7月に入って、このサイトもいろいろと新しいサービスを始めました!以前のお買い物からしばらく経っていますので、是非もう一度サイトに遊びにきてください!★【Magi】の商品が増えました。今までこのサイトは同人誌が中心でしたが、お客様の要望にお応えして、【Magi】のキャラクターアイテムも増やしています!もちろん、最新の同人誌も揃えています。ぜひ、チェックしてくだい。url商品は毎日増えていきます! 最新アイテムチェックはこちらから!url★Free Shipping 継続中!
Out website has started many kinds of new services on July!It has been for a while since you visited our shop last, so please visit our website again and have a good look around!★【Magi】we have more items of this brand.Our website had been focused on coterie magazines, now we have more variety of character items in response to customer's requests. Of course, we have a collection of latest coterie magazines as well.Please check them out.urlThere are new items coming up everyday! Enter from here for checking latest items!★Free Shipping service is still on!
大好評につき、Free Shippingの期間が延長しています!夏の大イベント「Comiket 84」の商品もFree Shippingでお届けできますので、たくさん買い物するなら今がチャンスです!url★確実に、安く公式アイテムを予約できる「Featured Items」url★このサイトだけの大特価!「Set Item」urlまた、サイト内のキャラクター紹介や作品紹介も増えました!私達メンバーがアニメを見て書いたので、自分の好きなキャラの紹介文を探してみてください!
With great demand, our Free Shipping service period has been extended!We can deliver the big summer event 'Comiket 84' items with free postage, sonow is the big chance to get a lot of them!url★you can order the item with absolute certainty, and reasonably 「Featured Items」url★This website's only special price!「Set Item」urlWe have added more introductions for characters and their works!We, members wrote them after watching the animation, so why don't you find a one of your favorite characters?
My name is Tanaka from Miraka co,Ltd, whom applied for the recital the other day.I am sending this message to let you know that I would like only a poster presentation.Thank you for your help, and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me to this email address.
Don't play around with me!It was your fault sending defective items, 3 of them!Also, are you reading my message correctly?I just wanted to say 'give me the refund only for the goods, and you pay for the postage', not ;pay the postage'Or, you can re-send 3 new products which we can use.I'm saying that you can choose either way makes less cost for you to handle this situation.Why do I need to pay again?Also, reply to this message ASAP.If you don't stop mucking around like this, I will give you a bad review.
hi sir don't worry as dispatch seprate also ,in one box we ship two or three or single so if you wish to wait till one or two days more ok or if not give me both ebay item no of of non received I will refund thanks
こんにちは。発送は、いくつかに分けて行っていますので、ご心配なさらないでください。通常、1つのボックスに1~3つの商品を入れていますので、あと数日お待ちいただければ、大丈夫だと思います、または、ebay 商品の商品番号をお知らせになっていない場合、受け取っていない商品については、料金の返金を行います。よろしくお願いいたします。
I have just sent you an email which is very important and replace and cancel the previous other, can you please read it before doing anything else.I come over the US few times per year. Please send this item to the US address as mentioned, I will advise Mr LUYSSEN that he should get this camera for me. if you need his mobile phone number i could give it to youHis email address is abcdefg@hexisusa.comthank you very much for everythinglet me know if there are any problems.best regardsHervé
以前のオーダーに対しての、商品交換とキャンセルについて、重要なメールをお送りしました。何らかの手続きをされる前に、是非それを読んでください。私は、アメリカへは年に数回訪れますので、商品は、お伝えしたアメリカ国内の住所へ送ってください。 LUYSSENさんには、私宛のカメラを受け取るように伝えておきます。もし、彼の携帯番号が必要な場合は、お知らせください。彼のEmailアドレスは、 abcdefg@hexisusa.com です。色々とお世話になります。何か問題などございましたら、是非ご連絡ください。よろしくお願いいたします。Hervé
Hello,I would like to make an order from you again.Could you make a connection cord which can connect to RCA terminals?I would like to try to connect to pre-amplifier of other brands.Its PIN-RCA.If possible, I would like 2 of them.Hoping to hear from you soon,Thank you.
Thank you for the success bit of my auction.Have you received the item?If you have already received it, it would be great if you can give me a feedback for the trade.If you haven't received it yet, please try to contact your nearest USPS.I have contacted Japanese post, and been told thatthe item has been in US already, and only thing we can do is contacting USPS in US. Thank you.
Thank you for your reply,The bag I received was a defective item.The bag on a product photo has a heart shaped appliqued, but the one I received didn't have it.I purchased the item for my friend's birthday, I would like to exchange it if I can receive the new one by 10th July.I have also paid JPY 2,653 as import tax.Please refund the amount, and advice me how to exchange refund the item.Please reply to this email ASAP.
神様が殺してくれる 森 博嗣女にしては、美しすぎる。パリの女優殺害に端を発する連続殺人。両手を縛られ現場で拘束されていた重要参考人リオンは「神が殺した」と証言。事件の手かがりは、彼の異常な美しさだけだった。幻冬舎創立20周年記念特別書き下ろし作品*ニッポンの居眠り 通勤電車のウトウトにも意味があった!本書によって「イネムリ」という言葉がドイツ語圏で普及したことは確かです。おそらく、「イネムリ」は「サムライ」や「ツナミ」ほどではないにしろ、かなりよく知られた日本語だと思います。
God would kill them for me by Hiroshi MoriShe is too beautiful for a woman. A serial murder will start with murder of Parisian actress. Leon, the major witness who was found with handcuffed, and restrained at the site.He bears testimony as 'The God killed her' The only clue for the murder was his extraordinarily beauty looks.Gentousha's 20th anniversary momorial special story.*INEMURI - There was a meaning for drowsy Japanese people on the train! It is clear that the word 'INEMURI' got famous in German speaking area. Probably, it is a one of the most widely spreed Japanese words, though not as 'SAMURAI' or 'TSUNAMI'.
