Dear Mr. Rodney Bosleyお世話になっております。この度はご協力頂き誠に有難う御座います。ロドニー様から、MatriStem MicroMatrixを発送するのでお届け先をご連絡くださいとご連絡を頂きましたのでお取引させて頂いているので御座います。ロドニー様からお届けいただくとのご連絡が御座いましたのですが。お届けいただくとのことでしたので、しっかりとご責任のあるご対応を取ってください。私個人が、一人が仕入れることには一切の問題が無く、しっかりと正式な方法で証明されており、正しく合法的に仕入れることをしております。この経緯に至るまではこれまでに相当な金額の損害を受けました。やっとのことでここまで来たのに、ロドニー様が発送してお届けするとのことでしたのに全てをぶち壊す気でしょうか?IRX Medicineは医師の署名、所在地を記入し、医師でなければIRX Medicineから仕入れることは出来ません。IRX MedicineがMatriStem MicroMatrixを正式に取り扱っており、スイスのサブプライヤーから仕入れていることをしていた為、IRX Medic
Dear Mr. Rodney BosleyThank you for your patronage.Thank you for your cooperation this time.I make a deal since Mr. Rodney asked me to tell him the shipping address to which he delivers MatriStem MicroMatrix.Since you told me that Mr.Rodney would deliver it, please be more responsible.There is no problem officially or legally that I imported MatriStem MicroMatrix, and the fact is proven in a proper way.I’ve lost quite a lot of money until now.Even though I’ve been through all this finally and you told Mr.Rodney would delivet it to me, do you want to mess everything up? Doctors can’t import some medicine from IRX Medicine unless you yourself are the doctors, sign your name and your location.As IRX Medicine were dealing with MatriStem MicroMatrix officially and imported from the suppliers in Switzerland, I made a contract with them.
ineと契約を結びました。正式に法律通りに正しく合法的にスイスからMatriStem MicroMatrix を仕入れることをしていたところがIRX Medicineでしたので、18万で契約を致しました。しかしながら、これまでに相当な金額を損害させられました。IRX Medicine社はこれまでに、スイス等の中間サブプライヤーを通してMatriStem MicroMatrix医師に仕入れており、医師であれば仕入れることをして参りました。これまでに何例も御座います。証明書をしっかりと発行し、正しく合法的に一つも間違っていることは御座いません。この度は、ロドニー様が「発送してお届けします。」とのことで私と正式にご約束をしてご契約をしたのですが。そちらがロドニー様が「発送します、お届け致しますのでお届け先をご連絡ください。」とのことをご連絡頂きましたので、その際にしっかりと合法的に正しく、正式に証明を行い、仕入れる際のお手続きを専門のIRX Medicine社が行って頂く次第で御座います。IRX Medicine社はお届けいただく際に証明をしっかりと行い、証明書を発行し正しい方法でこれまでに
As IRX Medicine imported MatriStem MicroMatrix officially from the Switzerland, I made a contract with them by 180,000 yen.However, I’ve lost quite a lot of money until now.IRX Medicine has been importing MatriStem MicroMatrix through suppliers like in the Switzerland only if you are doctors.There were many cases of them.Moreover, I issued a certificate properly and there is nothing wrong legally.This time, as you told me Mr.Rodney would deliver them to me, I made a contract with you officially. Plus, as you asked me to tell you my shipping address, you have to certify officially, legally and make professional company IRX Medicine proceed instead while importing. IRX Medicine certified properly while delivering, issued certificates and have been making thousands of deals until now.
何千件ものお取引を行っております。ロドニー様がお届けするとご連絡して来たので、お届け先をご連絡しているのです。その際に、薬監証明というものをして正式に証明して仕入れることをして100%正しくこれ以上に無い合法的な方法で、世界基準の法律通りに行う手順が整っている次第で御座います。ロドニー様から発送して頂き私のもとへお届けする事はIRX Medicine社が証明を行い全世界共通の法律で認められており、輸入申請業者や通関業者等全てにおいて法律的に認められています。もちらん、ロドニー様の米国にても当然認められており許可を得ました。全世界基準の法律で認められております。世界中全てで認められた方法で、お届けいただく際に証明をして、お届け頂きます。一切違反では御座いませんこと米国の法律にて許可を得ております。国がどうだとか国単位で考えているのではないのです。私個人としてロドニー様とお話をさせて頂いているので御座います。一人の人間として、私個人でロドニー様と直接お取引をさせて頂いているので御座います。何故、お振り込み口座をお知らせ下さらいのでしょうか?何故、銀行のお振り込み先をご連絡されないのですか?
