As part of PayPal's commitment to excellence, we invite you to share your experience about your interaction with us on October 14, 2012. We place great value on your time, so this survey should take less than 5 minutes to complete. You will have the opportunity to share your feedback without revealing your personal information. Please visit the following website to complete the survey. Simply click on the web address below (or copy and paste the link into your browser): We appreciate your participation and look forward to hearing from you.
湖琵県琶何年か前、ふとテレビをつけたときに、こんこんと湧き出る水とその水辺を取り巻く人たちの生活の、なんともいえない情緒的な映像が流れていた。Photo& Text by tamachangg突然目の前に現れた風景は最初、現在の日本の風景だとは思えなかった。その番組が終わるまでの60分間は画面の中に現れる、ただただポエティックな世界に引きずり込まれていた。
Biwako lake prefecturefew years ago, I was watching TV at time, it seemd a springing water and people who lived in there around, indescribable sentimental footage.Photo& Text by tamachangga landscape appeared front of my sight suddenly, i could not recognize it was japanese landscape at first. I had been drawn into the footage that just poetic within the TV continued sixty minutes.
Laiwang, in Chinese means In Contact. Also Read from its About, it says Laiwang is to help everyone to keep in touch with the connections with their good friends, track your wonderful moment in your life, anytime and anywhere. The service is available to on both Android and iPhone. So it sounds like a social network for mobile.Mobile market leaves plenty of opportunities for everyone. The launch of Laiwang, does it mean Alibaba wants a bit market in mobile social work? and will it become a sort of mobile social eCommerce service? We will see.
Simple People nowadays are not feeling right about getting have a mixer. But you will think about grandpa had the blind date. Was it worse than a mixer, wasn't it? However, now I guess what is time is changing. At that time, there always has been a close-knit village society. A big family attached a high value to have their house and tradition. A family ties are strongest. Therefore, it's feeling right for parent to fix up for their child. In our time, that is like fixing through friend.Now today, across the time and free to easier, no wonder to find to get love on one's own.
(機関名) 御中 自己充実休暇承認についての証明書このたび弊社社員 ( 氏名 ) から米国留学を理由に申請のあった「自己充実休職」について、弊社人事委員会において選考した結果、12月15日付で下記期間での休職を承認いたしました。この文書をもって証明いたします。期間:2012年9月1日~2013年8月31日給与:規定により給与・賞与は支給しない
Dear (an organization name) Certification acknowledge of self fulfilling vacationRecently your application for a "self fulfilling vacation" from our firm employee (identity name) because of overseas to study in U.S.Our company's personal committee decided to acknowledge vacation on 12/15 the following.this is the certification.Period:2012/09/01~2013/08/31Salary: you can not receive an allowance by rule.
[1] Two centuries later a most clear-sighted historian of the Second Crusade can find space in a short narrative to record on many occasions the flattery, perjury, perfidy, blasphemy, heresy, arrogance, servility, deceit, pride, cunning and infidelity of the Greeks.[2] Many who burnt heretics in the ordinary way of their business were otherwise excellent people.[3] We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all that we need to make us happy is something to be enthusiastic about.[4] Many who burnt heretics in the ordinary way of their business were otherwise excellent people.
[1] 二世紀を経て、第二回十字軍について明瞭な歴史家は、短い文章で多くの出来事において記録する余地を見つけました。お世辞、偽証、不実、冒涜、異教、傲慢、奴隷、詐欺、自惚れ、狡猾とギリシア人の不貞。[2] 通常、異教徒を燃やした多くの人は、他の点では優秀な人々でした。[3]我々は、我々を幸福にし熱狂的にする快適さと贅沢が最も重要な人生の条件のように行動する。[4]通常、異教徒を燃やした多くの人は、他の点では優秀な人々でした。
We usually think of Japan as four five major islands (Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, and Cat Island) and the smattering of small islands of Okinawa. But in reality, Japan is tons of different islands of all sizes.Case in point, I recently saw the picture above and was astounded to learn that it’s part of Japan. Say hello to the Japanese island of Aogashima.Aogashima (“blue island”) is Jurassic Park the setting for “Battle Royale” a tropical, volcanic island in the Phillipine Sea. Despite being over 200 miles away from the country’s capital, Aogashima is governed by Tokyo. In fact, a whole stretch of tropical and sometimes uninhabited islands called the Izu Islands are technically part of Tokyo.
黒井:あーもしもし、週末を一人で寂しく過ごす湯沢さんのお宅はこちらですかー?湯沢:…チッ 何だ!黒井:随分な態度じゃないですか、可愛い後輩が久しぶりに連絡してきたっていうのに湯沢:先輩を差し置いてさっさと卒業した恩知らずの誰が可愛いって?黒井:ははっ、相変わらずのようで安心しました湯沢:で? 何か用でも?黒井:久々に仕事が一段落しましてね。最近、大学の方はどうですか湯沢:んーまあ…相変わらずってとこかな、はっはっは黒井:ははは、来年こそ卒業できるといいですね
Kuroi : hello there, is this the Yusawa a lonesome weekend?Yusawa : ...darn it! what are you?Kuroi : oh, that's too much. I am one of your junior, dont' I?Yusawa : you've got put through on ahead of me. Kuroi : haha, you have not changed, right?Yusawa : so,what do you want?Kuroi : I got pack up my work. so I just called to say hello and want to hear your college life.Yusawa : well...just same as usual, hahaha.Kuroi : hahaha, I hope you will put through next year.