How long have you been in operation?What related products do you sell?What are your plans for exposing Hemi-SyncR products to your market? For example, do you intend to advertise, to offer presentations or workshops? The information will help us know how best to support you.__Please consider referring Hemi-SyncR customers to me. I can guarantee a quick response to newinquirers._I wish to receive walk-in customers._I wish to receive phone/e-mail customer referrals._I do not wish to receive referrals.What would you like from us to help you market our product successfully?
御社が事業を始めてからどのくらいになりますか。どのような関連商品を販売していますか。市場でHemi-SyncR製品を知っていただくため、どのようなことを計画していますか。例えば、広告を出す、説明会やワークショップを開くことなどをお考えですか。この情報は御社をサポートする最善の方法を考えるうえで参考となります。_Hemi-SyncR の顧客をご紹介いただけるよう、ご検討ください。新規のお問い合わせに対して、迅速に対応することを約束いたします。_事前連絡なしの顧客の来店を望みます。_電話またはメールによる顧客のご紹介を希望します。_顧客のご紹介は望みません。御社が弊社製品の売り込みを成功させるために、弊社に望まれることは何でしょうか。
This Agreement is entered into this___day of_______,20 __ by and between Interstate Industries, Inc., d/b/a Monroe Products, a Virginia corporation, ("MP") and__________________, whose principal address is___________________, ("Dealer "). In consideration of the mutual promises herein,Dealer has the right to market, sell and stock MP products in accordance with the followingprovisions:
This Agreement is entered into this___day of_______,20 __ by and between Interstate Industries, Inc., d/b/a Monroe Products, a Virginia corporation, ("MP") and___あなたの会社名___, whose principal address is___あなたの会社の住所____("Dealer "). In consideration of the mutual promises herein,Dealer has the right to market, sell and stock MP products in accordance with the followingprovisions:本契約はバージニアの企業でMonroe Productsの名前で事業を行っているInterstate Industries, Inc.(以下MP)と___あなたの会社の住所____に本社を置く____あなたの会社名_____(以下Dealer)との間で20 __ 年、_______月___日に締結されたものである。本契約において交わされた契約内容により、Dealerは以下の条項に従い、MP の製品を市場に出し、販売し、仕入れを行う権利を有するものとする。--------------------------------------------20 __ 年 __ に下二桁の数字を記入します。(2011年の場合、11を記入。)___day of_______ 最初の___には日にち(例:1日=1st 2日=2nd 3 日=3rd 4日以降は全て数字にthをつければ大丈夫。4th 5th 14th 28thなど)2番目の_______には月名(例:1月= January 2月=February...)(以下MP)、(以下Dealer)はこの契約書の中で、これ以降はMP、Dealerと表記する、ということ。MPはMonroe Productsの略。Dealer=販売店、販売業者、つまりあなたの会社。「あなたの会社名」と「あなたの会社の住所」は英文と日本語訳の文章では順番が逆になっているので、記入する際は英文の方の順番に従ってください。(自然な訳にする都合上、逆になっています。)market=「市場に出し」は「売り込み」、stock=「仕入れを行う」は「在庫を保有する」という感じの方がいいのかもしれません。だいたいこんな感じで意味は理解できるだろうとは思います。(大体じゃなくて正確な意味を要求されていたとしたらごめんなさい。)
Thank you for contacting us.Regarding the patient in question, you need to send his/her medical data first so that a doctor in charge can diagnose him/her based on it.The data will help a doctor in charge judge how well cell transplantation will work for him/her and estimate cellular quantity needed for transplantation.Cellular quantity for transplantation differs depending on each patient's conditions. The cost of a surgery will be estimated based on it.his/her とhim/herとなっている箇所がありますが、患者さんの性別がわかっている場合、どちらかを選んでください。
After having passed his jeweller exams, he worked 5 years in a classical jeweller shop where he learnt his craft. Then, he got more and more attracted to fashion and moved to Paris where he rapidly got the opportunity to create accessory lines for a designer house. This success enlightened him and he worked as a freelance for other designer houses. Le financial crisis at the end of the 90s and particularly in Japan reduced his creativity; now Paul is asked to create basic and commercial collections. After visiting a number of countries, he arrived in the United States where lives his best friend. He discovers art in Santa Fe.
