I know you made it up.
Stop pretending to be the famous basball player by using his name without permission.
Please go to the following website address to complete your registration. The registration should be submitted before November 12th (Thu), 2009. Once your registration is processed, you will receive an e-mail notifying the completion of registration to the registered address.
Thank you for applying for attending our coming symposium. We hereby notify you that your registration via our website has been completed. Please print this e-mail and bring it with you to present it at the reception on the day of the symposium.
There is a strange noise coming out of my computer.
How would one perceive what I say and do?
I'm incapable of building any relationship with others.
I'm really tied up and have no time to spare.
I'm too stressed out to feel at ease.
No one will renew the contract in December.
Make me a man/woman.(日本語でもですが、特にmanの場合、アブナイ意味にもとれます…(童貞喪失前とか。笑))
「60年近く闘い続けた波瀾万丈の一生は、簡単には言い表せません」。美恵さんの告別式で、忍草国有入会地守る会の天野豊徳元会長(79)が弔辞を読み上げた。豊徳元会長は最後に「長い間ありがとう。ゆっくり休んでください」と締めくくった。 忍野村の農家に生まれた美恵さんは、1960年に結成された母の会の事務局長に就任。北富士演習場の全面返還を訴え、着弾地の小屋に立てこもるなどの闘争を続け、全国各地の住民闘争にも影響を与えてきた。中核派の支援を受け、ゲリラ的な活動も辞さず、警察と衝突したこともあった。 母の会で活動してきた大森ふじえさん(83)は、「先人からの土地を返してほしいという思いだけで、闘争を続けてきた」と回願。「美恵さんや喜美江さんがいたから、みんなついて行った。二人とも亡くなり、本当に寂しい」と話す。 約30年にわたり美恵さんの活動を支援してきた男性は、「信念が強く、人情家。自らの体験談を語ってげきを飛ばす人だった」と振り返る。美恵さんの長女平塚恵さん(57)は「闘争から離れれば、本当に優しい母だった。素晴らしい母であり、尊敬している」と思いを語る。
"It's not easy to describe her life, 60 years of which were filled with constant battles," commented Tominori Amano, 79, the former president of the organization dedicating to protect the common land of Oshikusa, at her memorial. He concluded his speech with an appriciation for her long strugle, "thank you so much, now rest in peace."Born as a child of Oshino farmer, Mie took the position of executive officer of "Mothers of Oshikusa," founded in 1960. Her struggle for the total restitution of the drill field of Kitafuji sometimes resulted in sit-ins inside a hut in the middle of the field where bullets would land. Her action had made a great impact on other civil struggles in Japanese communities. With the support from the hard core faction, Mrs. Amano did not hesitate to engage in guerrilla-like actions, even resulting in fights with the police force."The only thought in our mind was to get our ancestor's land back," Fujie Oomori, 83, who had been an active member of "Mothers of Oshikusa," remembers. "We followed because we had persons like Mie and Kimie. Now the two are gone. I feel extremely sad."A man who had supported Mrs. Amano's struggle for almost 30 years also tells his memory of her. "She's a person of powerful faith and deep compassion. She used to share her experiences with us in order to boost our spirit." Her eldest daughter, Megumi Hiratsuka, 57, commented, "When she wasn't engaging in her activity, she was a mother full of gentleness. She was a --
Sixty-Year Battle of Claiming CommonageMie Amano, the "Last Witness" of the Kitafuji Conflict, Passes AwayShe Feared the Conflict Would Slip into Oblivion Throuth TimeMie Amano, of Oshino-Oshikusa Town, the executive officer of the organization "Mothers of Oshikusa" died, ending her long battle against Yamanashi Prefecture and the State claiming the commonage of Kitafuji drill field held by Japan Ground Self-Defense Force. Her memorial service was held in Fuji-Yoshida City on October 7. She was 85.She played the central role in "Mothers of Oshikusa," always dressed in the traditional Japanese female workers' pants and wide-rimmed crested cap, she restlessly led the organization claiming "the land of our ancestors to be returned."The conflict itself had already been ebbing away--the organization discontinued its activity three years ago after the series of deaths of the symbolic figures like Shigenori Amano, the fater of the struggle, and Kimie Watanabe, the Director of "Mothers of Oshikisa.""I have no regret, having been able to carry on our struggle for Oshino-Village. I just hate to see the yonger generation is growing up without any historical knowledge of our struggle," once said Amano, the last living witness. To her last moment she was worried this piece of history would be lost in oblivion.
1. Communicate with everyone with courtesy.2. Seek out the members' wants while enjoying chatting with them3. Give others support1. Engage in multiple tasks and handle them with precision.2. Knowledge for products3. Technical improvement (人の技術をより良くするの意味。テクノロジーをさらに進歩させるのはTechnology upgradeだそうです。)
①それについては 私は比較的良く出来ていると思います。②自分で判断できないときは先輩から意見をきき、適切な判断を求めています。常に主観的でなく客観的な判断をするように努力しています
1 I think this one is relatively well-produced (モノによってはwell-made).2 I seek advice from a more-experienced personnel for a appropriate decision, when I cannot make one. I constantly try to make objective judgements which are free from my subjective viewpoints.
Have a wonderful (new) year.
Please translate the text at the URL (not this sentence), thanks! Tip available. http://bit.ly/VpuDS
If you want the whole translation of the webpage, the content is a way too much even for the paid translation. (Like Hana-san mentioned, the maximum letter for paid translation is 500).I suggest you devide the areticle in half, post the textss(not the link) and offer due points for each request.
To whom it may concern;Please send me the infomation for reserving the following tickets for two adults.Thank you.Hiromchi Koizumi
It's this precise moment of yours, that can change the fucure.
I'll make -----!The dimention will be --- long and --- wide.Feel free to place an order, though the deliverable date is still undecided.