Zusaar (Tokyo) – Pitched by Kenji IshiiZusaar is a web-based event organizing assistant that allows organizers to manage attendees as well as collect admission fees via PayPal. The app uses third-party authentication systems so that users are not required to have a unique ID but are allowed to signed up with a Facebook, Twitter, or Mixi user account. In partnership with Nokisaki.com, a venue search portal for event organizers, it helps you find a venue as well as promote and collect fees.The app is developed by Prophet Corporation in Yokohama, and won an award at the “Graph hack Awards”, an annual app development competition presented by Tokyo’s web jaggernaut GMO Internet Group.
Zusaar (東京) – 発表者:Kenji Ishii氏Zusaarは、ウェブベースのイベント開催支援アプリで、主催者は、参加者を管理したり、入場料をPayPal経由で徴収したりすることができる。このアプリでは、サードパーティの認証システムを使用するため、ユーザーは、独自のIDを必要とせず、FacebookもしくはTwitter、Mixiのユーザーアカウントにより登録が行える。Nokisaki.com(イベント主催者のための会場検索ポータル)との提携により、プロモーションや料金徴収に加え会場探しにも役立てることができる。Zusaarは、横浜のProphet Corporationが開発し、「Graph hack Awards」にて賞を獲得している。(「Graph hack Awards」は、東京のウェブ大手、GMOインターネットグループが毎年開催するアプリ開発コンペ)
OneSkyApp (Hong Kong) – Pitched by Loki NgOneSkyApp is a web-based translation platform that helps app developers localize their product into many languages, in partnership with crowd-based translation workforces and translation agencies worldwide. You can read more about the startup here.
OneSkyApp (香港) – 発表者:Loki Ng氏OneSkyAppは、インターネットを通じて世界中の不特定多数の翻訳者や翻訳会社と協力し、アプリ開発者がアプリを多くの言語にローカライズするのを支援するウェブベースの翻訳プラットホームだ。この新興企業についての詳細は、ここをお読みください。
Sageby (Singapore) – Pitched by Bryan Maguire Chia and George ChenSageby is a platform that allows users to monetize their spare time. For instance, if you’re waiting for your meal at a restaurant, you will be able to obtain rewards by just filling out a survey form. When you take a cab and go somewhere, the same will be possible during the drive. They’re looking for potential partnership with local cab companies and restaurant chains in Japan, in addition to their efforts in Singapore.
Sageby (シンガポール) – 発表者:Bryan Maguire Chia氏、George Chen氏Sagebyは、ユーザーが空き時間を使って収益を上げるためのプラットホームだ。例えば、レストランで料理を待っているときに、調査用紙に記入することで報酬を得ることができる。タクシーでどこかへ行くときも、乗車中に同じことができるだろう。シンガポールでの取り組みに加え両氏は、日本のタクシー会社やレストランチェーンとの提携の可能性を探っている。
Usually, whenever we check in with Jiepang, we take out the phone open Jiepang app then wait for the app to find our whereabouts before check in. Now, with NFC-ready phone and new Jiepang sticker, we can check in by just waving smartphones near or tapping them on the sticker, that’s it, easy and hassle-free.And for businesses, the benefits of NFC check-in lie with the accuracy of customers’ checkins. They will also have access to customers’ spending habits, which enables them to carry out targeted and more effective marketing efforts.
Jiepang is the leading LBS service provider and an early adopter of new technology with over 1.3 million users to date. The company has partnered with over 300 big-name brands including NOKIA, Starbucks, McDonalds, and Nike as well teaming up with local businesses to offer coupons or discount for customers who check-in with Jiepang. Check into Your Love with Jiepang
Jiepangは主要な位置情報サービス提供会社で、新技術(NFC)を他社に先駆けて採用し現在までのユーザー数は130万人を超えている。同社は、NOKIA、 Starbucks、 McDonalds、Nikeなど含む300以上の有名ブランド企業と提携している。また、地域の企業とも協力しJiepangでチェックインする顧客にクーポンや割引を提供している。Jiepangで大好きなところにチェックインしよう
Japan’s Mobile Carriers Play Chicken with Smartphone Data PlansOn multiple occasions this week, Japan’s mobile carriers have publicly addressed a looming problem: networks are not prepared for the smartphone revolution (see here and here, subscription required). Smartphones still only comprise a small fraction of the mobile phones in Japan, but compared to so-called ‘feature phones’, smartphones use 10 to 20 times more data. By the year 2015 data traffic from smartphones is expected to increase 18-fold. Koji Tanaka, the president of Japan’s second largest carrier, KDDI (33.5 million subscribers), has admitted that without change the KDDI network will become overloaded.
