Choreo Chronicle 2008-2011 Plusそのダンスパフォーマンスが今ますます話題の三浦大知、初のCLIP集!自身で振り付けを行い始めた2008年「Inside Your Head」から近年に至るまでの作品をコンパイル。加えて、これまでの初回特典やYouTubeのみで公開されていた、ダンスにフォーカスしたボーナス映像を一挙収録!
As the man his Dace performance in the news everywhere, DAICHI MIURA's first Movie clips! Al the movies which is compiled are shoot from when he started to choreography himself in 2008 to recently.More over, the movie which is only published on youtube has also included.