The package I ordered on January 14th is not here yet.I contacted FedEx and was told that I needed to fill out the attached document with the package information.Could you complete the "External Packaging" section of the attachment as much as possible?In addition, the FedEx tracking information indicates "per shipper instructions, package will not be delivered until the scheduled delivery date". Did you specify the scheduled delivery date?Thank you for your cooperation.
NVRのスタンダードのライセンスを購入された方が、アップデート目的で、ソフトをアンインストールしました。スタンダードは廃版なので、エンタープライズをインストールしました。・スタンダードのライセンスキーがそのままエンタープライズでも使用できますか? スタンダードは廃版になりましたが、エンタープライズで使用するには何か手続きが必要でしょうか?・添付写真のエラー表示が出たそうです。本人は、「メンバーパスワード」を忘れたのでこのエラーが出ていると思っているそうです。
A person who has purchased a standard NVR license uninstalled the software for upgrade purposes. Standard not being available anymore, he installed Enterprise.Is the Standard's license still valid for Enterprise?Is there any process required to use the Standard license key for Enterprise?The included file is a screen snapshot which displays an error. He believes that the error message appeared because he forgot his "member password".
PさんC研修であなたに課せられているeラーニング 8カリキュラムの終了期限は2022/2/28です*本日時点で終了しているのは、2カリキュラムだけです期限までに終了できるよう、計画的な受講をお願いいたします終了できない場合は、更に追加でC研修が継続し、我々もあなたと個別面談を継続実施することになりますもし、あなたに業務上の事情があって受講できない場合は、上司の方と相談し、終了が可能である具体的な日程を本メールのReplyでの形でご連絡くださいよろしくお願いいたします
Mr (or Ms) P, You have until February 28, 2022 to complete all 8 e-learning programs.As of today, only two programs have been completed.Please follow the courses continuously in order to finish them before the deadline.If you are not able to follow the course, additional C training will be offered and we will continue to conduct one-on-one interviews with you.If you are unable to follow the course because of work-related issues, please discuss this with your supervisor, and let us know exactly when you will be able to complete the course by replying to this e-mail.Thank you for your cooperation.
We are sorry for the inconvenience. We have checked the shipping status with the factory and found that the products were not manufactured as planned.The reason for the delay is that our welder has been absent for a long time because of his health condition.This fact was not communicated to the sellers, and now we found out about the delay in delivery.We are expected to deliver 100 units on February 28.Due to the delay in shipping, we are currently using the CIP but are considering switching to the DAP for flexible shipping conditions.
Thank you very much for contacting me. First of all, is this car going to be shipped overseas? If that's the case, would you mind if I returned the plate? It will be great if you can pick up the car by the end of this month. The price of the vehicle is 550,000 yen, and you are willing to add 100,000 yen to that. So if 650,000 yen is fine with you, I will immediately accept your offer. Is it possible to transfer the money on Monday? I'm closing up the auction as soon as I get confirmation.
I'm really sorry for my belated answer...Thank you for being so patient.I'll send you the performance video, as well as the explanatory video you asked for.The title is "●●".Please click on the YouTube link below.Please do not hesitate to ask any questions you may have.I wish you a lot of success for the magazine.
Your item is currently in transit and cannot be refunded. The only options to get a refund are: not to receive the item and you will return to Japan, or to claim a refund after receiving the items. Like you, I can't contact the courier and I can't accelerate delivery. Due to the reasons for customs and shipping companies in your country, things are not always going as expected. I would like to thank you for your understanding.
Madame, Monsieur,Nous vous remercions de l'intérêt que vous avez porté à notre magasin.Nous poursuivrons nos efforts pour fournir un service de grande qualité.Nous sommes impatients de faire à nouveau affaire avec vous.Nous vous saurions gré de recevoir vos retours positifs dans l'évaluation du vendeur.Nous comprenons votre préoccupation quant à la situation sanitaire liée à la COVID-19. Malgré tout, nous vous prions d'agréer, Madame, Monsieur, l'expression de nos salutations distinguées.
I understand. I trust what you say. I probably don't really know much about the price market in recent years. By the way, what would you like to have in exchange for your 00?Do you have any suggestions for me?