And the ones who have been aboard our vessels, the ones you probed? You're sure they won't remember?
Cruel. But you said it yourself, who wants to meet meat?
I hear from back home the pundits beating the drums again 4 war.
n bed watching a movie. Good night:)
He had a long, good life; yet he will be solely missed.
Just submitted an article on 3 YouTube Mistakes and what to do instead - should be out soon!
YouTube に問題点を3つ、対策案と一緒に上げたところです。結果はじきに確認できるはず。
What a year its been, what a monster.
To all my amazing fans,Thank you for making Bad Romance #1 in the UK! I love you more than anything.
すばらしいファンの皆さん、Bad Romanceをイギリスのナンバーワンに押し上げてくれてありがとう!最高に愛してるよ。
RT @gandhi_bot: I prize even the failures and disillusionment's which are but steps towards success.
RT @gandhi_bot:失敗して夢から覚める――そんな経験の数々も、見方を変えれば成功への大事なステップ、私は評価します。
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As of 2007, there were 43 women in the House of Representatives, about 8.9% and 42 in the House of Councilors, about 17.4%.
Every little thing was shiny. Jingle Ball. What a way to end the year.
Tonight was one of those nights you don't ever forget the details of.
What a party, I am so sure I have the best fans in the whole world, thank u for 3 amazing nights vancouver.
The nightmare of a roundabout in Montgomery would require a Westmalle Tripel before breakfast!
The Adobe Photoshop Family offers a variety of photo editing software and photo editing programs.
AdobeのPhotoshop Familyには、写真編集用にさまざまなソフトやプログラムが搭載されています。
Do they teach U inJPN that there is a thing in Ur body called a liver that doesnt appreciate alcohol
Photo shoot all day, followed by dinner with Emma stone.
Now in four languages: english, japanese, portuguese (Portugal) and portuguese (Brazil);
現在、次の4言語に対応しています: 英語、日本語、ポルトガル・ポルトガル語、ブラジル・ポルトガル語。
in each series, left-to-right and right-to-left have an identical goal and connotation.