You should never underestimate the human resources, as human beings are capable of taking into consideration such facts as age and cultural differences so that they will be reflected in the translated texts. Even if an original sentence contains misusage of language, a translator can get the text right as long as the original sentence can convey the implicit meanings.
A translation service via Twitter. I see the number of translators indicated on the page...does that mean actual people are engaged in the translation process? (ちなみに質問の答えはYesです(^^))
I look forward to seeing how my sentence will be translated. I wonder what it's like...
The first thing I will do is to reform the forests in order to convert them into a habitat. Prior to embarking on this project, I will study the ecosystem of soil, trees, insects and microbes and list some distinct chracteristics in each area and environment, according to which I will analyze how each place can be utilized in a way that best suits its environment.
How much rain do we get here in June?
ツイッターユーザーは名前じゃなくてアイコンを見ています。 自分らしいかわいいモテアイコンで、好感度をアゲてみませんか?みんなも使ってるYO!
Twitter users recognize others by icons rather than by usernames. So if you wanna impress others, how about creating a cute, lovable icon that shows who you are? C'mon, everyone's got one!
The information to be acquired will be filtered according to the direction one is facing.
The ticket is no longer valid.
140Trans covers 47 languages. A person just writes texts s/he wants to have translated and select the language, and the translation results by translators will be sent to her/his Twitter account by the form of "@username:translated text."
I'm wondering if I should go to Ginza to purchase that new mouse, which I hope starts appearing on stores from today...
We are discussing a new project for converting gasoline automobiles into electric-powered vehicles. We have the necessary technology but we are looking for sponsors who can support the financial aspect of the project.
おはようございます。東京世田谷のやすい社会保険労務士事務所です。 ついったーの文章の英語翻訳を無料でしてくれるそうで。でも、何を翻訳してもらおうか、考え込んでしまった。
Good morning from Yasui Consultant Office for Social and Labor Insurance. I've heard that I can have my Twitter texts translated to English for free, but since I can't think of anything I want a translation for, it got me thinking very hard...
How do we prevent goals from turning into means?
You mean I can request it for free, for unlimited number of times?
What is this all about?
I'm going for a bike ride now.
西川さんがあまりに気の毒。2005年、「郵政民営化だけを問う選挙」と言って自民党を大勝させた小泉と、担当大臣竹中はとっくに政界引退。 今や民間企業である日本郵政の社長人事に国家権力が何故、介入できるのか。説明してほしい。
I truly feel sorry for Mr. Nishikawa. The former PM Koizumi, who led the landslide victory of Liberal Democratic Party in 2005 under the slogan "the election's only issue is whether or not to privatize Japan's postal service," as well as Mr. Takenaka, the former minister under Mr Koizumi in charge of finance, are long gone from the field of politics. It is incomprehensiblehow the state power could intervene the decision making process of dismissing of the president of Japan Post. This needs an explanation.
Hello testing; you sure I can get the decent translation?
"いつも少数派の精神で" と言いつつも,結局は多数派に属してしまう.
No matter how much we insist "to keep the spirit of minority," at the end of the day we find ourselves on the side of the majority.