.E-MAIL & SMS NOTIFICATIONS ENSURE NO ONE FORGETS A BOOKING.Send e-mail or SMS confirmations and reminders and customize the contentUse waiting list queues with automatic or manual placement and notifications to maximize utilizationRequire visitors to have a valid e-mail address by sending a verification linkReceive a daily schedule activity report by e-mailIntegrate payment options.DISCOUNTS AND PRICE RULES SUPPORT YOUR PRICING.Integrate direct payment via PayPal or handle payment yourselfAdvanced price rules allow you to give time dependent discounts or let the price depend on selected optionsUse the credit shop to sell credit that can be used to book later on
Email や SNSによる、予約を忘れないためのお知らせEmailやSNSの確認メールや、リマインダーを送り、コンテンツをカスタマイズする。自動、または手動の順番待ちのリストを使い、お知らせ機能を最大限に利用する。来客には、有効なEmailアドレスを、認証が必要なリンクに送ってもらう。毎日の活動スケジュールのレポートをEmailで受け取る。支払い方法を統一する商品の値段を、ディスカウントや価格規定によってサポートする PayPal や直接支払いを統一する高度な価格規定は、個人的なディスカウントや、オプション選択によって、値段を決めることができるクレジットは、後に予約の際に使用できるクレジットショップを使用する。
Dear yamahaya88102012,thanks for everything, if I need an item I cant find i'll be sure to let you knowDear yamahaya88102012,Oh one more thing no body is going to buy it for that much it is used lower it to like $88 because it's a deck-
Hello,Is it possible to send the item to Sweden, where my friend lives?The address is below,I will make the payment instead of her to save time.My bank account name is 〇〇.I am aware of the cost for the shipping from Sweden to Japan, but can you tell me how much the postage cost by normal post, just in case?Also, Could you pack the item carefully?
やあみんな。いつもブログを見てくれてありがとう。実は明日から1ヶ月間をかけて世界中を旅します。今回は残念ながら家族を日本に残して私一人で旅する予定です。 世界中で日本の製品がどのように販売されているのか、この目で見て廻ろうと思います。以下のスケジュールで世界を周るんだけど、もし近くにいたらいっしょにお茶や食事に行きませんんか?それほど英語が得意ではないけど、直接みんなと会えることに価値があると考えています。もしよかったらフェイスブック等でメッセージをもらえると嬉しいです。
Hi there,Thanks for always reading my blog. Actually, I am going to a world trip tomorrow for a month .Unfortunately I can't take my family with me this time, it's sad leaving then in Japan. Anyway, I am planing to see how Japanese products are sold at markets all around the world. My travel schedule is as follows, If anybody is around that area, let's get together and go for cup of tea or meal! My English isn't that good, but I think meeting you all worth than anything.If you are interested, please send me a message to my facebook etc. '
Hello. Fixing every thing up. Dont now how Much the shiping is to Japan. And I'm fixing the box for the safe ride posible to Japan.
Some call it a miracle. Others an enigma of the culture. But the statistics surrounding the amount of high-tech startups that are conceived in Israel is astounding. A small country, with roughly 7.6 million people, has approximately 4,800 startup companies and attracts far more venture capital per person than any other country in the world. Dubbed as The Startup Nation, Israel outweighs the United States in venture capital investment per person, totaling $170 per person compared to $70 per person in the US. Not too bad for a country that was established 65 years ago.
ある人々はそれを奇跡と言う、その他は、文化のエニグマと言う。しかし、ハイテク startupsの周りにいる人たちは、イスラエルの驚異的な想像だという。おおよその人口7百60万人の小さな国で、約4800の startup 企業と、それに魅了される企業数が人口1人に対して、世界中のどの国よりも多いのです。The Startup Nationとして吹き替えをされたかのように。イスラエルは、人一人に投資する企業が、アメリカよりも勝っており、それはイスラエルが1人につき$170に対して、アメリカでは$70となっています。国家としては65年前に発表されたにしては悪い数字ではないのですが。
Noted on below mail. Can you please advise the complete forwarder details asap. we will arrange the booking asap. Also please be reconfirm our Invoice & Packing list are approved or change. Kindly confirm.
TV is more suitable for family entertainment than the radio, precisely because it makes so few demands, leaving one with plenty of attention to give the noisy grandchild or talkative aunt. If the programmes required greater concentration, one would resent the distractions which inevitably attend the family circle. The less demanding the programme, therefore, the more outgoing and sociable everyone is, which makes for a better time for all concerned.
こんにちわ。メール有難うございます。弊社のフォワーダーは、IFS(http://www.ifsjpn.co.jp/com/)となります。フォワーダーより、連絡を入れるよう伝えます。荷揚げ港は、東京 です。最終目的地は、弊社倉庫の 栃木県栃木市泉町15-10 となります。残金につきましても、早々に支払手続きを進めさせていただきます。宜しくお願い致します。
Hello,Thank you for your email.Our forwarder is IFS(http://www.ifsjpn.co.jp/com/)I will let others know to contact you from this forwader.Tokyo is the port of discharge.The final destination is our warehouse, the address of 15-10 Izumicho, Tochigi, Tochigi 328-0014 JapanI will soon process the payment of the balance.Best regards,
Thank you for contacting us.I am Taro from ABC shopWe are still waiting for the product that you have returned to us.I think I can check the delivery progress on DHL website.As soon as we receive the item, I will process the refund to you.Thank you.TaroCase manager