日本の携帯電話会社各社、スマートホーン向けデータプランに関し互いに様子見携帯電話各社は、スマートホーン革命に対しネットワークの準備ができていないという迫りくる問題を抱えている(詳細はここから;会員申し込みが必要)。この問題に対する各社の取り組みが公になる出来事が今週何度か起こった。スマートホーンが日本の携帯電話に占める割合はまだ小さいが、いわゆる「多機能携帯電話」と比べるとスマートホーンのデータ通信量は10-20倍におよぶ。2015年までにスマートホーンのデータ通信量は18倍増加すると予想されている。日本で第2位の通信事業者KDDI(加入者数3350万人)社長の田中 孝司氏は、変更を加えなければ同社のネットワークは将来、混み過ぎの状態になることを認めた。
Network overload due to smartphone data consumption is a problem many countries are facing. In mid 2010 AT&T buckled under extreme data usage and eventually had to eliminate its flat rate data plan. Instead of an all-you-can-use plan AT&T shifted to a tiered system charging users based on their consumption. Just a few months ago in June, Verizon came to the same decision and killed off its unlimited data plan.
Start-up Intern ‘Let our start-up help your start-up.’ This was the call of the first group to pitch at SWT this past weekend. This group proposed that many young graduates in Japan when trying to enter the work force only know about large internet companies like Gree or Mixi. Many of them are not aware of the opportunities that exist in smaller start-up ventures.
Start-up Intern 先週末に開催されたSWTで最初にプレゼンを行ったグループの呼びかけは「新興企業のStart-up Internが、皆様の新興企業を支援します」であった。大学を卒業し就職しようとする日本の学生たちの多くは、GreeやMixiなどの大手のインターネット企業についてしか知らないとの見解をこのグループは示した。ほとんどの学生は、小さな新興ベンチャーにあるチャンスについては気づいていない。
As for monetization, as I understand it, is the ‘freemium’ model that the group compared to that of Dropbox. Larger networks and more people to scan would cost more than for example, if you only had 100 people.Website: RemembAR.me
私の理解する限りでは、収益化は、フリーミアム・モデルによるものでDropboxのものと比較されていた。ネットワークがより大きくなりスキャンする人数がより多くなると、例えば100人だけのときよりコストはより高くなるだろう。ウェブサイト: RemembAR.me
Train-i Train-i (or Train eye) is a service that helps users see ads on the walls of crowded trains when their field of vision might be blocked by fellow passengers. I’m not exactly sure how this works. It appears to be a sort of AR application, though I don’t know where they would be pulling ad information from. But the function of letting you see the train map (or how close you are to your stop) seems useful.Website: train-i[Written with contributions from Masaru Ikeda who was emcee for the event]
Train-i 満員電車で他の乗客に視界が遮られて車内広告を見ることができない。そんな時に役立つのが「Train-i」(Train eye/トレイイン・アイ)サービスだ。どのような仕組みなのかは正確にはわからないが、一種のARアプリケーションのようだ。また、広告情報をどこから取り出してくるのかも不明だ。しかし、このサービスで路線図が見れたり、下車駅までどれくらいなのかがわかるのは便利なように思える。ウェブサイト: train-i[本イベントの司会者であるMasaru Ikeda氏よりの寄稿による記事]
RemembAR.me The winner of the ‘Most Innovative’ prize this weekend, RemembAR.me (the AR = Augmented Reality) is an app that aims to help you in the unfortunate event that you’ve forgotten someone’s name. Say you’re in a crowded room, and you see a face you recognize, but you just can’t put your finger on where you know them from. By holding up your phone’s camera and viewing the room through the app, RemembAR.me will scan the faces and compare them against people in your network (Facebook, in particular). If all goes well, it will tell you who that mystery person is. You’ll ‘never be embarraseed again,’ it proclaims.
