Singapore-based back-end developer Jeffry Lum is a child prodigy who started programming at age five and KL-based front-end developer Wafiq Rodzuan used to work in the same post at both Groupon and KFit.As for the 22-year-old Shetty, he was in the midst of studying Applied Mathematics at Nanyang Technological University before he dropped out to work on his startup. PlusMargin isn’t his first time at the startup rodeo as Shetty also previously started a crowdsourcing platform for brands before realising the idea had no product market fit.
Hi, when I ordered, I thought there was free shipping - this was very unclear to me. The postage is about $10 I believe. I give you permission to use my credit details for this amount only. I assume you would then safeguard my details. Jackie Sutton
Thank you for your reply.I send an Excel file about a record of helmet 20 I bought, please fill in safety standards for each helmet to the Excel file.Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan asks to me about it.I'm sorry, but please do that.
一つお聞きしたい事がございましてご連絡させて頂いたのですが、ご提供して頂いた商品ですが、Gemtech社のマークが商品ページに掲載されているマークと違う事に最近気が付いたのですが、ご提供頂いたこの商品のGemtech社マークは何か特別なタイプなのでしょうか??ご参考までにお聞き出来ましたらと思い、ご連絡させて頂きました。 返品したいとかではないので、ご安心下さいね。お手隙の際で構いませんので、ご返信頂けましたら幸いです。
I would like to ask you that is a product that had you provided.I noticed recently that it is different from the mark, which is posted on the product page the mark of Gemtech's. Is Gemtech's mark of this product something special?I contact you because you might have some information. This is not or anything like to return this product, so please do not worry.When you are not busy, please reply to me.
こんにちは。6月21日に「Gemtech Tactical Pistol Lanyard Black TRL」を購入させて頂きました田中と申します。先日は素敵な商品をご提供頂きまして、本当に有難うございました。大切に使わせて頂いております。
Hi there.I'm Tanaka. I purchased "Gemtech Tactical Pistol Lanyard Black TRL" on June 21. Thank you very much for offering such a wonderful product.I am using it carefully.
お知らせいつもご利用ありがとうございます。さて、今後の機能向上が望めないことから「○○○○」の更新を停止することにいたしました。つきましてはAndroid版「○○○○」への移行をお願いしたく、お知らせいたします。下記のボタンをクリックし「○○○○」ご購入後、メールにて請求番号をお知らせくださいませ。返金の手続きをさせていただきます。*Google Playからご連絡でもOKです。よろしくお願いいたします。
NotificationThank you for always using.Well, we've decided to stop the update of "○ ○ ○ ○" because it can not be expected features of future improvements.I will inform you to ask the transition to Android version of "○ ○ ○ ○".After the purchase of "○ ○ ○ ○" click the button below, please inform us the claim number by e-mail.I will refund it.* It is OK to contact from Google Play.Thank you.