itprofessional16 翻訳実績

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Never have your device run out of battery. This compact and long-lasting backup battery will let you carry the power whereever you go. There's no need to charge your device through an electrical outlet! Take this with you when you travel or go on a trip. This tiny device can give you an extra 38 hours of movie time on an iPhone 4 or an ipod Touch. It is stylish and powerful! This pocket size 5000mAh backup battery pack will work with your iPhone 4 4G 3Gs 3G, iPod Touch, Motorola Droid, HTC Android, phones, Blackberry, and Samsung Galaxy. It can also power Sony PSP, Amazon Kindle, Nintendo DS lite, DSi and Gameboy with optional adapters.


コンセントを介して電子機器を充電する必要はありません!旅行や遠出するときに、これを持って行きなさい。この小さなデバイスは、iPhone 4またはiPod touch上で、さらに38時間の映画を見ることができます。スタイリッシュで強力です!このポケットサイズの5000mAhのバックアップバッテリーパックは、iPhone 4 4G 3GS 3G、iPod Touch、モトローラのDroid、HTCのAndroid、携帯電話、Blackberry、サムスンのGalaxyで動作します。これはまた、オプションのアダプターで、ソニーのPSP、AmazonのKindle、Nintendo DS lite、DSiとGameboyにも電力を供給できます。

itprofessional16 英語 → 日本語

2. Demonstrates follow through by asking the client about those actions that the client committed to during the previous session(s),
3. Acknowledges the client for what they have done, not done, learned or become aware of since the previous coaching session(s),
4. Effectively prepares, organizes and reviews with client information obtained during sessions,
5. Keeps the client on track between sessions by holding attention on the coaching plan and outcomes, agreed-upon courses of action, and topics for future session(s),
6. Focuses on the coaching plan but is also open to adjusting behaviors and actions based on the coaching process and shifts in direction during sessions,



itprofessional16 英語 → 日本語 ★★☆☆☆ 2.0

To view our online help section for instructions on returning part or all of your order to us, please copy and paste the link below into your browser:

You can expect a refund to your original method of payment within 10 business days after your return is received at our warehouse. Shipping costs will not be refunded unless the item is being returned because it is damaged or defective. If you are returning an item because it is damaged or defective, please contact our guest service team before returning it.

Unless your packing slip directs you to ship the item to a different address (and if so, follow such directions), please ship the return package to:




itprofessional16 英語 → 日本語

1. Log into My Account, go to Order History and select the order you wish to return or part-return

2. You will be sent an email containing your returns number

3. From within the UK contact DHL on: 0844 248 0844 to arrange a collection. For all International collections please visit and select the contact number for your country

4. Tick the items you are returning and enter your returns number on the commercial invoice supplied with your order. Please leave your package open so it can be presented to the DHL driver for checking along with your commercial invoice.

5. Complete the DHL airway bill with all required information




3.回収物を手配するために、英国内からは DHL:0844 248 0844 に連絡します。すべての国際的な回収は、を訪問して、あなたの国の連絡先の番号を選択してください。



itprofessional16 英語 → 日本語

・Travel Distribution Network: This startup claims to be Pakistan’s first B2C and B2B tourism platform, providing information and travel booking services domestically and internationally.

・Roxcial: A Facebook store to handle orders and collect payments on your business’ Facebook page.

Plan9 has two incubation cycles each year and 15 teams are selected for each cycle. Teams for the next cycle are scheduled to start in March. To be eligible for Plan9’s program, founders have to be a Pakistani national with a team of two to five people. The applicants’ business ideas will go through a pitch test at one of Plan9’s launchpads held in Lahore, Karachi, and Islamabad.


・Travel Distribution Network:このスタートアップは、国内および国際的に、情報と旅行予約サービスを提供するパキスタン初のB2CとB2Bの観光事業のプラットフォームだと主張する。


Plan9は、毎年2つのインキュベーションサイクル(孵化サイクル)を持っており、各サイクルに15チームが選択される。次のサイクルのチームは3月に開始する予定です。Plan9のプログラムの対象となるためには、創設者は、二人から五人のチームを持つパキスタン国民でなければならない。応募者のビジネスアイデアは、Lahore、 Karachi、Islamabadで開催されるPlan9のlaunchpadの一つでピッチテストを通過する。

itprofessional16 英語 → 日本語

Deng Fei Launches Weibo Campaign to Share Images of Water Pollution

Web journalist/activist Deng Fei is already a pretty famous guy in China’s cyberspace. In part through social media, he’s orchestrated a number of online campaigns, most of them targeted at helping children (like his famous “Free Lunch” program). But while everyone is home for the holidays, Deng has sparked another social media movement by asking a very simple question:

How is the river in your hometown? While you’re home for the holidays, take a photo of the river or stream in your hometown and upload it to weibo for us to see.


Deng Fei氏は水質汚染の画像を共有するWeibo(微博)のキャンペーンを開始

Webジャーナリスト/活動家のDeng Fei氏は、中国のサイバースペースでは、すでにかなり有名な人物です。ソーシャルメディアを介しての部分では、彼は、数多くのオンラインキャンペーンを組織化した。それらのほとんどは、(彼の有名な"Free Lunch"プログラムのように)子供たちを助けることを対象にしている。しかし、みんなが休日に家にいる間に、Dengは非常に単純な質問をすることによって、別のソーシャルメディア活動をひらめいた。
