クリスマスがもうすぐやってきますね(日本では正月が一年のビッグイベントになります) 日本のスタイルでは 一年間はおめでたい言葉は禁句になっているので いうことができませんがおゆるし下さい
Christmas season is coming up near. I understand it is the biggest holiday of the year there as New Year's Day is in Japan. Please understand and accept my unuttered best wishes for you; it is our Japanese tradition to prohibit any happy words for one full year since then.# 「クリスマスが近づいていますね。日本ではお正月が一年最大のイベントであるように、# そちらではクリスマスが 一年でいちばん大切なイベントだと理解していますが、1年間は# おめでたい言葉を禁ずる日本のしきたりで、この手紙ではクリスマスを寿ぐ言葉を贈る# ことができません。でもあなたのことは大切に思っています。」というニュアンスで訳しました。
将来義理のお父さんとなるわけだからなにか相談したいことがあったらアドバイスをください。 私は英語がうまくないですが 何でも学ぶことが好きなので 一生けん命勉強したいです
You are my future father in law. Feel free to talk to me and give some advices to me. I am not a good English speaker, but I love to learn, I want to learn, with my heart and soul.
By the process you work hard, you might not succeed, but you will surely be a better self. Why don't we evaluate the process as well as the result. Don't get blurred by the common measure by success. That's a topic you should wisely avoid.
A person who learned to do his/her best will flourish at the next stage of his/her life, even if he/she cannot succeed at the current stage. If you evaluate somebody by his/her progress, you will notice that we all can make a progress everyday, even if it might be a small step.
Once one succeeds (in shoplifting or something), he wants to repeat it.
Be brave and record your own voice to listen how it sounds later.
English varies slightly from country to country. Do we need to learn each variants like British and American English from one to another?
Nobody seems to remember Prime Minister Taro Aso. I cannot tell who is the current prime minister of Japan.
This site is on the verge of existence.
I cannot find any good reason to work.
Some people think they receive their salaries as the compensation for all the nightmares they had at the company.
This is all the proof I need to conclude that the Japanese speakers are the minority in the world.
No native English speaker uses this site? I do want to see how a native English speaker translates Japanese into their mother language. Well, maybe we have no native English speakers who understand Japanese enough or only a few of them, if any...
I feel chilly cold and want to put the heater on, but I cannot find the controller.
I have a throbbing headache.# 頭がガンガンズキズキ痛い場合。個人的にはこちらの表現の方をよく使います。# I personally prefer this expression.I have a splitting headache. # こちらは頭痛の程度が酷いことだけを言いたい場合
本体 (第1段ロケット、第2段ロケット、宇宙船アダプタ、支援船、打ち上げ脱出システム、支援船用アンテナ)、月着陸船下降段(脚固定タイプ)、月着陸船下降段(脚開閉タイプ)、月着陸船上昇段、縦置き用、横置き用台座、解説冊子
Body (includes the first-stage rocket, the second-stage rocket, spacecraft adapter, support ship, Emergency Egress System (EES) for astronaut evacuation during launch, and antenna of the support ship), Lunar Module descent stage (with fixed legs), Lunar Module descent stage (with retructable legs), Lunar Module ascent stage, vertical and horizontal stands, and practical guide.
This site looks too simple to me. It might be the big appeal at the same time, but it could have some more devices like graded service and easier payment.
Some people keep working with depression. My father says he was depressed mostly though his thirties but he just worked feverishly. He is now 72 years old after he worked up until the official retirement age.
Why don't one participate as much as possible in society even if he/she has to cope with some stress, once his/her depression improved. Or should he/she live the whole rest of his/her life without doing anything, without any stress or reason for living?
I don't absolutely disagree to the opinion that a patient with depression should quit doing whatever they don't want to do, but difficult relationships and stress in society are a part of our daily life to some extent.