IRX Medicine certified properly while delivering, issued certificates and have been making thousands of deals until now.I told you my shipping address since you told me Mr.Rodney would deliver them to me.Then, they would import the medicines proving them in the drug-monitoring center, in a 100 % right way which means there is no way more legally. The process has to be the universal standard of legal one.The fact Mr.Rodney would deliver them to me is explained by the IRX Medicine, recognized by the law of universal standard and by the import traders or the customs agents legally.Of course, I also got a permission from the US where Mr.Rodney lives and it is agreed by the law of global standard.I would like you to certify in a globally agreed way and deliver them to me.I’ve already got permissions and known that there is nothing illegal.It’s not the matter of country or somethingI am just talking to Mr.Rodney personally which means I’m dealing with Mr. Rodeny as an individual.Why don’t you tell me your bank account which I should send some money to?
すでに地球環境はやばいところまで来ています。過去50年間における地球温暖化の主な原 因は、“人間活動”だと言われています。その活動は、すでに地球の容量を超えて拡大しています。それに対処するには、まず、目標とすべき社会を想定し、将来から現在の対策を考える- いわゆる逆算して考える”back casting” という、考え方が必要です。温暖化を食い止めるためにはどうすればいいのでしょうか?温度の上昇を2℃以下にしなければなりません。それには2050年の世界全体の温室効果ガス排出量を基準レベルの50%以下に削減する必要があります。また、京都議定書に参加していない国への参加を働きかけることも不可欠です。
The earth's environment is in crisis now.It is said that the global warming last 50 years results from human activity.The activity is expanding over the capacity of the earth.To cope with it we need an idea, “back casting”.“back casting” is the concept which you assume the targeted society, guess the future and decide what to do now. You might call it back calculation, too.By the way, what do we have to do to stop global warming?We have to control temperature rise under 2 degrees Celsius.For the purpose, we also need to decrease greenhouse emission burden all over the world under half of the standard level on 2050.Moreover, it is essential to encourage the companies which reject the Kyoto accord to participate.
温暖化を食い止めるための具体案は以下に述べます。 二酸化炭素を出さないエネルギー供給システムを導入する。 ― 太陽光、風力、バイオマス、水素、原子力など。 エネルギー依存の少ない経済活動を推進する。- 省エネ機器、低公害車、都市交通システムの活用など。 モノ消費による豊かさから、新たな豊かさへの転換をする。- クールビズ、ウォームビズ、もったいない、LOHAS、マイバッグなど。今回、地球温暖化を調べてみて、今とても地球が苦しんでいるのが分かりました。普段私達が、何気なくしている行動の一つ一つが地球の未来を壊していることにも気づくことができました。私たちの暮らしは世界に支えられていて、また私たち一人一人の暮らし方が今、問われています。青い地球を未来の子供たちに受け継いであげられるよう、これからもエネルギーの使い方を考えた暮らし方をしなければと思います。“小さなことからこつこつと”です。
Particular ideas to stop global warming are below.Adopt the energy supply system in which you don’t emit carbon dioxide. -Using sunlight, wind power, biomass, hydrogen, atomic power etc.Promote business activity with which you don’t have to use so much energy.-Using energy saving appliances, less polluting cars urban transportation system etc.Shift the concept of richness based on consumption to the new one.-Cool Biz, Warm Biz, stop wasting, LOHAS, my bag etc.I could tell how the earth is damaged now by studying global warming this time.Then, I could also tell the fact our daily activities destroy the earth’s future.Now we should think over our daily life now as our daily life is based on earth.We have to keep on living considering how to use energy to keep the earth green for our children. “Keep it up even if it’s small matter.”
