, which would directly dispatch a car. No phone call needed.
Start Now Aims to Make Volunteering a SnapThis post is a part of our coverage of Startups in Asia (Singapore), Penn Olson’s first tech conference. Our full coverage of the event can be found here, for our RSS feed, click here.Start Now is a Singapore-based startup that hopes to simplify the volunteer-NGO relationship by providing would-be volunteers with an easy way to find service opportunities, and NGOs and other organizations a simple platform for finding volunteers. Team member Ivan Chang took stage today during the Startup Arena competition to share his team’s plan with the audience (and the judges)
Start Nowはボランティアとの縁をつなぐこの記事はアジア(シンガポール)に拠点を持つスタートアップの取材内容の一部で、Penn Olsonが最初にテック・カンファレンスを開催したときのものである。イベントの内容はすべてここで見ることができ、RSSフィードで購読するにはここをクリックする。Start Nowはシンガポール発のスタートアップであり、ボランティアとNGOとの関係を簡略化しようと考えている。そのためにはボランティア希望者には役に立てる場を簡単に見つけられる方法を、そしてNGOなどの団体にはボランティアを見つけられるシンプルなプラットフォームを提供している。チームメンバーであるIvan Chang氏はこの日行われたスタートアップ・コンペティション・アリーナでの講演で、チームのプランを参加者(講評者にも)に説明した。
According to Ivan, compulsory school volunteer programs in Singapore led to a tangled mess of red tape that made volunteering complicated. Moreover, the team found that volunteers tended to stop volunteering because of a lack of feedback and recognition and feeling like they weren’t really a part of anything. Start Now fixes these problems with a client-end platform that provides users all kinds of feedback, from Facebook integration to tracking systems that show them how much time they’ve spent volunteering.
Ivan Chang氏によると、シンガポールでの義務教育のボランティアプログラムは形式ばかりにとらわれた事態に陥っており、ボランティア活動を複雑なものにしているとのことだ。さらに、ボランティアはフィードバックや報賞が得られず、また本当に何かの役に立っているという感覚が感じられないためにボランティア活動を止めることも多いことが分かった。Start Nowではこのような問題をクライアント側のプラットフォームで解決し、ユーザーにはあらゆるフィードバックを与えている。それにはFacebookへの統合からトラッキングシステムまでを活用して、ユーザーがボランティアにどのくらいの時間を掛けたのか分かるようにしている。
It helps volunteers, but it’s also great for businesses and NGOs because it gives them tools for managing volunteers into groups, enabling organization and scheduling smartly and quickly, without needing tons of spreadsheets. It also integrates with social media, allowing organizations to notify volunteers and increase views for their events.The service is free for end-users (i.e. would-be volunteers), but nonprofit NGOs, schools, and corporations will all pay a scaled monthly fee for using Start Now’s services to find volunteers.
これはボランティアをサポートするものであるが、企業やNGOにとってもとても役に立つものだ。というのもこのサービスを利用すると、ボランティアを管理してグループ分けができ、組織に権限を委譲し、多量のスプレッドシートを必要とせずにスムーズに素早くスケジュール管理ができるツールが提供されるからだ。またソーシャルメディアとも統合し、それを使ってボランティアへの通知やイベント開催の閲覧を促すことにつながるのである。このサービスは登録ユーザー(ボランティア希望者)には無料であるが、Start Nowのサービスを利用してボランティアを探そうとするNGO、学校、企業は一定の月額料金を払わないといけない。
Today, the startup is ready to announce that in just four days, the team signed up 42 nonprofit organizations site, bringing its end-user count across the 18,000 user mark. That’s a new user every fifteen seconds.And it’s not all about Singapore. Start Now plans to expand into China later this month through a partnership with kaishi.com and the prestigious Peking University. Obviously, that version of Start Now won’t include Facebook integration though, and we’ll have to wait and see what the folks at Peking U have chosen as a replacement SNS (Renren would be the obvious choice).Here’s the full slideshow from Start Now’s pitch:
Start Nowは本日、わずか4日で42のNPOサイトと提携し、1万8千人を超えるエンドユーザーが登録したと発表する予定だ。これは15秒ごとに新たなユーザーが登録したことになる。それにシンガポールだけではない。Start Nowは今月終わりには、kaishi.comや名門の北京大学と提携し中国に進出する計画だ。間違いなく、Start NowはFacebookとは統合しないバージョンを使用するので、北京大学の学生たちが代わりのSNS(人人網が多分選ばれる)に何を選ぶのか待たなければならない。Start Nowがピッチしたスライドショーはここで全部見られる。
Your refund was processed, it should post to your account within 1 week.