2kenme Everyone has a favorite date restaurant. But finding a venue for a second date is more difficult. 2kenme (read Nikenme) helps you find one by sharing evaluations for restaurants, diners or bars with other people, it aspires to give you lots of great options to entertain your companionNikenme was the winner of the ‘biggest surprise award’ for SWT.
2kenme 誰にもデート用のお決まりのレストランの1軒ぐらいはあるものだ。しかし、二度目のデートのレストランを見つけるのはより難しい。2kenme(二軒目と読む)が、レストラン、食堂、バーに関する評価を他の人々を共有することによりそれを見つけるのを助けてくれる。2kenmeは、デートのお相手を楽しませるための多くの素晴らしい選択肢を提供してくれる。NikenmeはSWTの「最高の驚き賞」を獲得した。
India Facebook Users Growing Fast, May Overtake IndonesiaWe often hear this, but it’s true: “Indonesia is the second largest Facebook nation in the world.” Cool to know, but it might not be true much longer. India, the second most populous nation in the world, is loving Facebook and the number of users there is spreading like wildfire.According to SocialBakers, India now has 32.6 million Facebook users, which puts it in third place worldwide, about 7 million short of Indonesia. The charts below show the user growth rate of each country and clearly, India is experiencing a surge while Indonesia’s growth is pretty much stagnant.
Venkky said that India gained 2.2 million additional Facebook users last month, and in contrast, Indonesia has only gained 32,000. This is just the beginning for the social network platform in India though. Its penetration rate is only at 2.78 percent and there is lots of room for growth. This growth comes will bring new opportunities and perhaps we will see many start-ups riding on the Facebook wave very soon.Of course, the rise in Facebook’s popularity has attracted the attention of brands in India. Venkky told me that KRDS’s business in India has been very good so far. “We get plenty of requests for Facebook brand campaigns,” he said.
Are you saying along with the one you just purchased that you want another? If yes, then I can send you an invoice through paypal for you to pay. It will only be $250, because of the 7 that I owe you as well as the combined shipping.
今お買い上げになったものに加えてもう一つご購入なさりたいということでしょうか? その場合は、paypal経由で請求書をお送りできます。「7」の借りがあるのと、また、まとめて発送しますので250ドルとなります。
An unusually cool summer in 1993 resulted in a poor rice harvest for the first time in 10 years.
As much as 63 percent of the people who were asked “Hove you ever felt that seeing is believing?” answered “Yes.”
That equipment is available in the Euro area at one third the price in Japan, and it works as good as the one being sold in Japan.
I will never complain to you whatever condition the item may be in.
Lindoc: A Textbook Noting System That Aims To Change Learning In JapanE-books combined with social notes are a dream come true for geeky students. And Lindoc is a Japan-based start-up working to meet that vision.The service is a PDF e-book distribution platform with a social learning element, and it allows you to share textbook notes with other users reading the same book. It somewhat similar to Social Books in the US but Lindoc is focusing specifically just on e-textbooks, at least for now.I had a chance to speak to Akinori Machino, the CEO and founder of Lindoc. Here is our conversation below as he shares more about his business.
「Lindoc」教科書メモシステムが日本における学習方法を変えるソーシャルメモ機能付きの電子書籍はオタク系の学生にとって夢のような話だ。株式会社リンドックは、この夢をかなえるための開発に取り組んでいる日本の新興企業だ。同社は、ソーシャルラーニングの要素を持った、PDF形式の電子書籍提供配信プラットホームを提供している。このサービスによりユーザーは、教科書に書き込んだメモを同じ本を読んでいる他のユーザーと共有することができる。米国の「Social Books」とやや似ているが、少なくとも現在のところ株式会社リンドックは電子教科書に対象を絞っている。株式会社リンドックのCEO兼創業者である町野明徳氏より詳しい話を聞くことができた。町野氏は事業について以下のように語ってくれた。