Me and my old friends in high school , one of whom is getting married, got together at Ueno Park last weekend to discuss what to perform during his wedding reception. We also shoot a video there to be shown at the reception. Also being in charge of organizing the after-party of the reception, we've been very busy for its preparation.(「高校時代の親友たち」の中に結婚する親友(男)もいる、という解釈です。)
Could you watch this stuff while I'm in the restroom?
It's been a really good year. We have 133 days left until the commencement of the 2010. In the meantime, let us be entertained with the silly season and the release of the new models.
I've been busy these days with a preparation for our cultural festival. I want to see the kids participate in it with full energy and joy, so I'll give all my support to make it happen.
I'd like to learn to write in English by way of commenting on Twitter.
I purchased a set of icons from your company the other day.However, I have not been able to open the file called Globe.ai, since the file seems to be damaged.I would like to download the file again. Please let me know if it's possible.Thank you very much.Sincerely, ***
仕事がかなり忙しく、毎日の父の見舞に毎日ばたばたしています。これから寒くなりますが どうか体大事にしてください 私はとても寡黙なので 彼のユニークさにいつも楽しませてもらっています。
With my work occupying my time along with the visits to my father, I'm running around all over the place every day. My fiance's sense of humor is what always amuses me, since I'm a very quiet type of person.Please take care of yourself for the coming cold season. Love, (2文目と3文目は順序的に入れ替えた方が良いと思い、そのように書きました。)
皆さんに会う前に結婚となりますが 近いうちおあいできることを楽しみにしております。父は日に日に病は悪くなるばかりで もう言葉も発することができなくなってきました。
That would mean I wouldn't be able to see you before my wedding, but I still look forward to seeing you in the near future. My father's condition is deteriorating each day, now hardly capable of speaking anymore.
はじめてメールします。まりです。12月に彼とカリフォルニアの皆さんのところへ行きたいのですが 父の病気とビザの問題でいけなくなりそうです。皆さんに会う前に彼と結婚となりますが
Hi, this is Mari e-mailing you for the first time. I was hoping to visit you all in California with my fiance in December, but the plan doesn't seem to come together due to my father's illness and the problem with my visa. (以下次の訳文に)
Take the elevator to the first floor, then go to the South Building to take the elevator there.
私の好きな言葉「大切なものは目にみえない」by 星の王子様
I love the phrase "Anything essential is invisible to the eyes" from "The Little Prince."(フランス語原文から英語への訳はRichard Howard 氏のものの引用です。)
Your new website looks simple and user-friendly to me. And it's got a really cool design.
Startups JAPANの企業紹介ページに各社のプレゼンテーション動画を追加しました。
Presentation videos of each company are added to the company introduction page on Startups Japan website.
大手航空会社である大和航空のパイロット候補生・かざま しんは、社長の娘・涼子との結婚も決まり、その将来を嘱望されていた。だが、同期のパイロット候補生で親友・神埼の策略により激しい内戦の続く遠く中東のアスラン王国の傭兵部隊へ送り込まれる。
Shin Kazama, a pilot candidate of a major airline company Yamato Airline, had a promising future, with his plan laid out for weddng with Ryoko, the president's daughter. However, a plot sends him all the way to a mercenary force in the Middle Eastern kingdom of Asran, where a harsh civil war has been carried on...a malicious plan conspired by his best friend Kanzaki, also a pilot candidate who entered training in the same year as Kazama.
I've been going out with him since 10 years ago, and that seems to have been my happiest moment of all.
Here's the video celebrating the third aniversary. I (We) will appreciate your continuing support in the coming years.
We enjoyed shopping at the mall in Miyazaki City last weekend. Since our city doesn't have any shopping mall, we can't go shopping freely on a frequent basis.
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I'm the same age as you.I'm so happy to know that I live in the age you live in.