地球は太陽からのエネルギーで暖められ、暖められた地球からも熱が放射されます。大気に含まれる二酸化炭素などの温室効果ガスは、この熱の一部を吸収し、再び地表に戻しています。これを再放射と言います。そのおかげで、地球の平均気温は15℃となり、人間をはじめ生物が生きるのに適した環境が保たれているのです。本来、温室効果ガスは無くてはならないものです。しかし、温室効果ガスは増えすぎると地球はどんどん暖かくなってしまいます。温暖化による影響は、いろいろなところに出てきています。 平均海面水位 - 海水面の平均は20世紀の間に10~20cmも上昇しました。 氷河 - 20世紀後半、地球上の多くの氷河は大幅に後退しました。 20世紀は、地球規模の氷河後退が起こり始めた分岐点です。特に過去20年間はさらに氷床の融解が促進されました。NASAの衛星調査によると、アンデス、ヒマラヤ、アルプス、ピレネーズで、この10年間に大幅な氷河の縮小が見られました。全氷河のうちで、かなりの部分が消失する可能性があるという報告もあります。
The energy of sun warms the earth up and the earth releases the heat then.The greenhouse effect gas like carbon dioxide contained in the air absorbs portion of this heat and puts it back to the earth.This mechanism is called reradiation.Thanks to it, average temperature on earth can be kept 15 degrees Celsius which is appropriate for animal beings including humans.The greenhouse effect gas is necessary originally, but if it increases too much, the earth gets warmer and warmer.Global warming affects many aspects.Average sea level - Average sea level got higher by 10 to 20 centimeters in the 20th century. Glacier - At the second half of 20th century, glacier retreated so much.20th century is the turning which global retreats of glacier started happening. Especially over the past 20 years, melting of ice cap has been progressed more. According to the satellite investigation from NASA, in the Andes, in the Himaraya, or in the Pyrenees, glacier decrease so much over the past 10 years.There is also a report saying quite amount of total glacier would be disappeared.
異常高温 - 異常高温による森林火災も各地で多発しています。平均気温は20世紀中 に約0.6℃上昇しています。 暑い日は増加した可能性が高く、逆に寒い日はほぼすべての陸域で減少しています。2004年、東京では、最高気温が39.5℃で、真夏日が70日を記録しています。観測史上最高と 気温は20世紀中なる猛暑となりました。スペインやポルトガルでは、熱波にみまわれ、森林火災が多発しました。アラスカでも過去最大規模の森林火災が発生したと報じられました。 大雨、洪水 - 大雨による洪水被害が世界各地で増えています。 干ばつ - 世界各地で干ばつによる被害が出ています。オーストラリア東部、中国東北部など。 台風、竜巻 - 日本では、2004年の夏、台風が異常に発生し、上陸しました。アメリカでは、発生数15、フロリダ州など米国南東部でも大きな被害を受けました。 経済損失 - 被害額は年々増加しています。
Abnormally high temperature - forest fire happens everywhere because of abnormally high temperature.Average temperature got higher by about 0.6 degrees Celsius in the 20th century.There is a high possibility that the days in which it is hot increased.On the contrary, the days in which it is cold decreased in about all continental areas.In 2004, the highest temperature in Tokyo recorded was 39.5 degrees Celsius and 70 there were 70 tropical days.It was new record of high temperature in summer over the 20th century.Heat wave have attacked Spain or Portugal and many forest fires happened.It is also reported that the biggest forest fire ever happened in Alaska.Heavy rain and flood - Flood damage has been increasing from the heavy rain al over the world.Drought - Drought damage also happens all over the world like in the east of Australia, in the northeast of China etc. Typhoon or tornado - In the summer of 2004 in Japan, too many typhoons appeared and landed. In the US, there were 15 of them and damaged southeast like Florida state. Economic loss - The amount of money has been higher over the years.
As the first reconstruction of infrastructure started from the thrid quater in 2009, we united 15 servers into a hardware using the server virtual technique.This material reports the outline of the project, the result of integration and the plan from now on.
His name is Mike.A boy who likes to watch stars in the night sky.He always hopes to fly in the beautiful sky freely.One day, his grandfather says “If you are a good boy and make a wish toward a falling star for something, it should be realized”Mike believed him.Mike was a very good boy as she took care of his mother or his dog, and help his friends if they were in trouble.At one night, when Mike saw watched stars as always, a falling star came!Mike made a wish in a hurry.I wish I can fly…Then, the star shined, flied to Mike and stop there.Mike rode on it and flied as much as he liked in the night sky.The closer, more beautiful the stars looked.Cities from the sky were like a jewelry box.When he woke up later, he was on his bed and it was the same morning as always.Mike couldn’t tell if it was a dream or not, but he felt much greater then usual.
