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Japan Develops Augmented Reality Breasts for the KinectMuch has been said in the past about how weird and crazy Japan can be. But we just stumbled across an amazing Kinect hack that makes up for all of that in one fell swoop.Whenever augmented reality was first created, augmented breasts should have been the first thing on mankind’s checklist. Unfortunately most AR to date has been used to tell you that the McDonalds in front of you really is a McDonalds by proving it with an overlaid link. Thankfully for us Osaka-based Ningen Inc. has developed something big. Its AR Kyonyu uses the Kinect camera to detect people in its field of vision, and prompty outfit them with a pair of fairly sizable breasts.
Top DealsIt’s a certain kind of magic that makes a daily deal into a top seller – and sadly no-one quite knows how to perform the trick at will. But DaTaoTuan does know that a successful deal not only sells like hot cakes, but also brings in 48 times more revenue than the average package, and has a lower than average discount:Some group buy sites seem to have the knack for creating those well-received deals. Dianping, Nuomi, and Manzuo are the top three sites in this respect. Here’s a breakdown of who’s creating the top deals in August:
On a similar note, fellow blogger Willis said earlier this summer that “it’s the execution that really matters,” and not the idea. And while I agree with that, and love to see a localized idea beat-out some wrong-headed opposition – hello Taobao, goodbye eBay! – there’s an extent beyond which the localization is conceptually closer to ripping-off. And that’s a line PengYou crossed with its website.Anyway, no hard feelings. I’m trying out the PengYou service, and love the slick app, which looks even better than Path’s. It borrows some design cues, but it’s mostly distinctive. Could well be worth a review…
同様の話として、仲間のブロガーであるWillisは単なるアイデアだけではなく、「実行することが本当に重要だ」と今年の初夏に言っていた。ローカル化のアイデアは間違った反発を生み、それに疲弊していく姿を見たい私も同意した。宜しくTaobao、さようならebay! 行き過ぎたローカル化はお金を巻き上げるというコンセプトに近い。PengYou のサイトにあるように横断的であるべきである。しかしながら、恨みはない。私はPengYouのサービスを試し、Pathのサービスよりも洗練されたアプリケーションが好きになった。一般的なデザインでありながら独特である。このレビューが参考になれば嬉しい。
You can be sure that China will be watching for the upcoming launch of the new iPhone 5 just as closely as the rest of the world.
China’s Taste for Apple [INFOGRAPHIC]The Infographic of the Day series visually expresses important stories from Asia and the world of technology.Props go out to The Motley Fool blog for creating this very informative graphic about Apple’s recent activities in China.To me, the most notable tidbit included here is the fact that China saw a six-fold increase in growth in the last 12 months. This is even more remarkable when you consider that iPhone in China costs about 21 percent of the GDP per capita. While I’m sure this would vary greatly if limited to urban areas only, I think it’s still pretty stunning.
中国のAppleに対する態度[情報画像]Infographic of the Dayシリーズでは、アジアと世界の重要な技術ニュース記事を視覚的に伝える。支持者はAppleの最近の中国での活動について大変有益な画像を作成しにThe Motley Fool blogへ訪れます。私に取って、最も注目すべきことは直近12ヶ月間の間に中国人の閲覧者が6倍に増えたという事実です。この事は中国においてはiPhoneのコストが一人当たりGDPの約21%を占めている事実より注目に値します。たとえ都市部においてのみであったとしても驚嘆すべき事実であることに変わりありません。
China’s Telecom Industry By The Numbers [INFOGRAPHIC]The Infographic of the Day series visually expresses important stories from Asia and the world of technology.Thanks to Sunny over at TechRice for pointing out this absolutely wonderful graphic created by NetEase Tech. It provides an excellent overview of the Chinese telecom industry, and gives us more than a few crunchy factoids:
I propose the following, let me know if it is ok with you.I have some stock in Japan and will ask to deliver at your place.For payment there will be an invoice of 50 USD/Kg you will pay in Japan after checking the goods and 15$/Kg to my account in Paris.