- ユーザーインターフェースの改良- アイコンデザインの変更(サンタクロースが来ても困らないように屋根に煙突を付けてみました)
- Improved user interface- Change to the icon design(A chimney is put on the roof so that Santa Clause won't get confused when he comes)
In April 1980, I married Afrozi. There was a big ceremony in Dhaka to which we invited many of the ministers I knew and bankers with whom I worked. Afrozi and I met several years earlier when we were introduced by mutual friends. She was a Bangladeshi teacher and researcher in advance physics and was then working at the University of Manchester. She was as comfortable in the Eastern and Western worlds as I was. By November 1982, the Grameen Bank membership stood at 28,000 out of which less than half were women. How did we achieve this jump from the less than five hundred members we had in Jobra in 1979? The secret can be stated in one word: slowly.
dry roasted peanut in a crunchy cereal coating enrobed in milk chocolate
展示会来週にせまっているので本日中に下記 ブランドサンプルの確 実な入荷日を教えてく ださい。また、生産が難しい場合は、 期間限 定のレンタルでサンプルができるか 教えてください。サンプル手配は、 今後の買 付にもかかわる重要な件ですので、宜 しくお願い致します
The exhibition is due next week and there's not much time left now, so would you tell us exactly when I can manage to receive the brand samples below? If it's difficult to produce them anytime soon, then is it possible for you to lend me the samples for the brands for a limited time? Please note that to arrange for samples in time is crucial for us and that can affect our future purchase orders. Thank you.
I really appreciate your support. I know you're extremely busy now but you'll come all the way to Japan to help us. I can't thank you enough. There's one thing I need to ask you regarding booking a hotel you'll stay. If you stay at a hotel near Kansai International airport, you'll have to leave the hotel very early in the morning the next day, before 7am, because Osaka university is far away from the airport. If you take a limousine bus to go to Osaka city after arriving and stay at a hotel there on 23th, then you would have more time the next morning befor you leave for Osaka university. Which would you prefer?
Ahhh... It's good to be the other. Finding solace in this estranged nature.
Hi. This is my first time here, so let me just try how this site works. I'm Jason from Singapore. Nice to meet you. (Great Japanese! :) )
* Just trying how this translation service works.
As the time passes, it appears less often.As the time passes, it develops less often.
Items with wide variety of designs are increased, including canceled ones. To apply new fabrics to the previous models can work, but you have to keep in mind that repeating that too much could make customers less interested in them.While pants drew lots of attentions, skirts didn't get good reactions. I think the more tops are enriched, the more bottoms become important. It would have been good if the idea of parody print which was popular in men's wear had been adopted to women's lineup. The number of silk items are decreased but quite a lot of them are still around. Cotton items are must in every collection all year around.
Regarding the brand, I received a its line sheet but haven't ordered anything yet. It's just a small number but can I place an order now? If I do so, when can I receive the items I order. Also, if it's impossible for you to accept the return of the samples, I'll talk with my boss to convince him not to return them. In that case, I'd like you to give us 50% discount.
1:A Missouri mother has become an internet hit after writing an eloquent defence of her decision to allow her five-year-old son to dress as a girl for Halloween.Sarah, who writes the Nerdy Apple Bottom blog and describes herself as a “cop’s wife”, hit back at critics who told her she should not have let ‘Boo’ wear a girl’s costume and said she would not care if her son grew up to be gay.She told how the five-year-old begged to be allowed to dress up as Daphne from Scooby Doo this year for a pre-school party.Her only worry was whether he would change his mind after she ordered the costume, as five-year-olds tend to do.
1:ミズーリ州に住む母親が自分の5歳の息子がハロウィンで女の子の仮装をすることを許したことについて、力強く自己弁護してネット上で大注目となった。Nerdy Apple Bottomブログを書き、「警察官の妻」と名乗るサラはかわいい息子に女の子のコスチュームを着させるべきではないし、息子が将来ゲイになってもどうでもいいのだろうと批判する人々に対して反撃した。彼女は彼女の5歳の息子が今年幼稚園のパーティーでScooby Doo のキャラクターのDaphneに仮装したいとどれだけ彼女に懇願したか説明した。彼女の心配はコスチュームを注文したあとに、5歳の子供によくあるように息子の気が変わるかどうかだけであった。
2:But after she was condemned by other mothers at the Bible-belt school, she wrote: “He’s gay. Or he’s not. I don’t care. He is still my son. And he is five. And I am his mother. And if you have a problem with anything mentioned above, I don’t want to know you.”Boo, who “flipped out” with excitement when his costume arrived, wore it to the Halloween party where his friends had no problem with the colourful outfit.However, the costume, complete with a wig, pink dress and boots, drew negative attention from other mothers.On her blog, Sarah recounted how three mothers at the party were shocked and disgusted that she had allowed her son to dress as a girl.
3:She was told that she should not have “allowed” him to wear the ostume because other children would be cruel and ridicule him.Boo apparently affered no such problem.Sarah concluded: “If you think that me allowing my son to be a female character for Halloween is somehow going to ‘make’ him gay then you are an idiot.“Firstly, what a ridiculous concept. Secondly, if my son is gay, OK. I will love him no less. Thirdly, I am not worried that your son will grow up to be an actual ninja so back off.”
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As for the charges, I believe I deserve some recognition from this board.