とうとう、ペットボトルから出る事が出来なかった。街のみんなはEmilyちゃんは、どうしているんだろうと、毎日心配で、夜も寝ずに待ち続けた。それから、一週間、夜になって風が強くなり、ペットボトルが岸に流れ着いた。Emilyちゃんは、よろよろと歩き、外に出る事が出来ました。Emilyちゃんが、家に入っていくと、皆、目を赤くして「Emilyちゃん」 「本当かいっ 夢のようだっ と驚いていて、もう一度良く見て「ずいぶん、やせたね。「よく帰れたね。と、皆が大喜びだった。Emilyちゃんは本当に心配かけて申し訳ないと思い、また無事に帰れて皆が喜んでくれたことを 本当にうれしく思いましたとさ。
Finally she couldn’t get out of the plastic bottleEverybody in the city was so worried about Emily that he or she was waiting everyday without any sleep.A week later, the wind got stronger and the bottle reached the shore.Emily could just walk awkwardly and get out of it.When Emily get in the house, everybody had red eyes and tears with surprise saying “Oh, Emily” “I can’t believe. It’s like a dream?” Then they saw her again saying “You lost your weight so much” “You finally came home” and were really excited.Emily was really sorry for their worry and felt happy as people were pleased with her coming home safely.
Mike is a hippopotamus who always look up at the sky in the lake. How many times he looks up it, planes, birds and clouds just passed by over the head.“I wish I could fly in the sky once”One day, he came up with an idea of jumping as high as possible.And he tried it!The jump was much higher than he had expected.So he played with butterflies,enjoyed coming through the clouds,and astonished the passengers on the plane by the window…After passing the aerosphere,he had such a wonderful time talking to the astronaut.Mike was completely satisfied.
One recent study found that only 51 percent of today's workers feel very productive, compared with 83 percent 12 years ago. It concluded that technology is speeding things up to the point where, everything is slowing down. "We never concentrate on one task anymore," said Chicago business consultant . "You do a little bit, and then you move on to something else. It's harder to feel that you're accomplishing something nowadays." Perhaps we all need to take a break more often, and listen to him.
Numerous studies link worker productivity to the advent of email and mobile phones. The ability to communicate instantly, around the clock (or if you prefer, 24/7), with colleagues and clients may seem like a good idea at first. But healthy humans know when to stop working. The problem is that we're always connected now, and constantly bombbarded, blurring the distinction between work and leisure time.
The Michigan companies had originally estimated that their transaction would be cleared by the regulators by the end of last year but on Monday they acknowledged that it was obvious that the groups should move on given the “current regulatory climate”.
Monday’s development was further evidence that Ms Varney is keen to examine concentration within the healthcare industry and believes that the DoJ plays an important role in the administration’s broader goal of increasing competition in the industry and lowering insurance costs.
I was listening to my local classical music station the other day and was pleased to hear the first movement from Beethoven's "Pastoral" Symphony. I would like to have heard the rest of the symphony, too, but the station chose to play the movement as if it were written as a stand-alone piece of music. Regardless of its length, the symphony was meant to be heard as a unified piece of music, not sliced into small portions and served as party food.
Yet increasingly, classical stations are doing exactly that. Bill Lueth, director at a radio station in San Francisco, says that with classical stations dying all over the country, something had to be done to attract new listeners. Since life is a constant rush these days, maybe the radio stations are right to take work of 40 minutes and cut it to 10, giving you time to catch a quick listen before moving on to the next big thing in your day.
It isn't only lovers of classical music who should worry about this trend, however, for what's happening on the radio only mirrors what's happening in society at large. "Speed kills." That used to refer to the dangers of driving too fast. Now it refers to the unhealthy pace at which we live our lives, compelled by modern technology into filling our waking hours with as much as we can. This isn't good for an individual's well-being. It's also counter-productive.
This is urgent. I have to ask you.As I don’t want to doubt you, please talk honestly.
First and foremost, my ultimate goal of studying in Japan is to become as proficient as possible in the language. I learned a fair amount of Japanese in my year-long stay at Kansai Gaidai, but found it distracting to be surrounded by other English speakers. This ultimately hindered the amount I learned, I think.