CHAPTER 21-2It takes work to get things organized in a way that employees can spend the majority of time focusing on tasks that they can do well. If they believe that they are encouraged to grow but have the chance to work in areas of strength, they will work harder at shoring up areas where they fall short, and they will continue to produce excellent working general for you.A chance to succeed Another thing happens when you give employees jobs that allow them to exercise their gifts regularly: they get excited about doing their jobs. They know that they will be able to accomplish lots of things, and so they are excited about coming to work and succeeding.
CHAPTER 21-1You want to work with employees to get them to ~ strengthen their weaknesses. But don't make the fatal mistake of focusing on their weaknesses. Find ways to reorganize the jobs so that each employee is doing work in an area of strength. But don't take away any challenges for the employee to grow. A chance to blossom Let's face facts. No one wants to be in a position of doing something hated and constantly facing failure or the chance for reprimand for a substandard job. If you give employees the chance to do what they like and to use their gifts, they will begin to blossom. They will he motivated to pay you back by making you look good.
Most phones come with flimsy manuals with complicated language and jargon. These books, which can live on a bookshelf actually contain the phone.Each page reveals the elements of the phone in the right order, helping the user to set up the sim card, the battery and even slide the case onto the phone.The second book is the main manual – the phone actually slots into this and becomes the center of attention.Arrows point to the exact locations the user should press, avoiding confusion and eliminating the feeling of being lost in a menu.
ok, i will send you all things later or latest tomorrow. i am so busy in this moments, because there some requests for film music and there i must record the channels etc.I hope is ok......Promotion is always well to get more fans and this bring all also steps forward....but let me some hours to send you all. ok!?!
CHAPTER 18-1We have talked about giving employees the chance to fail. But you need a similar attitude toward yourself. It is easy to go to a workshop or conference or read a book like this and get enthused about all the things that you can do to be a. great boss. When you return to your workplace and try to implement some of these changes, remember this: you are going to fail. Not all the time, and not in the long run, but you are going to make mistakes and have difficulties in making some of these ideas consistent parts of your work life. That's OK. Falling short of a higher standard means you are trying.
CHAPTER 17-4Improvements High standards weed out complacency. They force people to constantly improve on what they have done before. Celebrate accomplishments, encourage your employees, but always set the standard a little higher. When people feel appreciated and find that they are doing things better than they would have ever believed they could, they will usually rise to the challenge of doing a little bit better.When things are being done "good enough," everyone will become complacent, and the constantly changing world will quickly catch up to you and pass you by. Customers are obviously attracted to the best product or service they can get
DHL contacted us to inform us that you reached them regarding the missing Tool Kit within your shipment. Please be aware that we were unable to locate it so the refund was made to your MyUS.com account back in February 1 as you can confirm from your History section online. Again I am sorry for any inconvenience this might have caused. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us. Kind Regards,
"It is very important aspect of the legal process that the person trying the district court decision is present," said prosecutor Margareta Esplund.
「地方裁判所の裁定を審理する人が同席することは、訴訟手続をする上で非常に重要な姿勢である。」と検察官のMargareta Esplund氏は言った。
Hi, thank you for your payment. I'm planning to ship your jacket out Monday afternoon, so it should be picked up with the Tuesday morning mail. You'll get an email with tracking info. I can ship with First Class mail for the shipping amount I charged you. It can take 10 business days or more to arrive. If you would like the jacket sooner, I can ship Priority Mail, which costs $48, so i would need an additional $18. I just thought I'd give you the option. the Priority Mail service comes with free insurance. Let me know what you prefer, and your jacket will go out in the mail Monday. Thanks!
OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS1.Connect the charger to the battery.2.Connect the charger to the wall socket. The power lamp will indicate that the mains cable is connected to the wall socket . The error lamp will indicate if the battery clamps are incorrectly connected. The Reverse polarity protection will ensure that the battery or charger will not be damaged.3.Press the MODE-button to select charging program.4.Follow the 8-step display through the charging process.The battery is ready to start the engine when STEP 4 is lit.The battery is fully charged when STEP 7 is lit.5.Stop chaging at any time by disconnecting the mains cable from the wall socket.
Wantedly: Japan’s Trust-based Social Recruiting Site Officially DebutsOn Monday, a Tokyo-based tech startup called Wanted officially released its social recruiting platform Wantedly. The service was developed by ex-FBer Akiko Naka and her buddy Gaku Hagiwara, and it allows employers to find potential employees by showing them how they would work in the company with possible future colleagues.We had a chance to interview the startup’s co-founder and CEO Naka and asked her a little bit more about the service, as well as some of the details behind it.
Wantedly originally launched as a platform to find like-minded co-workers for projects. Did you pivot from this to make it to a social recruiting platform? " When we launched the website at first, we intended to see how many people were interested in our service and how the demographic looked. We wanted to see it in the beta phase. We got 12,000 users and confirmed that the largest part was entrepreneurial individuals aged from 25 to 34. "